Donations to my personal food and shelter fund can be flat-out grants, or, better yet, can be contingent on my performance of some literacy/Cronkite Draft/gaia brain-related public service. Alternatively, you could send money to Emma Frey Elementary, with the stipulation that they use it to hire the most experienced, most highly trained reading tutor available for $8/hr. Currently, that is me. I am working there now 28 hours per week. I love it! (A targeted contribution to a public school may be tax-deductable. Consult your tax accountant.)

Producers of computer hardware and software can send me equipment and software packages, or vouchers to purchase the same, with the stipulation that I go to the homes and community centers of people who have not yet seen the capeabilities of the modern technologies--so that I might showcase these remarkable technologies and stimulate imaginations to think about how we might apply them. I would like any such arrangement to focus on low-income and younger audiences. And to award me clear ownership of the Demonstration equipment after a pre-arranged number of presentations.

Other possibilities: Send me money with the stipulation that I tutor at the local homeless shelter one hour for each eight dollars sent, or donate to the Shelter with the suggestion that they use the money to hire me as a tutor.


John Champagne

Gaia Brain Theory
Cronkite for President
Comment on 'Gaia Brain: Capitalism/Communism Synthesis'
at Idea Exange - Society for Organizational Learning : Look for the 'Respond' button at top

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