mindless drivel
precious moments
What happens when one man's charms, sexiness,
talent, and Scottish accent become a normal
girl's complete obsession in which he is
somehow incorporated into her everyday life?
Why, she makes a website, of course! 

The Great Steffini's Ewan McGregor Shrine.
Hate/Love Page
doubt that the sun doth move
Butt Ugly
I've got ugly butt tonight...
Moulin Rouge
do you believe in love?
Quotes.. and stuff
Quotes, ramblings, and memories.
don't let the walls cave in on me
Other affiiates.
Author's Disclaimer:  
The Author does not, in any way, shape, or form, create for the enjoyment of others, but rather for the enjoyment of herself. The enjoyment of such things as the Ewan quotes, links, or pictures, for example, by the Reader, is purely coincidental, and was not intended.
Furthermore, the Author does not take responsability for any dislike found by the Reader while reading her works. Any Reader with such strong feelings of resentment for her works can furthermore
go soak their head, in the words of Calvin. The author takes this opportunity to point out the open door.
However, if enjoyment is felt for her works, the Author takes full responsability and requires a sacrifice for all her efforts. She demands.. a shrubbery.... no not really. In all seriousness, she demands a jujube, preferrably a green one. Black is not acceptable.
Thus being said, the Author does hope you have enjoyed your stay in her lost mind, or realm, or whatever she claims it to be this week. Just don't let the world spin out from under your feet, or the carpet to be pulled out from underneath you! She also reminds you to sign her guestbook on her way out. And to take a chocolate bar for your trouble. Thank you again for thinking of us!
*insert smile and head tilt here*
Europe trip 2003
I don't believe you!
  I'd like to welcome you one and all to my sanctuary. This is where I invitingly shut out the world and suffer from disillusionment, all of my own accord, naturally. A haven of sorts, so to speak. I still suffer from disillusionment, but now I enjoy it all the more.


I added another pic page. It's a family pic page, and about time it went up. Whee. What else.. what else.. hmm not much really. I uh... well.. nothing really at all.


I must mention that I co-made another site once, long ago. It burned. Crashed and burned. But I have learned many things from the making of that one, and lo and behold, here is my very own site.

Besides annoying the hell out of people, writing down way too much information about myself, amusing the truly bored people, and me as well? No reason at all.

As for what you will get out of my many ramblings and spewing of pointless facts, I don't know. But the only thing I sure hope you take away from this.. experience... is the fact that you should have finally come to the conclusion that...  Ewan should be treated as the GOD HE IS!!!!!!!!!!! That's all I'm really trying to say here. Etes vous sur? Sur comme une citron!! {Nod to Murray} Ahaha... ha... anyway. Moving on.
Current mood:

Hehe. I am talking to Matt and Mo and Jason all at the same time right now, on the phone, as well as trying to talk to Murray online, and doing this. Whee. I went to school today, got 5$ for my lock. Whee! That is fun.

Quote of the day:

"Excuse me?"
  "Shut up!"
  "What was that?"
  "Maybe I should tell you to shut up again!"

~  Sarah and Jason

Word of the day: Cair Paravel
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"Wake up, Caitlin"
blah, blah, blah
Last updated: June 23, 2004