The Amazon Bride

WW & Green Lantern on the football field - Cover

Bound as Steve's blushing bride; with Cupid - Splash page

Steve drags Di out to dinner - "Oh, Steve! You're so STRONG - What chance has a weak gal to resist you?"

Di & Steve dance; gangster tries to cut in - "Hands off, pal!"

Gangster grabs Di, pushes Steve

Di watches Steve clobber gangster

Di gushes over Steve; gangster carried out

"It's certainly fun for a girl to be bossed around by a great big handsome man like you!"

Caveman Steve forces to Di to drink his coffee - Little do they know it's been poisoned by the gangster!

Di, hair down, in bed, with headache, stomach ache & drowsiness

Wakes up later that night with a funny feeling

Transforms into WW

Smashes nightclub door

Sees gangster about to knife Steve

Tackles gangster

Struggles desperately - "What's the matter with me - I seem to have lost my Amazon strength!"

Rescued by Steve

On the floor

"Something's happened to me - I seem to be weak!"

Manhandled by Steve - "Aphrodite forbids us Amazons to let ANY man dominate us ..."

"Boss me!"

Rejects Steve's marriage proposal - Man, that's one romantic bartender!

Dizzy with love, she accepts Steve's marriage proposal in a WEAK moment; clings to her man

Weakened, begs to be Steve's secretary - "Let's see how fast you can type!"

Takes dictation from Steve in more ways than one

More typing

Confronted by gangsters while typing

Strikes the pose

Too weak to deflect gangsters' bullets

Brought to her knees - "I - I'm FINISHED!"

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