Welcome To My Krypt
Hell 0 if u've found this u'r obviously intelegent enough ta contact me {g0th_cr0w@darksites.com} or Omin 0uscr 0w (AIM & i'm ashamed i gota tell u that......i didn't think u were that pathetic)
This sitez deticated ta corruptin the world one soul at a time.....i'm not alone in this venture.....oh Hell no.....i have my alies.....u could be one......or......u can sit craven in the corner, holding yourself till we inevitably come to claim u'r soul
Warning !!! ......If u feel u must take this seriously u'd probably better leave now.......no.....i'm tellin u get u'r fuckin hyprocrital, unevolved, narrow minded self the Hell outa here!
                            Tkx.....& have a nice day      >: }~
I'm Sure This Is More U'r Style