Garmin Mapsource maps download - MapLoader

MapLoader are a plugin for GPSExplorer.

Maploader can:

Screendump of maptransfer in progress

MapLoader problem


No usage description yet, but guess how it works...

FAQ about map downloading

Q1. Is it possible to do incremental map download?

The memory in the unit is like a filesystem so Garmin can most likely,  if they want to, add the possibility of doing incremental downloading by releasing a new mapsource program. It is very unlikely that they have to do any changes in the GPS.

Q2. If it is possible, Why doesn't your program do incremental map download?

 I don't know the serial command "Set program area to map-flash". Normally erase flash does that.

Q3. Why so slow download?

Garmin Serial Emulator - GarminSimulator

Use the plugin GarminSimulator to debug the downloading of maps. Not perfect, but quite ok.  To start GPSExplorer with the simulator:
java -cp GPSExplorer_XXX.jar GPSExplorer GarminSimulator

Garmin Mapsource Map Extraction - MapExtractor

This plugin can be used to extract maps from a unit which has maps downloaded with mapsource inside.

The maps are not identical with the ones transferred from the beginning to the unit, but the data in the map is identical.

Known problems