Fudrick's Letterboxing Travails
Scratch the Eskie's Ear to Return here!
Visit Eskie Heaven!
P42 F217 X103 E17
HH - P13 F33
But Who's Counting?
Herein lies the not very up-to-date info on Fudricks's Letter Boxes!
                 Chelan County
Walla Walla Point Park (1)
Paddi sez
"Let's get going, boxes are waiting for us!"
                Grays Harbor County
Friend's Landing (?2?) HCP
Comments or Concerns or Reports?
email Fudrick at:  fudrick@comcast.net
                     King County
Glenn Hanson Park (1)
You are responsible for your own safety.
Do not trespass on private property.
Be aware of animals, plants, and environmental situations that might put you, and others with you, in danger.
It is a good policy to wear brightly colored vests and caps in the woods during hunting seasons.
Please act responsibly and this sport will continue to provide enjoyment to others for a long time.:
Always take adequate precautions (such as prodding with a stick and/or wearing gloves) before reaching into dark crevasses and holes in the wild.
Before you set out read the
waiver of responsibility and disclaimer.
                   Kittitas County
Irene Rinehart Riverfront Park (1)
                    Klickitat County
Roosevelt Park (1)
                   Lewis County
Bevin Lake Safety Rest Area (1)
Cowlitz Falls (1)
Seminary Hill Nature Reserve (1)
                   Mason County
Kennedy Creek Salmon Trail (2)
                   Pacifc County
Butte Creek Picnic Area (1)
For More Information on Letterboxing:
                   Pierce County
Fort Steilacoom Park (3)
Wapato Park (3)
Go to the homepage for this great hobby!
Letterboxing North America
Almost all the information you will ever need on Letterboxing!
                 Thurston County
Z - In Memory of Steve Zimmerman (0M)
Frye Cove County Park (2)
Burfoot County Park (0)
Kenneydell County Park (2)
Wonderwood Park (0 :-(
Olympia Watershed Park (1)
Nisqually Beach (2)
The unofficial Washington
Letterbox site, with ALL the Washington Boxes, and lots of good information!
Go to ~Mischief~'s page, with the definitive list of Washington Letterboxes
The South Sound Letterboxing Goddess web site, with many boxes and good information on this great sport -
Folllow rnrB, trkr, and dvn2r ckr on their quest
               Multnomah County
Willard Stump (2)
To track the wanderings of the many Hitch Hikers out there, go to Wanda and Pete's great Hitcher's Progress page!
Very Presidential Mystery Letterbox 
World's Crappiest Stamp - 3rd RU 2002
Letterboxing North America WebRing
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Somewhat Updated 4/9/5