Global Rules
· There are to be NO racial, sexual, or religious slurs.
· No Swearing
· Don't try and cheat...we're not stupid you know
· Trash talking other players is ok, but when they get you back for it don't get mad

Almost everything will be done in a chat. Most people think that rpg that have battles in chats aren't as good as they used to be, but just hold your comments until you look at the battle part. If you need to talk to me my AOL screen name is jcbgiest. 

Alright, this may take some time to explain, but in the end you should be able to get it...and if you don't we can go over with you again and again until you get it...but talk to one of the gm's to do that...

First off, you need to know what stats you're dealing with here

Aiming- Used for targeting the enemy
Manuevering- Used for dodging attacks
Reaction- Used to measure how fast you can react to enemy attacks
Recovery- Used to measure how fast you recover from being nailed by an attack
Attack- Used to measure how fast you're finger hits the trigger

Most people would put speed down as a stat for some reason...why would you do that? You're ability to drive a zoid doesn't make it run faster than its max speed, does it?

Moving: Moving isn't very hard, you just type ::Moves (whatever you want to do)::

Firing: When you are getting ready to attack you will need to aim. Your aiming stat will determine how long it takes. If you aim on the enemy and he starts to manuever it will be harder, so if your aiming stat is lower than his manuevering you probably aren't going to lock on unless you use your head...( don't have to lock onto the target to hit him use other methods)

ex) Command Wolf ::locks onto target::
Molga ::starts to use basic manuevers::
The Command wolf won't lock on unless his aiming stat is higher than the Molga's manuevering stat

Dodging Bullets: If you don't get the chance to get out of the lock on, you better hope you have a faster reaction time than the enemy can pull the trigger. Reactions don't take that much, but it can make a big difference in the next move

ex) Command Wolf ::locks onto target::
Molga ::starts to use basic manuevers:: (the molga won't have a higher stat now)
Command Wolf ::Fires::
Molga ::lowers speed and changes direction:: (there are more ways to dodge than that use you're head again)
The Molga has a better reaction time than the enemy's attack stat so it dodges the bullets

Getting Nailed: You can tell when you've been hit. So don't try and act like it never happened because there will be a judge (gm) in the room. Depending on what type of weapon the enemy is using will effect how much damage is dealt to your armor core, but when your Armor Core is at 0 you are done unless you withdraw before the end of the battle.

Recovering from hits: Recovery isn't very hard to understand. Your recovery stat is done in percents, so when you get hit by an attack you will have to keep track of this stat, or else you might forget that your Armor Core went back up.

ex) You get hit once and you're armor core is down 50%
Your recovery is 25%, so it will take 2 good hits to recover to full

Battle Modes
· 0973- Team combat, blind fight, ground Zoids only.
· 0982- Team combat, must have equal number of warriors.
· 0983- Team combat, key match, minimum 3 warriors.
· 0988- Team combat, limited to 6 shots. Similar to a Team Duel.
· 0990- Team Combat, must use an Aerial Zoid.
· 0992- 1 on 1 combat. Similar to a Duel.
· 0999- No rules. Win or Lose. Used only by the Backdraft, similar to an Ambush.
· 1001- Competition: Royal Cup.
· 6990- Shooting Challenge: 1 on 1, unlimited players. You lose when all your shots are exhausted

You wouild probably be lucky if you got out of a battle with no damage, but just incase you do. Towing your zoid and getting it repaired at the nearest shop is free..if you have a registration with the ZBC and the tow was within an hour of the battles end. Anything else will cost you money depending on where you are, some shops aren't very cheap.

Team Formation-
Carrier: Single Zoid Carrier
HAC0: 50
Weapons: NONE
Zoid Team Name:
Class: E
Wins: 0
Losses: 0
Ties: 0
Items: NONE
Money: Whatever you and your teammates put into the team's bank account

Need 10 wins to get to Class D!  $5000 per single battle win... $8000 team battle win
Need 20 wins to get to Class C! $10000 per single battle win.. $15000 team battle win
Need 30 wins to get to class B. $18000 per single battle win... $21000 per team battle win
Need 40 wins to get to Class A! $23000 per battle win
Need 45 wins and win the World Zoid Champions Tournament to get to Class S! $26000 per battle  win
???????????  $30000 per battle