22nd March 2001

Happiness. Is chilling out after a long, long day in the park on a warm sunny day, watcing countless scottish terriers and chao chaos go zooming by with their owners in tow. In stark contrast, to apathy, which is walking to work under an impassive, drizzling cold grey sky. The weather in london is fickle - some might say, even femininely so.

I haven't been updating my webpage, this I confess. I've been away out of london, and then back in london having exams, and then just too apathetic to care about my webpage, too busy, too full of excuses :)

And I don't think I am going to update this webpage very regularly anymore; thanks to the few of you who did use to come back here to check for updates; I'm sorry I've let you all down in a way... but I also know how vanishingly few you all are :) Should I pull the tired line about being handicapped as a male out of my hat... nah, not today, it's too wonderful a day for grouching :)

I have finals coming up, I have the Big Ones around the corner. I don't want to have to think anymore, I just want to live... just to cruise. Just to savour happiness, and study my brains out. I need to - that's the way the priorities have lined up. Ancient words of wisdom suddenly ressurrect themselves in stark clarity, along with slight tinges of regret.

So let this be one of my infrequent updates then, just to tell everyone... I'm still here :) And I know new and wonderful things about html, like how to justify text and make java buttons :) perhaps I'll do that for this page, someday.


XZ, 2001