Welcome to Frozen Memories. This site is home to the personal homepages of Mizu and Amber. Within each page you will find many things. Original poems, stories, and artwork, along with free webgraphics, a shrine to the Koosh ball, and places to exhibit your original creations and thoughts are just a few of the varied things you will find here.
Click on the opal squiggly thing above to go to our super fast loading Site Map so you can skip all the graphics.

This site is under very heavy construction. Check back soon for great graphics and tons of cool things. Thanks!
oooh purty graphics!
best veiwed with smallest font. (or else the pictures are all split and such)
So far, this many geeks have come to this page and found almost nothing here!
Amber's Asylum!
Mizu's Mental House!
Amber's Box:
Yeah, basically, this page is becoming more and more on permanent hiatus. I do update it, I SWEAR I do, on occasion... But I'm working on a new page. If you're interested, there will be a link in the links section.
So.. Yeah.
What is up will stay up though; just be warned that it will be outdated and
hardly ever updated.. ^.^0
My bad!
Luv, Amby!
Mizu's Box:
              Mizu's Mental House is gone! noooo! Clicky on the mirror and see for yourself.
  Eventually, I'll have a full blown site up at another addy and it will be linked here. but not now.