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NEW YORK TIMES HUSTLES RIGHT-WING SOCIAL SECURITY SCHEMEIn a particularly seamy example of the disinformation now rife in the major media, a front-page story in the New York Times pawned off as "bipartisan" a plan to partially dismantle Social Security that is, in fact, the product of a right- wing think tank. reasons for missing a period, surname search, cancun information, puff daddy-ill be missing you, search code of federal regulations, investigate software, look up phone numbers, finding cell phone numbers, public records search, yahoo people find, missing sync, search for family tree for free, free birth record searches, medication information, find peoples password for hotmail, missing calls, missing ships, free find people, missing mscoree.dll, find address from phone number, free driving records search, license plate search, locate missing persons Us zip code search. Although the Center for Strategic and International Studies put some token conservative Democrats on its National Commission on Retirement Policy, the commission is deeply biased towards corporatist and conservative viewpoints. The story headlined "Bipartisan group urges big changes in Social Security" spoke of "powerful interest groups including the American Association of Retired Persons" that oppose the commission's plan to create private investment accounts for retirees. The commission also proposed raising retirement age to 70. reasons for missing a period, surname search, cancun information, puff daddy-ill be missing you, search code of federal regulations, investigate software, look up phone numbers, finding cell phone numbers, public records search, yahoo people find, missing sync, search for family tree for free, free birth record searches, medication information, find peoples password for hotmail, missing calls, missing ships, free find people, missing mscoree.dll, find address from phone number, free driving records search, license plate search, locate missing persons Free birth record searches. The commission claims its scheme would keep Social Security solvent for about 75 years -- ironically the same lifetime Robert Reich estimates for the trust fund simply using by realistic economic growth rates rather than the depression-level ones being cited to encourage the current panic. The true nature of CSIS should be no secret to the Times. Not only has it covered its hyper-hawkish and spook- friendly projects since it was launched in the 1960s, but the paper has been one of the center's donors. reasons for missing a period, surname search, cancun information, puff daddy-ill be missing you, search code of federal regulations, investigate software, look up phone numbers, finding cell phone numbers, public records search, yahoo people find, missing sync, search for family tree for free, free birth record searches, medication information, find peoples password for hotmail, missing calls, missing ships, free find people, missing mscoree.dll, find address from phone number, free driving records search, license plate search, locate missing persons Public records search. CSIS gained notoriety in the Cold War years thanks to its intimate ties with the military and intelligence establishments as well as its seeming preference for media attention over scholarship. In 1985, for example, CSIS claimed 4,100 media contacts. A year later the Washington Post referred to it as a "conservative propaganda machine. "Its associates included the likes of Henry Kissinger, Jeanne Kirkpatrick, former deputy CIA chief Ray Clines, and other macho geo-politicists such as Zbigniew Brzezinski, James Schlesinger, and Arnaud de Borchgrave. The controversial center apparently even became a little too much for its host, Georgetown University and CSIS moved to its own quarters in downtown Washington. But one thing remained constant: its status as a conservative advocate. Ronald Reagan, for example, would use it, noted Alison Muscatine in the Washington Post, "as a favorite site for speeches attacking liberals who oppose US aid for the contras. "Although CSIS has acted in a more discreet manner in the post-cold war era, there is little doubt of its loyalty to corporatist conversion projects such as the downsizing of Social Security and the use of its funds by Wall Street. De Borchgrave is still listed as a scholar as are those of the ilk of Edward Lutwak. There is even a scholar's chair for an "Army National Guard Fellow. "On the other hand, CSIS' affirmative action program leaves something to be desired. One of its rare black scholars, so to speak, is General Julius Becton, a buddy of Clarence Thomas who has just departed as head of the DC public schools after a short but disastrous tenure. There is one more irony to all this: CSIS was kept afloat for many years by not only the NYT, by not only a dozen or so defense contractors, by not only an Arab sheik or two, but by none other than the man the pro-Clinton establishment loves to hate: Richard Mellon Scaife.

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