Ths Scott and Adrian Story
As stated previously, Scott and Adrian were the orginal fans of MS. But how did this come about?  Not without some help by Craig and Matt.  As any other writers trying to force their material down other peoples' throats, Craig and Matt actually cornered Scott in the acting room at Wilson shortly after the first episode was written.  Upon hearing it, Scott was seen to laugh.  We do not know if he actually found it funny, found it depressingly funny and was laughing at Craig and Matt, or if he was humoring them to let him go.  Scott was already known for stirring the passions of other otherwise heterosexual males, and was perhaps afraid of any unwanted advances on the part of Craig or Matt.

We have been assured by lawyers of both authors that there were not, nor were there any planned, or attempted advances by either author.

We believe much the same method was done to Adrian.  However it all started, Scott and Adrian quickly became legitimate fans.  Whenever a new episode was completed, Matt and Craig, for an audience consisting of Scott, Adrian and often a few others from the drama department, would perform the newly completed scene.  Though many did not appreciate the forming masterpiece that they were privy to, new fans were won.  With the likes of Sean "Titties" Tittle and Katelyn (we don't know how to spell her last name) the fanbase started to grow.

It was soon after this, before Craig's departure with episode 6 (an episode considered by many to be one of the classics of the still young franchise) that Craig and Matt decided, for what reasons we do not know, that the series' total length would be 20 episodes.  Each episode thusfar had been only two pages worth of writing, so it seemed as thoough this goal would be promptly met.

That's when it all went wrong ...
The Creative Drought