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     Welcome to HwaChong Junior College Ventures and Rovers official site. Ventures and Rovers is a CCA for all who seek fun and camaraderie amidst shouldering responsibility, giving service to others and learning various life skills and attitudes.

    Some of u may have been introduced to our site by some of the VNRians or maybe u just happened to pop by by one of our scout webrings... well, have a gd look ard and enjoy the virtual ride, esp the many pix in our gallery. also feel free to have a peep at the dolphin's blogger, where current VNRians contribute nothing but crap. hahaha and moi welcomes all comments, so pls do drop moi a note if u have any.

    The tide of responsibility looms as the 29th batch just took office, heralding in their era of leading and bringing the CCA to its full potential. Hard work awaits where endurance and team commitment will play a huge part. Best wishes!

    Our sessions are: wed 3pm and sat 9am outside B108 (amphitheatre area. All J1s who are interested to join us feel free to come down in your PE attire. or slip us a note through the VNR room on the 4th floor outside the library.

    What's new? (8K) update!!! the entire list of "past members" has finally made its way online! look at contacts to view the HCVNR family tree.

    yupz.. that's abt it.. anything else u all want just tell moi and i'll put it up...


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