Before                                                                           After 1 Session of 3242 Follicular Unit Grafts
My hair transplant experience at the Seager Hair Transplant Centre is the reason I have published this website.  Welcome to all.  I would like to encourage and hopefully enlighten others that are suffering from thinning or balding  to consider hair transplant surgery  as a permanent solution to their hair loss problem.
     I use the word "suffering" with intent.  My personal experience of embarrassment and the sense of utter helplessness that I felt as I watched the hair on my head get thinner and thinner from year to year.
    I actually started losing my hair at the age of 24.  I remember to this day, the morning that I looked in the mirror, and for the first time, actually realized how "far" my hair had receded in the temple areas.  It felt like a bad dream and one that I would never wake up from.  I was right. In the years that followed, I got a hair transplant from a plastic surgeon that only began to experiment in hair restoration.  This resulted in 10 plugs being placed on each side of my temples.  When the hair had finally grown in, the plugs were unnaturally spaced apart, and left my scalp looking worse than a doll's head.  The assisting nurse actually told me not to get the procedure done on the way into the operating room. I should have listened to her - but I was still young (28).......and desperate.
    My only resort, following this unsuccessful venture, was to shave these few hairs every morning and to keep in mind, the lesson I had learned about seeking rewarding results from an unqualified and inexperienced practitioner.
    Following this procedure, I grew my hair longer, embarked on a 15 year Minoxidil treatment plan that seemed to successfully retard the hair loss to a minimal annual degree of hair loss.  That was, until I turned 45, when my hair loss seemed to accelerate at a faster rate than it ever had, whether I was using Minoxidil or not.
     It was about this time that my family and I relocated with the company that employed me.  I found myself visiting with my new family doctor, and seeking information about Propecia. A prescription was written for me and I was now taking 2 medications for my hair loss problem - "neither" of which ever grew any hair for me, but, hopefully were still of benefit in successfully decelerating my hair loss situation.
    I wish I could say that I researched the hair transplant web sites or did some intensive reading and studying concerning hair loss and hair transplantation, but I can't.  I came across a newspaper ad from the Seager Hair Transplant Centre and after carefully scrutinizing the "before" and "after" pictures of the model in the ad, called the Centre out of desperation.  That turned out to be the BEST phone call of my life.  It started the ball rolling for the incredible hair transplant results that I received from the Centre and started a new lease on life for me. (See my pictures below if you don't believe me!!!)
    The receptionist at the Centre arranged for an early appointment with Dr. Seager, Dr. Simmons and a few other staff members, who were not only employed by the Centre, but who were also, enthusiastic and successful candidates of the Seager Hair Transplant "surgery and technique".  My wife accompanied me to the Centre for this first consultation, for both encouragement and for moral support.  When we got to the Centre, we were both impressed with the genuine sincerity of the doctors and staff at the Centre, in addition to their extensive knowledge, ability to answer all of our questions and their bed side manner, that removed all the anxiety, stress and embarrassment that I had felt when arriving to the Centre.
    Dr. Seager spent a good deal of time talking with me and my wife and examined my hair loss and drew lines on my head to create the placement of a hair transplant that would yield the fullest and most natural results.
Area to be  transplanted.
    Being an artist myself, I could appreciate not only the surgical skill of the doctors at the Centre, but their artistic ability to create the most natural and best result for each patient's unique hair loss situation.  I  felt at all times, that my particular case received the ultimate, in personal attention.  A surgery date was arranged for June 2002 and I eagerly awaited that date.
    The day of surgery arrived.  My wife accompanied me as the surgery was scheduled early in the morning.  Movies were available to watch during the procedure, but I decided to bring a few favorites of my own.  I was informed the total surgery experience would be an all day venture.   I remember the doctors and nurses making me feel totally at ease, receiving a sedative, watching the beginning of the first movie and then hearing the doctor say it was lunch time already and that the surgery was pretty much half over.  I experienced absolutely no discomfort throughout the whole surgery and at 6:00 p.m. I was released to go home with my wife, as the designated driver.
Photographs taken immediately after surgery was completed.
Frontal View.
Side views.
Top view.
    The detailed literature provided to me by the Centre, suggested that the patient should be driven home since the surgical sedative may not be worn off at the time of departure.
     I got home, having been provided with explicit directions and medications that allowed for a very successful and uneventful recovery.  I experienced no shock loss and no cysts.  The scabs fell away after a few days, the staples removed a few days later.  The slight pinkness on my scalp, disappeared so that not even one person at work suspected that I had anything done.
    The rest of my HAIR TRANSPLANT STORY was like a DREAM COME TRUE.  6weeks post surgery; the hairs started growing all over the front and top of my scalp.  A hairline was forming and I was contemplating hairstyles from Men's Hair Salon magazines. Dr. Seager and his staff had successfully transplanted 3242 follicular unit grafts and provided me with a hair result that, after just 6 months, was and is phenomenal - to say the least.
    They say a picture is worth a 1000 words, and while I tend to be enthusiastically wordy when it comes to the hair transplant, provided to me by the Seager Hair Transplant Centre, my "before" and "after" pictures, SAY IT ALL.
                                           Before                                      After 1 Surgery  - 3242 Follicular Unit Grafts
   Before  side view                                                 After 1 surgery - 3242 Follicular Unit Grafts
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me or you can visit the Seager Hair Transplant Centre website for more information.