I like to do a little something on this part of my site that I really enjoy, I get alot of hate mail here and there and I think these people are really sad and seriously need to get out more.  No matter, every time I get one of these I am dying to post it on my pity page because sometimes children people need to be put in their place.     -Rob
Well, dont feel so, we've posted some advice for you if you are feeling a little hurt.
"What a waste of web space, I think you fucktards have alot to learn about freedom of speech.  If you dont like what I put on my site rip your eyes out...or simply turn off your computer you fucking idiot.  Dont waste the rest of your brain juice (if any) on your bullshit site, get a job..make yourself usefull."                -James
Well, This one was it?  you have alot of learning to do..give me your address I will mail you a dictionary.  Now, listen to me closely.. . freedom of speech means I can and will do whatever I want here so..I dont see the problem here man, relax...dont take it up the ass so much.   -Rob Massive
"I like your site    but    I dont like it that you have to act like you are anything special.  Why do you have to mock people?  All I said was that I didnt like to date outside my race, but I have nothing against anybody else.  You dont have to be such a dick, and next time dont email me I dont talk to losers."   -Diane B.
Well princess, I dont think I mock anyone I just like to praise people like you.  And yes I will be a dick when I have to be.. you pissed me off and unfortunately I had to serve it to you the best way i know how. Well, I dont think I am a loser and I dont think you are anything special my darling but I admire you trying.  I promise to never email you again, you lack interest.    -Rob Massive
More reply's coming soon.....
We presented Mr. Robert from with a award and a personal page dedicated to him in (gotheshit?) this was his genius reply.
Blow me.  I could give a shit what you think.