Leopard Gecko Info

The Leopard Gecko is probably the most easily cared for herp in the world.Given the right conditions it will become your new best friend (or at least mine did).Leopards live about 20 years! so don't pick this
lizard if you cannot keep him for life!


Leopards are probably the easiest to house,too.A single Leo can live a perfect life in a 20 gallon Long

     Many keepers have argued for years what the best substrate or flooring  for their Leo's.I keep mine on paper towels because she is a juvenile.Adults can stay on sand,paper,and paper towels.
DO NOT PUT BABIES OR JUVENILES ON SAND BECAUSE THEY MAY EAT IT AND BECOME IMPACTED,WHICH THEIR STOMACHS GET BACKED UP AND THEY WILL DIE!!!!!!!!!Sands that are good are T-Rex calci-sand which is said to be completely 100% digestible but i haven't tried it myself,yet.Some keepers put their Leo's on asto-turf but I personally think it looks totally unnatural.I have even heard that it will scratch the bellies of your herp and cause cuts and bruises.ANOTHER SUBSTRATE THAT IS BAD IS  CEDAR SHAVINGS BECAUSE THE VIOLATE OILS GIVEN OFF ARE KNOWN TO BE DEADLY TO LIZARDS!!!!!


   Leopard geckos come form a naturally hot and dry
area (Pakistan and Afghanistan).Therefore it needs moderatly warm temperatures.I keep my Leopard gecko at about 90 degrees farenheit in the day and about 70 degrees farenheit at night.I use a 60 watt normal light bulb that anyone uses in their house,
though I DO NOT recomend it.Reptile lamps and bubs are readlily available at any pet shop that I know of.


   Leo"s,being nocturnal,need a place to hide/sleep during the day.I have a curved piece of bark that can be purchased at any pet shop and a plastic cave that I found laying around my house.Use your imagination but do not make it that the Leo can stay out of sight all the time.

                         HUMIDITY SHELTERS

  Humidity shelters are a MUST.They are easy to make and offer your Leo a place where it is humid and that is an essential part in your herps shedding process.I use a GLAD container with a 2 inch hole cut in it.I put about 2-3 layers of paper towels in the bottom and lightly soak them with room temperature water.Vermiculite is also widely used.


  Leo's feed on a variety of insects.They eat crickets,
mealworms,waxworms,and for adults,pinkie mice.Crickets are the most popular food for a Leo with mealworms close behind.Waxworms are a fattening meal that should be given once a week.Crickets and mealworms can be given every  day to a juvenile Leo and every other day to an adult Leo.Both crickets and mealworms should be given with a supplament.These are simple  powders that can be put in a bag with the crickets/mealwoms and lightly shaken.The powder will stick to the food and will go to the lizard.Adults will occassionally eat pinkie mice.They are small pink mice that do not have their fur yet.These are best administered when thawed from being stored in the freezer.The bottoms of the mice should be dipped in the supplement.The supplements are easily obtained at any pet store with reptiles.Adults should be supplemented every 2-3 feedings but juveniles and babies should be supplemented every feeding.Babies should have small crickets.


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Last updated-7/27/02
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Written by Justin Kubasti
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