This is a great service everyone get a account! That's where I get all the Communication Tools frrom! (See on the maain page right below
the floppy disk pic.) If you get this you can have it too!
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P2P is a type of network made for file sharing. Some have viruses [KaZaA, Warez P2P]. This site is dedicated to providing top notch p2p with out viruses! P2P is good since the government cant take files off users hard drives like they can with websites, and since P2P takes filez right off of users' hard drives the file stay on forever or until the P2P network gets shut down for piracy, adn what not, but then you just switch to another network, I used to use WinMX but they shut it down, u think that's gonna stop me from sharing files???

MUTE P2P Program to Connect to the MUTE P2P Network [No Viruses*]
ARES P2P Program to Connect to the ARES P2P Network [No Viruses*]
Soul Sleek [SSLK] P2P Program to Connect to the Soul Sleek [SSLK] P2P Network [No Viruses*]

* No Viruses as far as I know!! Subject to change without notce, but I notify if I can but take no blame if I don't...

Other P2P programs not worthy of this site
These are P2P apps not worhy of being above becuase they have viruses and/or spyware. I put them here so you may see for your self at YOUR OWN RISK. USE AT YOU OWN RISK I TAKE LESS THAN NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THESE!!!

Kazaa [Had a virus possibly from an other program that put it there...]

Warez P2P [Has a virus the very first time I ran it.

Some other cool programs!

Messanger for Windows