Joyce remembers she was a mother of
three small children.
Owned her first TV set,
and killed her first bear
that intruded on her yard.

Shadowwolf remembers the long hair
and the short short mini skirts
Woodstock, The Beatles, and the wild
colors they painted their cars. He also says kids
today don't even know what crusing is
He wants us to all remember the Viet Nam Vets!
and all the POW's that never made it home.

Rick from Nebraska remembers going to grade school
crusing and gas was under a buck a gallon.
Getting up early to watch the space launches
And getting a man on the moon

Jer from Montrial says he wasn't even alive then
But he feels he belongs to the 60's and
wants to know if that counts? I say
It sure does

Fran from Wisconsin remembers the MUSIC and the
British invasion. Ed Sullivan, Shindig, and Hullaballo
She still has some of her record albums

Ken from Texas remembers
working for $1.50 an hour,and 10 cent cokes.
He says too many girls, not enough time
and only one of him
It was fun, but he wouldn't go back

Now Tommy from Utah remembers tooooooo much
but I am going to try and fit it all in
Readers Digest style
He remembers the back seat of his dads car hmmm
Gas was only 27 cents a gallon, Luck Larger Beer
Penny loafers, Alder socks and Gant shirts
*taking deep breath here*
Coke bottles with cork on the lids
There weren't McDonald's on every corner
Putting a Mickey Mantle baseball card on his bike spokes
sounded just like a motorcycle.
chuckling when he saw a Kotex machine in the girs locker room
He claims he had to use their's when he played away games
He also remembers walking home with his Dad after
his last High School football game
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