

Latest news, events and requests
June 15th-
Added some new updates to my other site if you would all like to check it out :)

May 22nd-
Added a great new link to the feng shui section love tips!! Also added some great new grpahics and ideas to my romance section

May 19th-
Added new look and a few bits and bobs here and there!

March 11th-
Opened up a Country Kitchen on my Country Site, so I hope you will just spend a few moments to visit there and add your fave recipes :)!!

February 24th-
Updated diary yesterday and also did more work on my Country Garden site.
Added a new adoption from Jennie, especially for St Patricks Day :)

February 17th-
After the sad demise of The Rumbles, I have decided to join Seven Wonders of The World- a new site fights contest!
I will soon place up banners to vote for me etc...but you can click the link above and start now :)!

February 10th-
Added new awards and gifts
kindly made for me personally
Jennie (muchas gracias amiga!)
Also in process of updating
diary, adding a new Holiday page and a few more ideas in the making for you!! :)

February 6th-
Starting to get new graphics
and titles etc for new name,
also thanx to
Jennie and Nutmeg so far for banners and gifts to christen the name change :)! ThanQ!!

February 5th-
**New Name!!**
I have decided upon;
Butterfly's Romance Garden
as my new title! I hope u all like it!
Just need a few days to make the changes (new titles, banners etc)

But feel free to change links now, and if any of you can help by sending me new banners or gifts with the new name on, then please do via my gbook or email

Looking for my
other updates?? They are HERE!


*Brand New!*
Contents Page;
Detailing every page to help you navigate round :), happy surfing!!

Romance Section,
This Way!

Introducing Butterfly!
A section about me.

View my Diary!

*New* E-Cards to send!!

Tour My Webrings!

Beautiful gifts and awards!

My Banner & Banner Exchange!

Win my Award!!

View and Add your Link.

Click here for my Latest News Diary.
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