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GLYPH's C++ LightWave SDK Wrapper

I'm releasing my C++ wrappers for the LWSDK. The current release has only some inline documentation. Better documentation will come soon.

Plugin Classes Supported to date:
  • Shader
  • ImageFilter
  • PixelFilter
  • Displacement map
  • MeshEdit
Plus a whole bunch of "most commonly used code" is in there.

NOTE: You'll need the LightWave SDK to use this.

Click here to download the thing.


Why did I do it? Well, just as an example, here's the entire listing for the RGB dots plug-in under my wrapper:

#include "LWClass/LWPShader.h"

class SillyTexture : public LWPShader
        ShaderStuff(SillyTexture, "SillyTexture");
        SillyTexture() { name = "SillyTexture"; flags = LWSHF_COLOR; }
        void evaluateSurface(Access * sa)
                //  create squiggly disturbance
                double sc = 10.0;
                sa->color[0] = cos(sa->oPos[0] * sc * 0.53733 - 136346.0)
                                                + cos(sa->oPos[1] * sc * 0.43467 - 134634.0)
                                                + cos(sa->oPos[2] * sc * 0.62567 - 753456.0);
                sa->color[1] = cos(sa->oPos[0] * sc * 0.57255 - 125754.0)
                                                + cos(sa->oPos[1] * sc * 0.62356 - 1323464.0)
                                                + cos(sa->oPos[2] * sc * 0.42234 - 4632656.0);
                sa->color[2] = cos(sa->oPos[0] * sc * 0.56436 - 124743.0)
                                                + cos(sa->oPos[1] * sc * 0.65471 - 846467.0)
                                                + cos(sa->oPos[2] * sc * 0.46775 - 475245.0);
} sillyTexture(0);

Stick that in a .cpp file, compile it, and you get this:
