~¤My Drawings¤~

Well I'm daring to put up some of my work. Please if you're going to make a comment, keep in mind that I have never taken lessons and I rarely draw but I love to. So sorry for the crudness of some of these pieces. Some are older than others so some are worse than others, and they're in no particular order either so... uhh...Enjoy...? lol

Don't forget to SCROLL DOWN with this one. some ppl seem to think it's just those eyes in the corner. I was just scribbling those so yeah. the dude I found in a Diablo hand book thingy.

*James Heatfield
Some people think this one looks like a pirate... NO! lol it's actually a drawing of James Heatfield. If you have Metallica's CD "And Justice For All" you'll know what I'm talking about, in the middle part with their heads drawn looking like a hammer? meh, you have to see it.

My attempt at a rose. I know it's not realistic but I'm still proud of it!

A drawing of a dragon kinda thing. I found it on the net so i recreated it.

*Forsaken Angel
This is an attempt at an angel. this was the first draft i made of it.

*Forsaken Angel (Completed)
Here's the final draft of the angel. I know she doesn't have a hand or face but it just wasn't working so i left it more mysterious.

What can i say... it's a blue guitar! pretty simple.

A chick with big boobs. lol I saw her in a magazine and she looked easy enough to draw quickly so i did.

*Time Keeper
Trying to get back into drawing. I drew this when i was away on hollidays and was pretty surprised how it turned out.

*Moonlight Dreamer
One of my first attempts of drawing wings except for my other angel. I know it sux but you gotta start somewhere! lol.

I don't really know wut to say about this one. It wasn't my intensions for her to look sad so that's why I drew her face large in the background. I really like how it turned out tho so it's all good! ^.^

*I Won't Bite ;)
Pretty crappy, I like the idea for the staff but I kinda messed it up, and her face kinda ruines the hole idea but oh well, that's wut practice is for.

*Butterfly Girl
Kinda looks like how I would want to if I were drawn. I was just expiramenting on drawing wings on a bubble dude, then just kept adding detail. I'm pretty proud with it, I know I still have a ways to go in fine tuening my drawings but that's ok! I'm trying ^^

*Me as a Drawing
Now this is really how I would want to be drawn, or at least with wings like these ones, because they're small and modest, but still very pretty. I really like the crystal in her palm, I wish I could make crystals float!

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