An Ode To Bush Parking
                                 By Shwy
I cannot park,
this is no lie,
I backed into a bush,
that has started to die

It now has a following,
Of Tory and Me,
The Wench encourages us,
cuz Dude! Its for free!

Its now a competition,
How high, how far?
Bush bits go flying,
It all depends on the car!

Oh hey, we have a groupie!
The Wench wants to buy the shirt!
She switchs car to car,
Oye, what a flirt,

One day it will be an Olympic Sport,
Held at U-hill,
Oh and a can of coke,
o' top of the car cannot spill!!
(we've done that too!)

Honest to god, no joke, Tory and i had competitions last year to see who could go further into the bushes when we parked. It was a hell of a good time. This poem is on here, dedicated to both the Wench and Tory.
Hope you enjoyed it!
Look at it go into the bushes!!!! YAY!!!!!!