It's THEM!

It's THEM! - Cover

"Since I renounced my super-powers and became an ordinary mortal..."

"Oh, dear GOD -- I thought you were THEM!"

It's THEM!

This is THEM!

Put on the dog collar, says THEM!

"Don't you DARE put THAT on!" says Diana

Di vs. THEM! - P-KLOW

Di counts three

Throws a little light on the situation - KLIK

The first thing Cathy needs is a BATH!

Shampoos Cathy's hair

In the bathtub - "I found THEM!"

Hugs a teary-eyed Cathy - "If my parents ever found out about THEM..."

Puts Cathy to bed

Threatened by the WEIRDO trio - "It's THEM!"

Life in danger? The first thing you need is some HIP clothes!

Hassled while grocery shopping - "He's friends with THEM!"

More grocery hassles

Sure, they can threaten her life but when they start slashing her clothes, THEN she wants to go fight 'em!

Diana 1

Diana 2

Di and Cathy in bed

Snoopy Di

Sly Di

Snitch Di - CRASH at 301 Blocker Street

"Someone's throwing MOLOTOV cocktails into the shop!" - WHOOMP WHEEEE

"It was THEM! They did it!

Di & Cathy offered a place to stay by neighbor

Di awakens in bed, stretching and yawning

Di leaps out of bed and transforms into ... Di

Di buckles up

Wide-eyed Di

Di confronts THEM!

Di offered dog collars

Di vs. Top Hat, leader of THEM!

Di twists Top Hat's wrist - YAGHHH

Flattens Top Hat 1 - BLOMM

Flattens Top Hat 2 - SLAMM

Happy Di 1

Happy Di 2

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