Fulcrum Challenge 2000



Fulcrum Challenge is a dynamic, intensive and lasting educational experience for students studying 'A' Levels, Scottish Highers and GNVQs.

Fulcrum Challenge invests in the leaders of the future. Their carefully structured programme is designed to prepare outstanding and talented students for their transition to the world of business and social commitment.

Stuart Henderson, Ollie Rampley, Jeffery Wright and myself, Peter Felstead were successfully completed and initiation weekend, and will now travel with sixteen others to Rajasthan, Northern India.  We will be staying in a remote village called Badla, in the middle of the Indian Dessert.  The villagers will request us to complete a task that will benefit the entire village.

            We will be in India for two weeks and I am sure that it will be an experience of a life time for everyone.  Our next task is to raise £1,500 each, that is £6,000 for the four of us. 

A number of fundraising events have been organized and completed but we still have a long way to go, if you could help us in any way it would be most appreciated.


  Official Fulcrum Website

  Isleworth and Syon Website


Contact Information

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