Friends of the Mill

We are a group of volunteers who share a common interest in providing a support resource for Spring Mill State Park.

Spring Mill is rich with Natural and cultural sites.  These resources include two nature preserves and a living pioneer village.



Contact  and Volunteer Information

Join Friends of the Mill

Resources for Village Volunteers

Spring Mill State Park Events





1/26/04- The Friends of the Mill now have an email group at . You must be a member of Friends of the Mill to use this email group.

1/26/04- Adobe Acrobat reader software is required to view some of the files on this site and the millfriends group site  


  • Yearly membership fees are due!  If you have not paid please see this link.

  • Articles are needed for the newsletter!!!!

  • The Volunteer Applications for Spring Mill State Park are now listed on this web site.  If you are planning on volunteering at the park this year, you must have one filed. These are renewed even if you turned one in last year, the park will need one for this season.

1/25/04- The volunteer appreciation banquet that was scheduled for today has been canceled due to the bad weather.  It will be rescheduled for a later date.

2004 Friends of the Mill Meetings

April 24 at 11:00 a.m. (Spring Mill nature center)

August 21 at 4:00 p.m. (location to be announced)

November 20 at 11:00 a.m. (Spring Mill nature center)

