This is the lair of my two dragons, Tristan and Azelir.

Tristan says hi. Don't mind him, he doesn't bite . . . much. I adopted him on 8/24/99. You can the certificate here: Tristan's Certificate. He is eight hundred and seventeen years old. Before the ADF found him he was living in a cave in the mountains of some tiny european country not found on any map (But he was born in Scotland and speaks with a heavy accent!). A group of hikers startled him one day when he was sleeping and he found to his dismay that his cave had become a stopping point for tourists along a new hiking trail. His nerves shot, he fled to his brother (who happens to live at the ADF). Even though he made friends with several dragons there (including Azelir), he never felt fully at home and decided to leave. Only . . . he had no place to go! When I met him we instantly struck up a good friendship and I offered to adopt him. He accepted and here we are. Innit he a sweetie?!

This is Tristan's companion Azelir. She also doesn't bite . . . much. I adopted her on 8/24/99. You can see her certificate here: Azelir's Certificate Azel, as she likes to be called for short, is seven hundred and twenty-six years old, very much Tristan's junior. She was renting an apartment building in Philadelphia before I found her, but she was always afraid of getting caught by the owners. Her job as an internet consultant helped her survive, but she was afraid that the neighbors were getting suspicious about her (since she ordered everything through the internet and had it delivered). So, she closed down her business (temporarily), and decided to seek refuge at the ADF. There she met Tristan and they began a working relationship. (She tried to bring him out of the dark ages by teaching him HTML.) Alas, Tris is firmly entrenched in his ways so she was forced to give up. Now that I've adopted the two of them, she's trying to teach *me* HTML . . . and boy do I need the help! She and Tristan became very close during their time at the ADF so when it came time for Tris to leave, she asked me if I wouldn't take her, too? So, I thought, what the heck, better two than one, and Azel came along for the ride!

The two of them are currently residing in a summer home Azel bought for them in an unnamed island in the South Pacific. Don't ask me how to get there, I can't tell you. They deserve their privacy, after all! But Azel and Tris phone me every morning and tell me how much fun they're having exploring the island and a shipwrecked galleon on the beach! They'll be coming home soon, though, so I'd better dust the furniture and clean up their rooms (Don't let anyone fool you, dragons are VERY messy!) so they can come home without having to do any work. Check back in soon and I'll tell you how they're doing, okay? ^_^

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Page Copyright 1998-1999 Fushigi Kismet. My two cuties were adopted from Adopt a Dragon Foundation The background is from Graphics For Free. The e-mail bottle is from Images, Animation, & Military

1998-2000 Send Tris and Azel an e-mail via my address! Message in a