The Golden Women and the White Star


Smashes out of glass tube (detail) - Cover

Smashes out of glass tube, shot at - Cover

Smashes out of glass tube (detail) - Splash page

Smashes out of glass tube, shot at - Splash page

Uses giant telescope

Worried close-up

Will consult with her scientific associate, Paula

At Paula's lab

Brilliant scientist Paula wants to call the Holliday Girls for help?


"Look, the Holliday Girls!"

"Oh, fudge!"

Ask your doctor if Hydronitigin is right for you

Climbs into projector

Hydronitigin-covered close-up

Shot high into the stratosphere

On the Red Planet



Sucked into giant vacuum

Sucked through tube

Sucked into individual tubes - WHIRR!

Caught in tubes

Locked in tubes - SNAP! SNAP! SNAP!

Tubes hoisted through holes

Golden Women and tubes

"Punishment!" says the Queen

"How fiendish!" says our heroine

Smashes her tube

Smashes other tubes

Swimming to safety

Queen realizes error

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