Mrs. Smith's Second Grade
Thomas Merton Academy
May 5-9, 2003

RELIGION:  This week we will work on Chapter 25 in our religion book.  We will read and learn about Mary, our Mother.  We’ll begin our religion class by praying the Hail Mary.  We’ll learn that Mary is part of God’s plan for us.  She is the mother of Jesus and our mother, too.  We will read Bible stories about Mary and her special feast days.  Some of the feasts we’ll read about are the Annunciation, the Visitation, the Assumption, and Our Lady of Guadalupe.  Our faith word is about angels and how they are messengers from God.  We’ll review the rosary and how to pray the rosary.  We’ll write prayers to Mary and pray for our own mothers here on earth.

 MATH:  This week we will complete our Math Portfolio.  The students will choose samples of their best math pieces that show their grow this year.  They will write a cover letter to tell their strengths and weaknesses in math.  They will bring home their math journals and other math pieces at the end of this year.  We are continuing our daily “mad math minute quiz” on basic subtraction facts.  We also work on telling time, counting money, and place value at daily Calendar Time. 

READING: In reading we will complete our Language Arts Portfolios.  The students will choose their own best piece and other samples of their writing skills.  They will write a cover letter to tell about their strengths and weaknesses in language arts.  For their reading log we will print out their Accelerated Reader List on May 16th.  I’ll send you a copy at the end of the year so you can keep a record of the AR books your child read this year.
All students must read for at least 15 minutes every night as part of their nightly homework.  Some students are having a hard time finding AR books in our classroom library since the TMA Library is closed.  I did tell them if they have books that they want to know if we have an AR computer test for to tell me the title and I will check it on the computer.

Monday, May 5-
Class Switching Day

 Tuesday, May 6-complete math portfolio 

Wednesday, May 7-School Mass at 8:30
Complete Language Arts Portfolio

Friday, May 9-Student Council sponsored Field Day for whole school
Non-Uniform Day
(Rain date is May 14)

Monday, May 12-Spirit of Jefferson Cruise 

*for reading this newsletter and staying informed

*for checking your child’s backpack and reminding them to clean it out each night

*for reminding your child to practice their math flashcards

*for looking over your child’s work in their daily folder

*for encouraging your child to keep working everyday even though the end is quickly coming

*for all students that are working on their AR goal (due May 16)

All students must follow the uniform code in the TMA Handbook.  No bracelets, nail polish, or ruffled socks may be worn to school. We go outside for recess so the students should wear sensible shoes for safety reasons.

Congratulations to the students that received their First Holy Communion April 27.  We are very proud of their commitment to their faith.  Thanks for being great faith friends and showing them God’s love in your daily lives. 


Weekly Spelling Words





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