Last update: 08 March 2008

Discovering the principle of the fuel cell at home or at school

Das Prinzip der Brennstoffzellen zu Hause oder in der Schule entdecken

What are fuel cells? What makes them special?
Fuel cells convert chemical to electrical energy. Engines and turbines with generators do the same but there is a lot more interest in fuel cells. The media report that the latter have a much higher efficiency than engines and turbines and that the future of energy supply is unthinkable without them. In cars, houses and wherever energy is required, they will be found in future in the same places and numbers as car engines and single-storey heating are found today.

If fuel cells will revolutionize our daily life, it might be a good idea to understand how they function. Or you know how they work, but you are looking for a simple way to explain it (e.g. as a teacher).

The following pages offer a method and the means to easily understand fuel cells. A simple chemical experiment is described and the only components that cannot easily be found are offered for sale (it is much cheaper than usual fuel cell kits).

"The experiments you outline on your web site are outstanding" (Gregory Dolan, Deputy Executive Director, U.S. Fuel Cell Council, 3 April 2001,

"We receive many requests from students wishing to build their own fuel cells, and I was wondering if we could post your document on our website at" (Franklin H. Holcomb, Department of Defense, Engineer Research & Development Center, Construction Engineering Research Laboratory, 28 April 2001)

Die Erklärungen zum Prizip der Brennstoffzellen gibt es auch auf deutsch. Ich habe nur nicht alles auf dieser Webseite zweisprachig ausgeführt. Auch wenn Englisch nicht Ihre starke Seite ist, fahren Sie trotzdem fort. Es lohnt sich bestimmt.


This website was first established in June 2000. Copyright FUELCELLKIT 2000. Subject to change without notice. No unauthorised reproduction permitted.
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