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  Track & Field Athletics Australia    by Graham Thomas 

Profile - Marjorie Jackson


Marjorie Jackson

  • Born 1931 Coffs Harbour
  • Australia/New South Wales/Lithgow
  • Height - 5'8
  • Weight - 8 stone 12 lbs

    Marjorie Jackson became known as the 'Lithgow Flash' in 1949 when she defeated Olympic champion Fanny Blankers-Koen in a series of races.

    She proved this was no fluke with world records for 100y and four Empire Games gold medals in 1950.

    In 1952, Marj became the first Australian woman to win an Olympic athletics champion with a world record win in the blue riband 100m.

Marjorie Jackson Biography - Coming Soon!

The above biography is a basic profile. As soon as I have time, the more detailed bio will replace this page.

An unofficial, non-profit, just-for-fun, page but © 1995-2002 by Graham Thomas