Faeries are one of my favorite mystical creatures.  The most widely-known description of faeries are small pixieish creatures with wings. Sometimes Faeries is spelled fairies, but I like the spelling of faeries better.

Faeries have been known in history to be tiny flying magical human-like creatures.  Some, like Tinker-Bell off of Peter Pan, have Pixie dust, which can give others the ability to fly.  Others can guide and light the way for those who are lost, like Link's friends off of the Zelda video game.  They are usually brightly-lit and very beautiful if you can see their actual figures through their radiating light.  Some even have pointy ears ^_^

There is a list of famous and powerful faeries here at faeries.org.  Most have long back histories and are very interesting to read about.  I would love to learn anything there is to know about faerie lore and mythology so if ne one has any books or stories about faeries, please please PLEASE send me the titles or links or stories or ne thing and i will post them here!

Here are some of the links i have found so far on faeries: