The Prisoner

Marriage at gunpoint - Cover

Tied up - Splash page

"Not one step further!"


"What a spot for the Women's Lib movement ...!"

"Maybe I'm the one millionth customer ..."

Rough hand clamped over mouth

Flips bad guy

A whirlwind of outraged female fury! - KRAK

The police arrive

"I saved MYSELF!"

Escorted to the palace

Meets her twin -- Fabiola the Princess

Two princesses

"You could be my TWIN!"

Escorted out

Carried out unconscious

Asked to do a great favor

Intense close-ups

Kisses the Prince

Eyes pop - Inking done by DICK GIORDANO

"What have you done with my Fabiola?"

"I'm a COMMONER--"

Tied up in a secret room in the palace

Still tied up

In bed

Wears a wedding gown

The bride delivers an un-princess-like blow

Secret passage/swordfight - CLICK CLANG

Swords and switching clothes - SWISH

Reads her mail

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