The Secrets of Circe

Transforms from a doe into WW - Splash page

Circe, the villainess - Splash page

"You are in my power at last!"

Steve's taking off by rocketship in an hour

Steve & Di discuss travel safety

Transforms into WW and jumps out window

Meets the sexist Mr. Sharpe & Mr. Dulle

Gives a man a hand while making a remark of her own

Steve & WW discuss travel safety

WW & Amazon scientist Paula monitor the rocketship from Earth

Distracted, deflects gun shots - CLANG! CLANG! BANG! BANG!

Paula notifies WW of Steve's return

Deflects more gun shots - CLANG! BANG!

Lassoes thugs

Sees Steve's ship is out of control

"Athena grant me strength to catch the rocketship!"

Catches the rocketship

Stunned to discover ...

... the only thing in the rocket is an owl!

Rejoins Paula

The owl explains all

Rocketship crew meets Circe

Rocketship crew turned into animals by Circe

The owl finishes his tale

"We must find Steve and the others!"

Searches for Steve

Discovers the caged animals

Circe offers WW the dangerous drink

WW slaps away the glass - CRACK!

Circe tries to stop WW from lassoing her

Lassoes Circe

Drenched with magic dew

Transforms into a doe

Wonder Doe finds the antidote and returns to normal

Plans to use a real doe to deceive Circe

Circe mistakes the real doe for WW

Frees the animals and restores them to human form

Recovers lasso

Lassoes Circe for another tentatively happy ending - Circe's going to be taught a little discipline

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