Your Kind Hostess

Here, look at some surprisingly accurate quizzes that I took.

Wind's Vitals:
Name as it appears on your birth certificate: Jessica Leigh Smoll
Age: 22
Birthdate: March 6th, 1981
Sign: Pisces
Favorite Color: Sea colors like blue and green
Favorite Foods: Lasagna, tunafish sandwiches
Favorite Drink: Oolong tea, Slippery Nipples, chocolate milk, Lemon or Orange Hootch
Favorite Smells: Lavender, lilac, drier sheets, some people
Favorite Movies: Fight Club, Labyrinth, Princess Mononoke, Lion King, Nightmare Before Christmas, Boondock Saints, Spirited Away
Favorite Shows: American Gothic, old seasons of The X-Files, almost any anime (including but not limited to: Gundam Wing, Trigun, Fushigi Yuugi, unedited Tenchi Muyo, and Inuyasha)
Favorite Music: Billy Joel, Tom Petty, Elton John, Stuart Davis, Tom Lehrer, Matchbox 20, Savage Garden
Favorite Books: Lord of the Rings Trilogy and everything else Tolkien, The Gunslinger Series, IT, The Stand, Gone With the Wind, His Dark Materials, The Hitchhiker’s Guide Trilogy, Andromeda Strain
Hobbies: Procrastinating, playing on the ‘net, reading, writing, drawing, playing with rats, arguing with people… wait, those aren’t my hobbies, that’s my life! Damn it…
Current MUCK Characters/Personas: Makkitotosimew (a beaver femme), SweetBirch (A flame-point Siamese cat femme), and Lysander (a wolf-elf hybrid idiot), all on Tapestries MUCK.
Special likes: Thunderstorms, déjà vu, falling in love, the Aurora, rereading a very good book, the sensation of the hairs prickling on the back of my neck, astrology, voluntary body mutilation (tattooing and piercing)
Contact Info:, WindChaser2 on AOL IM

Can't get enough of me, you sicko? Find me on the 'net!
I'm WindChaser (duh!) at WereJournal
I'm FrostRiven at FictionPress,, and Adult