
    There are a few websites which I like.  Though I can't subject you to them, I can suggest
    them to you.  Yep.

Ok, so I don't have that much yet.  There's not a lot of things that I care to advertise for.  I got the shout out for Craig's site, and what page is complete without a link to The Onion?  I'm sure I'll add more, but for now, deal with it.
X-Men 3D - I know everyone out there loves X-men.  Go see Craig's
                        site.  It's muy good.
- if you don't know The Onion, you don't belong here.  I mean Earth.    Not just this website - yeah, I'm a big fuckin' Phish fan, what do want?!  This is where
                            I spend way too much of my time.  Got a problem with that?!
                            I'm such a nerd.  I'm sorry. - Sports sports and more sports, Oregon style.  This
                                            be everything you need in the way of sports in
                                            Oregon.  You'd abe a fool not to use it.  A damn