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Fresh Roast- the Home Coffee Roaster 





Why do we want to roast our own coffee at home?


Easy! Fun! Cost Saving! FRESH!


就在幾分鐘前,我才剛用"Fresh Roast"烘豆機烤好這幾天需要的咖啡豆.這整個過程只花了25分鐘左右.我用的"Fresh Roast",只需HK$680元.我烘的咖啡生豆每磅只要HK$40到50元.而同樣的咖啡豆,烤好以後,擺在商塲的咖啡屋,每磅可要賣HK$100到125元.而且,這些咖啡豆,大部份已經失去原有的香味.自己烘的咖啡豆,肯定非常新鮮.它的新鮮,可以彌補任何烘豆過程中的小失誤.我用自己烘的咖啡豆煮出來的咖啡,比所有我曾試過的其它咖啡都要香.而且,保存咖啡生豆是件非常容易的事.不需任何特別處理,生豆就可以保存好多年而不變味.我完全不必在儲存上傷腦筋.

用 "Fresh Roast"烘豆機烘豆是相當簡單的.它的難度大概只介於煮蛋和炒蛋之間.可是,為什麼香港這麼少人動手去做呢?因為,大部分的人不知道,比起我們通常喝到的不新鮮咖啡,真正新鮮的咖啡喝起來有多麼動人心絃.幾乎人人都知道新鮮麵包有多鬆軟好吃.可是從烘豆機飄出來的香味,卻是被人遺忘的樂趣.大家也不知道在家烘焙咖啡是多麼簡單,好玩,又省錢的!只要自已在家烘焙10磅以上的咖啡豆,所結省的買豆錢,即可購買一台 "Fresh Roast" 烘豆機了.

I just finished roasting my own coffee beans with the "Fresh Roast" at home. It took me only 7 minutes to roast enough beans to brew a pot of the freshest coffee that I have ever made. The machine gives me unlimited possibilities for formulating my own blends from green beans. With the "Fresh Roast", there is no mystery to in-home bean roasting. 

It is fairly easy to operate the machine. In the beginning, you need to experiment it a little to get the recipe that caters to  your own personal favorites. After that, it will be as easy as to pop your own popcorns at home. It is a lot of fun to not only smelling the aroma but also watching the beans dancing and cracking during roasting.

Home roasting can also save money. It saves me upto 60%  to buy green beans instead of  the roasted beans. If you roast more than 10 pounds of green beans at home, the money saved in buying beans will be enough for you to buy the machine itself.


Rm 1403A, Blk B, Sea View Estate, 2-8 Watson Rd., Hong Kong
一般資訊: freshroast_louisa@hotmail.com
Web管理員: freshroast_louisa@hotmail.com


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Copyright ©2001 Titan Continental (HK) Ltd.
上次修改日期: 2001年10月12日