Golden Age Green Lantern

Before Batman drove fear into the hearts of criminals, before Bruce Wayne was even born,
engineer Alan Scott wore an extraordinary power ring, and protected Gotham City as its first saviour, uttering this oath...

"And I shall shed my light over dark evil...
For the dark things cannot stand the light!
...the light of the...

At a convention not long ago, my buddy Josh got to meet the creator of the original and best Green Lantern, Mart Nodell. Knowing that I was a big fan
of Alan Scott, my friend graciously bought me a signed comic and an art print from Mr. Nodell, much to my undying delight!

Click on the links below to view each of these wonderful treasures:

Zero Hour

Alan Scott

To learn more about the Golden Age Green Lantern or Mart Nodell,
click on any of the following links:

Alan Scott Profile

Mart Nodell Biography

Mart Nodell Interview