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   Hail and welcome to the homepage of Crimson Twilight.  For best site performance please use MSIE 4.0+, this site will not look correct with Netscape.

Update -April 18th; Since the last update we've gotten the first kill on the buffed Innoruuk on Drinal, Killed Trakanon 3 times and had a good amount of fun.  Grats to Hobbs on completing his set of Mrylokars Armor and grats to Satya, Nefarius, Uzzu, and Battlestaff on their Trak BPs.  Artaanis, Arconis, Battlestaff, Daisie, Nefarius, and Safeire have all completed their Epic Quests recently and many others are close. 

Update - February 24; On Wednesday we offed VS again.  Sarec got the stone and was able to complete his epic, Artaanis got the wizard staff, and of the two pair of Cobalt Greaves that dropped, Kildem won a pair :) 

Update - February 15; We are now a VS capable guild (grats to Milene on her DW greaves) and we've offed him once, however within the last month the number of VS capable guilds has more than doubled and we are facing a sharing problem.  The other day  The Kindred invited a group of us on a Trakanon raid and we won on the first attempt! Woot! :)  Too many new faces to mention so I won't try.

Update - January 5; Guild is working towards the goal of Venril Sathir and as such we're basically on a leveling binge with some planar raids to keep things fun.  Some new faces in the guild since Nov. 9 but I can't keep track of what their names are.  Seems like everyone's been in this guild forever :)

Update - November 9; Little bit of a facelift for the page as you can see, welcome our new members Mogard, Neve, Juniper, Colosussa, and anyone else who I have forgotten.  Recently we have moved onto the planes and are having good success.  Congratulations are in order to all of us for a very successful recent Hate raid in which we cleared the plane and took out Innoruuk and Maestro.  Grats to everyone who won something.

Update - October 20; Crimson Twilight in its entirety has moved to the Drinal Server.  We became the first to kill a dragon on the server and are enjoying continued prosperity.  We are beginning to wind down our dragon efforts to concentrate on the drive to the kunark dragons, and other such uber mobs.  Also, welcome to new members Corbin (Gandalin), Ranis, Vinadar, Azii and anyone else who may be new to our ranks.

Update - October 1; Today, after slaying Nagafen and claiming 2 Cloaks of Flames (won by Arasi and Nemesiis); Gell, Garbink, Arasi, Duril, and Rahan all recieved their Fiery Avengers.  Thanks to everyone in the guild and out that helped.  

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