Well, hello there! Somehow you have stumbled upon my little corner in cyberspace. Welcome!

Who am I? I am Amy (if you hadn't figured that out already.) I am a twenty-nine year old Virginia resident who has a B.A. in Math from Roanoke College but still no clue what I want to be when I grow up. (In other words, the degree is just gathering dust.)

At the moment, I'm working as a bank teller. It's not the greatest job in the world, but I don't plan to stay there forever. I guess it's as good a place as any to earn money to pay the bills, and this way, I get to play with other people's money while I'm doing it.

My hobbies include sleeping, complaining about my job (come on, you know we all do it), playing with my cats, and all sorts of crafts, especially counted cross stitch. I've also been told by my co-workers that I talk to myself a lot. (I'm not sure whether or not that counts as a hobby, but I figure it needs to go in here somewhere.) I also have a tendency to be rather silly at times . . .

Want to know more about me? Check out the links below.

Knots and Needles Knots and Needles - my page about one of the most addictive hobbies known to man - pics of my stitches, handy links, and more
Charity Stitching Charity Stitching - I bet you didn't know you could do cross stitch for charity. Learn more about it here.
Great Mysteries of Life Great Mysteries of Life - A list of all of those deep, thought provoking questions in life for which mankind has yet to find an answer . . .
Random Links Random Links - No site is complete without a page of random links. The same is true of this one.

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