Le lingue artificiali dal Seicento a oggi: bibliografia

[Artificial languages from XVII Century to present: bibliography]

di Claudio Gnoli


  • Trattazioni generali [General information]
  • Lingue filosofiche e religiose [Philosophical and religious languages]
  • Lingue internazionali ausiliarie [International auxiliary languages]
  • Lingue fantastiche e personali [Fantastic and personal languages]
  • Lingue logiche e láadan [Logical languages and Láadan]
  • Nota [Note]

    al testo in italiano
    to the English text [coming soon]

    Trattazioni generali  [General information]

    ALBANI, P. & BUONARROTI, B., 1994. Aga magéra difúra: dizionario delle lingue immaginarie. Bologna: Zanichelli.

    BAUSANI, A., 1970. Geheim- und Universalsprachen: Entwicklung und Typologie. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. [Ed. it. ampliata: Le lingue inventate: linguaggi artificiali, linguaggi segreti, linguaggi universali. Roma: Ubaldini, 1974.]

    BOGART, C., [s.d.]. Constructed human languages. <http://www.quetzal.com/conlang.html>. [Agg. 1998.]

    CONSTRUCTED LANGUAGES. <mailto:listserv@brownvm.brown.edu>, "subscribe conlang".

    COWAN, J. & EVERSON, M. [s.d.]. ConScript Unicode Registry. Ver. 2.0. <http://www.ccil.org/~cowan/csur>. [Agg. 1997.] [Anche: <http://www.indigo.ie/egt/standards/csur/index.html>.]

    DULICHENKO, A.D., 1990. Mejdunarodnye vspomogateljnye jazyki. Tallinn: Valgus.

    ECO, U., 1993. La ricerca della lingua perfetta nella cultura europea. Roma, Bari: Laterza.

    HARRISON, R.K., 1992. Bibliography of planned languages (excluding Esperanto) . <http://www.vor.nu/langlab/bibliog.html>. [Agg. 1997.]

    HARRISON, R., [s.d.]. Artificial language lab. <http://www.vor.nu/langlab/index.html>. [Agg. 1998.]


    KENNAWAY, R., [s.d.]. Some Internet resources relating to constructed languages. <http://www.sys.uea.ac.uk/~jrk/conlang.html>. [Agg. 1998.]

    MARAZITI, P., 1996. Aleppe. <http://gilda.it/aleppe/>. [Agg. 1998.]

    MORNEAU, R. [s.d.] <ftp://ftp.eskimo.com/u/r/ram/conlang/README>. [Agg. 1995]

    PELLEREY, R., 1992. Le lingue perfette nel secolo dell'utopia. Roma-Bari: Laterza.

    ROSENFELDER, M. [s.d.]. The language construction kit. <http://www.tezcat.com/~markrose/kit.html>.

    SCHLEYER, J.M., 1880. Volapük: die Weltsprache. [Ripubbl. Hildesheim: Olms, 1982.]

    Lingue filosofiche e religiose [Philosophical and religious languages]

    BORGES, J.L., 1960. In: Otras inquisiciones. Buenos Aires: Emecé. [Trad. it.: L'idioma analitico di John Wilkins. In: Altre inquisizioni. Milano: Feltrinelli, 1963.]

    COUTURAT, L., 1901. La logique de Leibnitz. Paris.

    COUTURAT, L., 1903. Opuscules et fragments inédits de Leibnitz. Paris.

    DALGARNO, G., 1661. Ars signorum, vulgo Character universalis et lingua philosophica. London: J. Hayes. [Rist. facsimile: Menston (Yorks.): Scholar, 1968.]

    DE SACY, S., 1813. Kitab asl al-maqasid wa fasl al marasid, Le capital des objets recherchés et le chapitre des choses attendues, ou Dictionnaire de l'idiome Balaïbalan. Notices et extraits des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Impériale [Paris], 9: 365-396.

    KOMENSKÝ, J.A., [dopo il 1642, incompiuto]. De rerum humanarum emendatione, 5: Panglottia. [Trad. it.: Verona: Libreria Editrice Universitaria, 1991.]

    LEIBNIZ, G.W., 1666. De arte combinatoria.

    LEIBNIZ, G.W., [inediti]. [Trad. it.: Scritti di logica. 2 v. Roma, Bari: Laterza, 1992.]

    LEIBNIZ, G.W., [inediti]. [Trad it.: Saggi filosofici e lettere. Bari: Laterza, 1963.]

    WILKINS, J., 1668. An essay towards a real character and a philosophical language. London.

    Lingue internazionali ausiliarie  [International auxiliary languages]

    ALFANDARI, A., 1965. Méthode rapide de Neo [etc.]. Bruxelles.

    COUTURAT, L. & LEAU, L., 1903. Histoire de la langue universelle. Paris: Hachette.

    COUTURAT, L. & LEAU, L., 1907. Les nouvelles langues internationales. Paris: [Hachette].

    DREZEN, E., 1928. Historio de la mondolingvo. Moscow. [Pubbl. anche a Lepizig, 1931. Nuova ed. Moskvo: Eldonejo Progreso, 1991.]

    GODE, A. & BLAIR, H.E., 1951. Interlingua: a grammar of the international language [etc.]. New York.

    GODE, A., 1951. Interlingua-English: a dictionary of the international language prepared by the research staff of the IALA. New York.

    JACOB, H., 1947. A planned auxiliary language. London: Dobson.

    MATEJKA, A., 1955. Vollständinger Lehrgang in Interlingue, der natürlichen Welthilfssprache. St. Gallen.

    MIGLIORINI, B., 1986. Manuale di esperanto. 4. ed. Milano: Cooperativa Editoriale Esperanto.

    MONNEROT-DUMAINE, M., 1960. Précis d'interlinguistique générale et spéciale. Paris: Maloine.

    OGDEN, C.K., 1930. Basic English: a general introduction with rules and grammar. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co.

    OGDEN, C.K., 1934. The system of Basic English. New York: Harcourt Brace.

    PEANO, G., 1915. Vocabulario commune ad Latino-Italiano-Français-English-Deutsch pro usu de interlinguistas. Cavoretto, Torino.

    PEANO, G., 1927. Interlingua. Cavoretto, Torino.

    STOJAN, P., 1929. Bibliografio de la internacia lingvo. Genève: Universala Esperanto Asocio. [Rist. anast.: Hildesheim, New York: G. Olms, 1973.]

    Uniono por la linguo internaciona, [s.d.]. Ido. <http://www.idolinguo.com/>.

    ZAMENHOF, L.L., 1905. Fundamento de Esperanto. A. Albault. [9. ed.: Marmand (France): Éditions Françaises d'Espéranto, 1963.]

    [Anonimo, s.d.]. Glosa international auxiliary language. <http://www.oocities.org/Athens/Acropolis/6223/glosa.html>. [Agg. 1998.]

    Lingue fantastiche e personali  [Fantastic and personal languages]

    BELL, D. [s.d.] The Wizard's language workshop. <http://www.spacelab.net/~dbell/ammantxt.htm>.

    DONNARUMMA, T.R., 1997. The Streich language and the world of the Hélu. <http://www.oocities.org/Area51/Corridor/9868/streich.html>.

    ELZINGA, D., [s.d.]. Tepa reference grammar. <http://www.u.arizona.edu/~elzinga/tepa.html>.

    GAVIOLI, M.M., [s.d.]. Kinya: an introduction. <http://www.iris.firenze.it/~mmg/kinya.htm>. [Agg. 1996.]

    HARRISON, R.K, 1992. Introduction to Vorlin. <http://www.vor.nu/vornet/vorintro.html>. [Agg. 1998.]

    PEARSON, M., [s.d.]. A Tokana reference grammar. Introduction. <http://www2.humnet.ucla.edu/humnet/linguistics/people/grads/pearson/tokintro.html>.

    ROUDAUT, J., 1985. Les langues imaginaires. In: Roudaut, J. [& al.]. De l'ordre et de l'aventure: mélanges offerts à Pierre Oliver Walzer. Neuchâtel: Baconnière : 7-20.

    SCHOEN, L. & SHOULSON, M., [s.d.]. The Klingon Language Institute. <http://www.kli.org>.

    SMITH, A. <http://www.earthlight.co.nz/users/andrew>.

    TOLKIEN, J.R.R. The Lord of the Rings. [Trad. it.: Il Signore degli Anelli. 26. ed. Milano: Rusconi, 1993.]

    YAGUELLO, M., 1984. Le fous du language: des langues imaginaires et de leurs inventeurs. Paris: Seuil.

    Lingue logiche e láadan  [Logical languages and Láadan]

    CARTER, J., [s.d.]. A short description of -gua!spi. <http://www.math.ucla.edu/~jimc/guaspi/short.msg>. [Agg. 1991.]

    COOKE BROWN, J., 1960. Loglan. Scientific American, 202(6): 53-63.

    COOKE BROWN, J., 1989. Loglan 1: a logical language. 4. ed. Gainesville (Florida): Loglan Institute.

    COWAN, J.W., 1997. The complete Lojban language. Fairfax: Logical Language Group.

    ELGIN, S.H. A first dictionary and grammar of Láadan. 2. ed.

    SPERLING, K., 1996. The womanlanguage: Láadan. <http://www.interlog.com/~kms/Laadan/>. [Agg. 1998.]

    SUMMERS, N., 1997. Liva: a logical language by Claudio T. Gnoli. Upd. 2.1. <http://www.hutch.com.au/~nsummers/liva.html>.

    VILVA, V. webmaster, [s.d.]. Lojban: the logical language. <http://xiron.pc.helsinki.fi:80/lojban/>. [Agg. 1997.]

    Nota. Gli indirizzi in rete sono stati consultati nell'autunno 1998. La forma delle citazioni bibliografiche, in particolare per i documenti in rete, è stata scelta ponderatamente in base sia a convenzioni diffuse che a criteri personali.
    [Note. Online addresses have been visited in Autumn 1998. The form of bibliographic references, especially concerning online documents, have been chosen on the basis of both widespread usages and personal criteria.]

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    to the English text [coming soon]

    || Le lingue artificiali dal Seicento a oggi. Bibliografia # 1 / Claudio Gnoli <gnoli@aib.it> -- Yahoo!-Geocities <http://www.oocities.org/Athens/Agora/7070/l-a-bibl.htm> (1998.12.01-2001.08.22-)