Upside-Down Catfish
Synodontis nigriventris
Origin: Central Africa, Congo Basin.

Temperament: Fairly good community fish. Peaceful.

Size: Up to 8cm (3.2")

Temperature: 73-82°F or 23-28°C

pH Level: 6.5 to 7.0

Food: Flake food, pellets, small meat pieces, worms, crustaceans, insects, greens.

Tank Setup: Keep with peaceful species, and with plants and rocks, so they can browse alage from the underside of the leaves.

Breeding: Very difficult, has only been bred on a handful of occasions.

Sexing: Difficult unless spawning, when the female assumes a plaer-yellow colouration..

Comments: A very unusual fish, the young swim normally for the first eight weeks, before assuming the upside-down swimming style. This method of swimming is to protect the fish from birds, as the belly is camouflaged. It is also opined that this swimming pattern is so it allows the fish to browse on algae on the underside of leaves that other species find difficult to reach.
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