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August 13th 2003-I finally got most of my pictures up and now I just have a few more pages left to finish up. Hopefully I will get them done very soon. When you click on the pictures they will inlarge so you can see it better. - Furious Fiero

August 11th 2003-Today I finally got my webpage up...I was going to make it a www.furiousfiero.com but i couldnt so i decided to use geocities. I am still trying to get the pictures to work - Furious Fiero

August 9th 2003-Today I started building my webpage. I still don't have it up on the net, but hopefulyl sometime in the next week I will have it up and running. Everything else is working out alright. I still can't decide on the background color/image but soon I will decide on it.- Furious Fiero


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