
    Well, if your at this page because I handed you my card then I want to thank you for taking the time to take a look at my page.  The reason I handed you my card is that I am currently looking for people that are willing to model for my photography.
    Right now I am building my profolio and  I am looking for people that are willing to model (TFP).
    (TFP), Time For Print, which means I will give you (7) seven to (10) Ten , 8x10 prints of your choice from the photoshoot for your time. This means that I am not asking you to pay me to take your picture, I'm just asking for your time.
*The number of prints you recieve will depend on how many rolls of film I shoot. Most photographs will be Black & white film with a some color film.

     Please think about letting me take your picture and let me know your answer by emailing me at gaber_70@yahoo.com

If your answer is no, then I thank you for your time.
Gabriel Rivera
Gabe's Photography