Here is the infamous werewolf/vampire pic.
I think they were going for a black theme here.
I think that this looks really cool because you can't tell where his shirt ends and the backdrop begins.
"A rose is a rose and I am a toilet of sadness."
He looks majorly like  some brooding tortured artist instead of Chris who is a little boy stuck in a grown man's body.
It isn't like I would make a page all about jewelry or glasses or anything.
And no I didn't put so many pictures of him wearing the same jewelry on purpose.
I can use my powers for good too.
Aww, he looks nice, I can't say anything mean.  Use your own imagination if you must.
Disclaimer: I was not saying there is anything wrong with guys liking N Sync.
Question:  Is that a guy trying to shake thier hand?  Well as long as he wasn't screaming "I want to have you baby, Justin!"
Look at the puppy!  He is so tiny! *Sniff* *Sniff*
That is so cute! Nuff said.
Moo looks adorable when she sleeps btw.
See Molly I am not the only one who takes pictures of people sleeping.
Courtesy of Another N Sync Humor Site.
Reminder:  Do not go in cars with strangers.  And Chris is really strange so the rule still applies.
Nice Hair?
I have to put the good and bad pictures right next to each other so they cancel each other out.
Apply water, then cream, Lather, apply razor to face.  How hard is that?
Rock Star my foot.  You do not lose the ability to shave once you become famous.  (Although that is the way it seems sometimes.)
I had to actually replace it after I made my Scary Page.
Goodness, I had to jumpstart my pacemaker after I saw this one.
I stole this pic from NSYNCSTUDIO.COM or I stole it from somebody who stole it from them.
Or because feet are gross to begin with.
Maybe his feet look grossly discolored because his pants are green and that makes his toesies looks bad.
Cause Dang he looks really stupid to me.
Does he look goofy to anybody else?
"Violets are blue and a wolverine is chewing on my scapula."
Here is that poet again.
Great!  Now I will get Hatemail from BSB Fans. 
Now I think this is hilarious.  You have never seen Brian or Nick wearing a shirt that says the BackAlley Boys or the Backdoor Whores or anything like that.
Chris reacted on a very special way in this video when they asked how the group got started.  (Well banging your head on the piano is very "special".)
Yeah, Yeah, Chris is hilarious:
What else ya got?