0.10  02-01-11
- First public release

0.11 02-01-14
- Fixed bug with importing of USA R&R producct
- Fixed bug with opening of serial port whenn requesting maps.

- Fixed problem with external productlist.
- Changed handling of file-sizes of internall map-names.
- Added popup-menu to edit with gpsmap.exe.  (Must be in path)
- Fixed saved settings for products. Too badd all old settings for
products will be discarded. :-(
- Added plugin MapExtractor. Can extract mapps from Garmin units. 
- Improved handling of newer garmin-productss. MDR files still doesn't work. (search index)
- Changed handling of getting internal mapnuumber. Now it works with
newer maps. 
- Added handling of unlock-codes for simulattor. All unlock-codes are
- Lots of internal rewriting for how imgfilees to send to gps are made.

- Fixed problem with Handling of Street Piloot 1 identification data.

0.14 02-05-27
- Added possibility to handle locked maps. ((Unlock codes)
- GarminSimulator (added binary debug possibbility)
- Changed handling of routing information. RRouting information
  is removed if unit doesn't support it.
- Time remaining (during map-transfer) dialoog fixed.

0.15 02-05-30
- Removed bug introduced in last version thaat made almost everything
  not work. A serial speed change aborted all communication. :-)

    Source: geocities.com/garminmaploader