Works Cited

Bagby, Meredith.  “Gen X is Seated at the Kiddy Table.”  MSNBC 20 Nov. 2000 <>.

Berman, Dennis K.  “The Young and the (Still) Listless.”  Business Week 27 November 2000: 56.

“Candidates Struggle to Attract Young Voters.”  MSNBC  23 Oct. 2000 <>.

“Election 2000.”  CNN  15 Nov. 2000 <>.

Eddings, Jerelyn, and Jeannye Thornton.  “Voices from the Gallery.” U.S. News & World Report 121.18 (1996): 28-32.

Feldmann, Linda.  “Renewing Democracy, One Young Voter at a Time.”  Christian Science Monitor 92.221 (2000): 2.

---“Will E-Voting Turn things Around?”  Christian Science Monitor  92.221 (2000): 4.

Gonnerman, Jennifer.  “Bite the Ballot.”  Village Voice 41.45 (1996): 39-42.

Peterson, Amanda.  Personal interview.  25 Nov. 2000.

Schiff, Kareena Gore.  “Give it to us Straight.” MSNBC 20 Nov. 2000 <>.

“Young Americans Don’t Like What They See.”  Campaigns & Elections 20.10 (2000): 9.

“Young Voters Tune Out Election.”  MSNBC 20 Nov. 2000 <>.

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