The waltz of the Antichrists:

Gaétan Mailloux, december 2003.

Translate from my french version.


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Table of contents.

Introduction........................................................................ 1
The two Antichrists, the truth and the false............................ 3
The false archaeological document........................................ 7
The rapture of the Christian, before or after tribulations ?...... 12
The difficult revelations...................................................... 16
The shroud of Turin........................................................... 17
Conclusion......................................................................... 20

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Events of September 11, 2001 and a war against Iraq one revived, at
some, the fear of the arrival of the Antichrist and a third world war
otherwise even of the end of the world.

Ousama Ben Laden now followed Saddam Hussein and Mu'Ammar Kadhafi as
pretender to the ungrateful role of Antichrist. Yet none among them
can be the real Antichrist, I give reasons of it to the medicated
chapter of antichrists.

Many wait for the end of the world and Jesus' return for soon, but
lots of events can occur and can scramble cards.

Since so many years, so of false alerts one to muddle cards that the
apocalypse became for many a topic of mockery.

It is necessary to remember that no one knows the date and the hour.
But we know by many signs that it is probably in this century and
maybe same from here about twenty years that tribulations and Jesus'
return will become a reality.

But before the arrival of the Antichrist, disturbing but distorded
revelations, traps and false documents, distresses and many other
things are going to shake the major part of the Christian of all
denominations, so that it will put in doubt the existence of only one
God and Jesus' resurrection.

The discouragement and the doubt will either choke or kill the faith
of a big majority of Christians in the world, including those that
are, or believe themself, or that say to be born again, they will be
suck in the whirlwind of the big apostasy and risk to finish among the
blind sheep that will follow the false Christ.

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Chapter 1

The two Antichrists, the truth and the false.

The Antichrist describes in the Bible is very different than the
popular imagery, that describes it like a military and mad man, a kind
of war monster, an apocalyptic, or a mad politician, a man with the
number 666 written on the forehead or the nape.

Several former candidates to this sad title followed each other in the
past. There was Neron, Caligula, some popes, Napoleon, Hitler, and
many others.

There are now modern versions as Ousama Ben Laden that now followed to
Saddam Hussein and Mu'Ammar Kadhafi as pretender to the ungrateful
role of Antichrist.

Who are our three principals pretender of the Antichrist's throne?

Ousama Ben Laden

Ousama Ben Laden, now again more sadly fears and famous since
September 11, 2001, was born in 1957 to Ryad in Saudi Arabia. Son of
a Yemenit family he inherited his father's fortune. In the beginning
of his academic survey he had years a dissolute life, but his meeting
with a Palestinian of the name Abdullah Azzam, historic and spiritual
ringleader of the Ammas group, transforms him deeply and pushes him to
the deepened and obtuse reading of the Koran.

The invasion of Afghanistan by the USSR in 1979 inflames the young
mind of Ben Laden and he is among the first has enroll itself against
Russian. Little by little he becomes the terrorist that one now
knows. Certain see him as the future Antichrist, I doubt it. And now
to the other candidate tour in list.

Saddam Hussein

Saddam Hussein was born in 1937 in Tikrit in Iraq. He becomes
president of the republic Iraqi. Hussein is a religious, atheistic
forgery he converted in Islam to win the favour of the Moslem of his
country and the remainder of Islam! In 1980 he declares the war to
Iran and in 1988 intervenes a cease-fire. In 1990 he invades and
annexed Kuwait, what triggers in 1991 the war of the gulf. HE
actively sustained, but more discreetly now, the anti - American
terrorism. He was again the ideal candidate ideal for Antichrist's

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Mu'Ammar Kadhafi

Mu'Ammar Kadhafi, which many one forgotten, was born in 1942 in Syrte
in Libya. In 1969, a free officer coup d'etat made of Kadhafi the
master of Libya. His support to the terrorist organizations to
surroundings of years 80 worth him of the American reprisals and makes
him known to the western world. He was also, at this time, a
candidate to Antichrist's famous role.

Well other has or still always on this list of candidates, like the
pope, the president of the United States, Bill Gâte, and even the
World Wide Web of the Internet, etc...

None of between them cannot be the real Antichrist. It is necessary
to forget the idea of a military Antichrist and chief of an army. He
will only be after some times, but especially not in the beginning,
because all expecting a soldier or a politician dictator, in good
strategist it is necessary to know that he will come under a saint's
shape, the Antichrist will win this world without weapons. In short
in the beginning... for some years.

Since some years the geological and meteorological distresses are very
frequent, and the global warming accelerates them. Thus, with a war
and distresses, great number of peoples would fear that it is now the
end of the world.

A man is going to conquer and unify the Middle East, all will believe
that he is the Antichrist, and then he will be killed or will
disappear suddenly, to be replaced by the seducer, the real Antichrist
that he will tell himself to be the saviour and will take control and
bring the peace to strengthen his power on earth.

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The Antichrist's great power is well more in the seduction and the
nice talking that in an army, the Antichrist is the one that will
disown Jesus and will want to take his place, while speaking of peace,
sharing and justice... he will seem light.

For the Christian he will tell himself to be the Christ, for the
Buddhist he will tell himself to be the last of Buddha, for the Moslem
he will tell himself to be the successor of Mohamed, and so on...

It will be a man of big charisma and as all would believe to see the
end of the world, this man has a saint's pace, this false Christ,
would arrive to save the world. He would be the founder of a lie
religion embroidered of some truths that would be unique and world

Forget those histories and movies or the Antichrist is an admitted
sorcerer with a mark of three 6 on the forehead or the nape, because
such a man would not have been able to influence on a big part of the
world population that would mistrust of him.

The Antichrist could even surround himself with a false Jesus, a false
Buddha, a false Mohamed, or all other similar characters, so that all
religions seem to be represented.

He will be a being, to saint's paces, and as a being has multiple
personalities, a holy facet and a facet to hide, diabolic and
egocentric. He believe himself to be a saint who wants to save the
world and to put an end to inequalities on earth, but he is just a
man, not the Christ and not even a saint.

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This false Christ, who will be the head of a small group of false
masters, will seem to make or will make in all good faith, all
possible but very relative effort, and this with big miracles, to
change the world according to the popular ( but distorted) ideas of
the justice and the sharing. But all that with an enormous pride, and
disguised blasphemy towards God and Christ.

Nearly all will see a saint there, they will follow him with joy, in
any case in the beginning... The Antichrist will be a surprise, of
big miracles, big movement of crowds, big conversions, the black will
seem light, the true light will be hidden and veiled by the false

To all it will be added a world government and only one currency. The
present technology and the Internet their will permit a narrow
surveillance of our private life and opinions.

Many peoples will take the mark of the Beast to make live their
family, they will say that they continue to believe in Jesus and that
it is only to feed their family that they enter in the system of the

This is not only a mark but also a minuscule electronic implant under
the skin or in the body, they can also make it without no visible and
recognizable mark, without awaken suspicions, yet the Bible is clear
in the texts of the apocalypse, it is written, to don't take the mark
and and enter in the world system direct by the Antichrist and the
Beast, and even though it is only indirectly, they would direct
nevertheless the system.

Don't believe that you are going to see a 666 on a mark or an implant
and besides this is not necessarily a physical mark, because the
Antichrist knows what people wait and believe about the mark,
therefore in good strategist and in seducer he will make everything
that is able to make something else different that what is known and
waited from all.

And there are means then so that the mark or the electronic implant
become well more dangerous than it will seem, they can be used jointly
to the nanotechnology for the indirect control of your thoughts and to
make you docile as sheep and under the Antichrist's control!

The nanotechnology is a new science and technique that permit to
manufacture objects of the size of a cell or same of a molecule.
Already of micro-robots that one names nano - robot and size of
molecule is now functional.

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It will be possible to insert a large number of those nanos robots in
the mark or the implant of the beast, these ways those nanos robots
would go in the brain by the arteries and would generate minuscule
electric stimuli that would change you progressively to brought you to
be very receptive to the Antichrist's words.

To avoid taking the mark will be to make exchange of good and services
between those that won't want to be in the world system and the
Antichrist's religion. At its abolition the currency of paper could
be to keep and not to be put back to banks, so it would be a
currencies in a parallel economic system. You will also leave
cities and to unite you in small community and to make culture
and raising livestock to be autonomous, and have a solar panels
and a wind charger for electricity, etc...

Chapter 2

The false archaeological document.

Since the beginning Jesu had a lot of enemies, a large number of
people since centuries done everything to discredit Jesus and the
Bible, and this in all possible manners.

Above all the goal of Jesus' enemies is to destroy a big part of the
Christian faith in the world and therefore to push them in the big

There were all ways of assaults against the Christian faith, the
extremist sects, and well of other things.

Now remains to come, the seducer (the false Christ, the Antichrist).
One of the first stages before the arrival of the false Christ is the
near complete loss of the Christian faith in the world, the big
apostasy, without this stage, the coming of the seducer (the
antichrist) would be impossible, because he would have too many
oppositions to his projects.

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I believe that it would be especially an archaeological discovery that
will cause the rise of the big apostasy and the fall of an incredible
number of Christians. The texts would say that Jesus didn't die on
the cross or is not resurected.

A large number of people of all classes hate the idea of the
resurrection of Jesus and would be the most fervid apostles of this or
these false text(s), scientists would get involved in a crusade to
convince people that those texts would be true.

A big apostasy would follow the text revelation, the truth of the
Bible would be rejected by a greater number than now and a short time
after, the false Christ would gain in strength.

One can also expect some kind of official encounter with aliens whom
they would bring their doubtful version of a religion that would
exclude Jesus Christ, the such being arrival on earth could cause big
religious crash and the fall down of the Christian faith.

It is possible that there is not only angels elsewhere in the
universe, even though there were other planets with intelligent
beings, and in spite of all their marvellous technologies they would
be only our neighbours, they would be created by God, and some could
be even God's enemies.

I had, by the daily use of the Internet, the opportunity to talk with
Internauts of the world and often they confide me of news on the
various topics. Some among them are fascinated of sciences,
archaeology, history, physics, as well as the Bible. To several
opportunities of people spoke me of a underground rumor since several

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This rumor concerns the biblical texts and a directly supposedly
historic document. History abounds of false documents, some tell
themselves Essenians, there is also the gospel of Thomas that is a
forgery with a strong Gnostic resonance, and then at the thirteenth
century ,Tibetan monk, in answer to the arrival of Christian
missionaries, had created of all pieces Jean's false gospel that was
of course with strong Buddhist tendencies.

Examples of these kinds are not always rare and continuous same in our
time. But until now it was very imperfect forgeries and sometimes
coarse, but that one will be sharpness and a perfection that will hurl
down the great apostasy.

I already suspected that something as a false archaeological discovery
or a false old document would come to give a very big stroke sooner or
later against the Christian faith in the world. The document or
artefact would say or would suggest strongly that Jesus is not

Some various science people and specialties have, since decades, to
look for, by all means that they could pay for themselves, found or
counterfeit one or of documents that would imitate the style and the
writing of one of apostles and that would say that Jesus is not
resurrected. The key test that should pass the document will be the
one to the carbon 14.

Although since good numbers of years some put back in question the
precision of the famous test to the carbon 14, that is to eyes of too
many people the supreme test, this test is taken again very seriously.

Although most people believe that word papyrus is to describe an
Egyptian document, the papyrus was used at the time of Jesus in Middle

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The parchment in goat skin was another material for the writing, and
for the shorter texts they used ostrasases that were merely fragments
of potteries. I don't believe that the public will make a difference
there anyway to the apparition of the false document.

There are two possibilities mainly. The first is old and far from us.
It would be the result of a man's hate that would have lived at the
time of Jesus.

This man would have become friends with a friend or a disciple of
apostles. HE could spy on their life and gestures and could choose an
apostle easily accessible. He would have stolen the papyrus and ink,
as well as a text wrote by this apostle.

Once the all in hand and with a good knowledge of life and Jesus'
words this man was able to either to make it of himself or to ask have
a forger, because there were already forgers at this time.

The remainder is easy imagined. Then he would hide this text in a
remote place that would become one day an archaeological site, the
text would be discovered nowadays among other documents and consider
as authentic.

The other method is modern. Because if no serious and practically
perfect false text would have been made in the days of Jesus, the
technology and the modern science, permit to make a false
archaeological document that would pass the test of the carbon 14
dating, of exam to ultraviolet, of stylistic analyses and graphologic
of the text and all other tests to which it would be submitted.

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They would find a documents from the time of Jesus and a region where
one used the same type of papyrus that the one that was use by
apostles. IT is preferable to find one that is virgin and has being
protected from light and the ambient air, because the color changes
after 2000 years of oxidization to air.

For ink, if it is impossible to find an intact time ink not damaged by
age and the oxygen of air, it is necessary to dilute ink on a papyrus
of that time, but without changing the quantity of present carbon 14
isotopes in that ink, because the dating would be at the time non
compliant with Jesus time.

Other problem would be to surmounted, but the science and money
helping, they would succeed. And they would find a forger of genius
and send him in museum in Rome to study the canonical texts known and
written of the apostle hand.

Then they would place this text in a hidden place that is an
archaeological site or that will be discovered and of it will become
one, discreetly they would direct an inocent archaeologists toward
this site, so, the text, only or would be discovered one day among
other documents or the other and considered like authentic.

A creation in laboratory can be perfected practically but a text
writes by a forger of Jesus' time is very superior, and then this is
not a simple theories, because such a forgery will be one of the
reason of the downfall of a great part of the Christian faith.

The majority of people in the world won't give themselves the trouble
to try to know the bottom and the truth of such a document and they
will be content with the news of it in the evening the narration of
the discovery of a sensational document without putting in doubt any
affirmations of scientists that will speak about it.

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The nonconformist researchers who will want to say the truth will be
separated and discreetly force to silence.

This false document could be a part of events that could occur to push
the great apostasy in depth.

When the Christian would be reduced to a weak number, all kind of big
natural disasters, of big wars, of false Christs, would not be
interpreted according to texts of the apocalypse but according to
various other texts, a certain number of people would preach
prophecies from Nostradamus, others would speak of the big cosmic
masters or Mother Nature.

So all those succession of events could occur henceforth and could
prepare the Antichrist's arrival.

Chapter 3

The rapture of the Christian, before or after tribulations?

Since good number of years the idea of an rapture of the Christian
before the big tribulations became very popular.

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Most say that all the Christian whose faith is without compromise
(according to their criteria's) will be removed before the

We will be on time of tribulations, apostasy and persecutions, the
only lightses that will carry the light of the faith. We will be
workers of God, small and big, that will help brought back the faith
to the Christian in those time of doubt.

Why do we want to desert God's fields ? We all have a big test of the
faith to pass, tribulations are this test, God will watch over us.

Be on your guards at less and lent not too much serious those that
only swear by a rapture before tribulations.

To keep in head that you can be on earth in these uneasy times and
that it is not better to make of the rapture a doctrine, because what
the state of your faith will be, if in spite of all your hopes to be
removed you are still on earth in the time of the great tribulations?

Here are some biblical chapters that sustain my to say all the same;
(Version Louis Segond)

(I underlined in capital the meaningful parts of verses.)

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Math. 24:13 " but the one that will persevere until THE END will be
saved ".

Math. 24:15 " it is why, when you will see the abomination of the
desolation, of which spoke the Daniel prophet, established in holy
place,--That the one that reads makes attention!--

(Note; to see the abomination of the desolation it is necessary to be
on earth during the great tribulations, otherwise why warn us? because
that also concerns the elected.)

Math. 24:22 " and, if these days were not abridged, no one would be
saved; but, BECAUSE OF THE ELECTED those days will be abridged ".

(Note: Because of the elected..., therefore the elected won't be
removed before tribulations, otherwise why God would shorten this time
because of the elected? You don't made an important thing that of
shorten those days if the elected has already left the earth.)

1 THESS. 4:13-18
13 We don't want, brothers, that you are in the ignorance about those that
sleep, so that you were not distressed as the others that don't have a hope.
14 So, if we believe that Jesus died and that he is revived, also believe that
God will bring back by Jesus and with him those that died.
15 Has, indeed, what we declare you according to the speech of the Lord: us
them living, remained for the advent of the Lord, we won't precede those that
16 Because the Lord himself, to a given signal, to the voice of an archangel,
and will come down from the sky to the sound of God's trumpet, and deaths in
Christ will first revive.
17 Then, us them living, that will have remained, we will be together all
removed with them on clouds, to the meeting of the Lord in airs, and so we will
always be with the Lord.
18 Comfort you therefore one another by these words.

2 Thess. 2:1-3 " (1) For what concerns the advent of our Lord Jesus
Christ AND OUR MEETING WITH HIM we pray you, brothers, (2) not to let
shake you easily in your common sense, and not to let disturb you very
well by some inspirations, either by some speech, or by some letter
that one would tell to come from us, as if the day of the Lord was
already there. (3) that no one seduces you of no manners; because it
is necessary that the apostasy arrived before, and that that one saw
to appear the man of the sin, the son of the perdition...

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(Note "; for hundred that concern the advent of our Lord Jesus Christ
AND OUR MEETING WITH HIM..., ...because it is necessary that the
apostasy arrived BEFORE, and that that one saw to appear the man of
the sin, the son of the perdition... to see it is necessary that one
is again on earth when the Antichrist will take the power, and one
cannot seduce people already removed to be united with Jesus.)

I don't want to do a war of chapter and biblical verses to know that
is right, the rapture became the doctrine and the pill that healed of
the tribulation fear, if there is not this famous rapture so therefore
losses will be very heavy among the Christian, that for greatly won't
have wanted to ever take too seriously these times of tests, too some
to be not there present.

What subtle trap that to inspire this rapture doctrine with lots of
book and video or either televised, to a very large number of
Christian, to lull them and to falled them in great numbers, the day
come of tribulations, the Devil, that is the great seducer already
rubs his hands of contentment of it.

Years to come will be crucial for all Christian, some either their
denomination, that they are evangelists, Catholic, Protestant,
Mormons, etc..., the relative tranquillity that they will live for
some years that will precede tribulations, will already awaken some
small doubt and insidious questions in the head of those that waited
for Jesus' return for very soon, and traps, lies and false historic
documents will be a very bad surprised for those that wait blindly for
a rapture before tribulations.

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Jesus' " words doesn't mean one day at a time " that it is necessary
to deny all prudences and providences, be " soft as lambs but wise as
foxes " said Paul the apostle.

It is necessary to never accept a peace and a society that would
disown Jesus Christ.

References, quotes and biblical excerpts are the from the Bible
Version Louis Segond as well as Darby. For all definitions and other
biblical references I used; The Biblical Dictionary for all, of the
Edition L.L.BS.

Chapter 4

The difficult revelations.

So, in the years to come, would came to shake worlds, irrefutable but
difficult fact and revelations, that no one could put in doubt and
even the Christian, they would be used by people that would make an
unhealthy use of it and against the christians.

The Antichrist will use in his way some truths and revelations that
could come in the next decades, but he will exaggerate and will
distort (to amplify them) points that will SEEM to deny Jesus'

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Chapter 5

The shroud of Turin

It is necessary to pass the too narrow way of worship without reserve,
of that that the Christ himself would have considered as idolatry. To
consider the shroud like an incontestable historic proof created for
us by Jesus Himself.

This relic must only constitute another historic proof and
archaeological stake to our disposition to attest the truth of Jesus'

The (holy) shroud of Turin is contested again, either in its
authenticity is in its utility. More and more proofs show that it is
authentic, but lot of Christian see it as if all physical proofs of
the resurrection were an insult to their eyes. The Christ made the
picture of the shroud for reasons that are certainly important, God
doesn't make anything uselessly.

Here are some proofs of the authenticity of the shroud of Turin:

The Doctor Avinoam Danin, a botanist of the Hebrew university of
Jerusalem, demonstrates that the body of crucified has been covered of
plants and flowers before being enveloped in cloth (the shroud) and
that the picture of plants and grains of pollen only corresponded to
those of a species growing in Palestine at the time of Jesus Christ.

Dmitri Kouznetsov, a Russian biochemist, completed three years of
study on properties on the cloth of the Shroud. According to
Kouznetsov, the carbon 14 tests of 1988 is erroneous, the targeting
was wrongly done. He says that his alculations demonstrate to him
that the age of the cloth of the Saint Shroud would be of more than
1800 years, and would date therefore of Jesus' time.

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The X rays reveal that the picture is not painted, nor drawn ", but
the linen underwent a light irradiation of 45 microns of depth and the
picture is in three dimensions.

In 1992, the Center of Nuclear studies of Grenoble demonstrates that
image on the shroud is provoked by a bombardment of protons.

Our body is composed to 60% of water, this liquid can free cores of
deuterium, that, possess the particularity to break itself under the
effect of a certain energy while freeing a proton and a neutron.

Of the same stroke neutrons freed by the deuterium have the property
to enrich the cloth of linen in carbon 14, distorting results of the
C-14 tests of 1988 thus while giving one date well younger than

It is confirmed by the center of Saclay and the university of Toronto
to Canada.

The dose of neutrons corresponds precisely to the one of protons
capable to oxidize the linen. It is explaining the formation of the
picture and a mistake of the 13 century dating...

Jesus, in His resurrection, freed a great energy, freeing protons and
neutrons that formed the picture on the shroud and have enriches
carbon 14.

As Jesus, immobile extent, turned into energy, during the formation of
are His new bodies of resurrection, the shroud descended slowly
through this body of energy before His final formation in revived
body. That explains that bloodstains on the shroud formed themselves
without distortions nor rip, proving that this cloth has not been
removed from the body of Jesus in a normal way.

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It's demonstrates the historic reality of the Jesus existence and good
of proofs and prophecies come to confirm His resurrection. Yet
another prophecy quite unknown come to be added to all it. In the
Hindu texts of the Sahasra Namavali one can find a prophecy on the
arrival and resurrection of Jesus that has been revealed to me by an
old Hindu brahman converted to Jesus.

Here are texts:

1. Ohm Shri Brahmaputraya Namaha: The one that is called Son of God.

2. Ohm Shri Umathaya Namaha: The one that was born by the power of
the Spirit.

3. Ohm Shri Kanni Sudhaya Namaha: The one that was born of a virgin.

4. Ohm Shri Vruksha Shul Aruthaya Namaha: The one that it is offered
in sacrifice on a three branches post. (Note, it is the cross on
which Jesus has been crucified of which speaks this text).

5. Ohm Shri Mruthyum Jaya Namaha: The one that has the victory over
the death.

6. Ohm Shri Shibilistaya Namaha: One who has willingly offered his
flesh to be eaten by the saints (Note, reference to Jesus' speech;
take, to eat, this is my body... drink all of it, because it is my

7. Ohm Shri Maha Devaya Namaha: The One who is the Lord of lords.

This Hindu prophecy makes very directly reference to the crucifixion
and resurrection of Jesus as well as to His victory over the death and
says He Is The Christ, because Lord of lords.

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All against the coming Antichrist

So far I always thought that we alone, the Christians,
would fight the antichrist, who is religious above all
and not military.

After I have reread Theosophic texts, as well
as of other texts, that are, use by the antichrist,
I noted that these sects attack God before all
while reducing Him to a fuzzy and impersonal
force, and while saying stupidly that Lucifer is the
light to follow. Next they take it out on Jesus.

Thus therefore, with such a affirmation against God,
the antichrist would be done enemies in the three
monotheist religions. Thus therefore I believe that
the great apostasy will touch as much the
Christians than the Jews and the Muslims, for the
first very big attack against God.

The main thing are not about the Muslims having or not the
same God than us, but since they believe in only one God
and they reject the name of Satan and Lucifer, they
would not accept a guy who are kind of a mix of buddhism
and hinduism who say that Lucifer are your friend, and
that's what the Antichrist will say.

So, only an apostasy who will touch most
of Christians, Muslims, and Jews, will do, so the Antichrist
can gain power, because if he can not gain power, he can not
deceive christians.

If therefore I am right, maybe that we will have to
do common forehead with the Muslims and the Jews
against the antichrist, the more there will be people
that will oppose him and more we will be able to harm
him and the system of the beast. This is a thing on
that will have to think about.


Some either times has come, the difficult revelations, traps, truths
have half to reveal, nothing must separate us of Jesus, because God
has secrets well that he kept for Him and He decides alone of means
that agree Him to create and to bring the universe toward Him. Of the
moment or we know with absolute certainty that Jesus is the Christ the
only Christ, that some chapters of the Bible are symbolic or that
certain makes is revealed in the Bible doesn't change anything to our
total faith in Jesus.

> >
