include "OSMap.h"
	include "MSMap.h"
	include "FnMap.h"

; This work was originally done by Fred Taft
; ( Please forward any comments,
; corrections or additions back to Fred.
; Mine Storm
; The following is the memory map for 
; Minestorm RAM usage:
; C880		This contains the enable mask
;		used when Minestorm wants to
;		read the console buttons.
; C881-C882	This contains the mask used 
;		by Minestorm when it wants to
;		read the joystick state.  
;		This mask will be used for 
;		both the console 1 & 2 pots;
;		console 2 ones are ignored.
; C883		Used when calculating the 
;		angle at which a magnetic
;	      	mine will travel, as it is 
;		drawn toward the command
;	      	ship.  It will end up holding
;		the new angle value.
; C884-C886	Not used.
; C887-C888	Used when calculating the 
;		value of a mine; contains
;	      	any bonus for the mine size.
; C889-C88A	Used when calculating the 
;		value of a mine; contains the
;		base value for the mine type;
;		the mine size bonus is later
;		added in.
; C88B		Work variable.
; C88C-C88E	Not used.
; C88F		This is used as a loop 
;		counter during bullet 
;		processing.
; C890-C891	Work variables.
; C892-C89A	Not used.
; C89B		This indicates which players
;		turn it is:
;			0 -> Player 1
;			2 -> Player 2
; C89C
; C89D-C89E	These locations are used as 
;		an indirect jump pointer and
;		counter pair.  The address of
;		the routine to be called is 
;		placed in C89D-C89E, and a 
;		value is placed in C89C.  
;		Each time through the main 
;		loop, the counter is 
;		decremented.  When the value
;		finally reaches 0, the 
;		routine will be called.  By 
;		using random counters, you 
;		can make things behave 
;		differently each time.
; C89F
; C8A0-C8A1	These locations are used as 
;		an indirect jump pointer and
;		counter pair.  The address of
;		the routine to be called is 
;		placed in C8A0-C8A1, and a 
;		value is placed in C89F.  
;		Each time through the main 
;		loop, the counter is 
;		decremented.  When the value
;		finally reaches 0, the 
;		routine will be called.  By
;		using random counters, you 
;		can make things behave 
;		differently each time.
; C8A2
; C8A3-C8A4	These locations are used as
;		an indirect jump pointer and
;		counter pair.  The address of
;		the routine to be called is 
;		placed in C8A3-C8A4, and a 
;		value is placed in C8A2.  
;		Each time through the main 
;		loop, the counter is 
;		decremented.  When the value
;		finally reaches 0, the 
;		routine will be called.  By
;		using random counters, you 
;		can make things behave 
;		differently each time.
; C8A5
; C8A6-C8A7	These locations are used as
;		an indirect jump pointer and
;		counter pair.  The address of
;		the routine to be called is 
;		placed in C8A6-C8A7, and a 
;		value is placed in C8A5.  
;		Each time through the main 
;		loop, the counter is 
;		decremented.  When the value
;		finally reaches 0, the 
;		routine will be called.  By
;		using random counters, you 
;		can make things behave 
;		differently each time.
; C8A8-C8AE	This is a 7 byte buffer, used
;		to contain player 1's score
;		string.  The string has the 
;		following format:
;      			"     0",0x80
; C8AF-C8B5	This is a 7 byte buffer, used
;		to contain player 2's score 
;		string.  The string has the 
;		following format:
;      			"     0",0x80
; C8B6		Flags that a bullet sound 
;		should be made.
; C8B7		Used as a loop counter during
;		initial screen seeding.
; C8B8		Used as a temporary variable
;		in several places.
;		Saves number of mines, during
;		screen re-seeding.
; C8B9-C8BA	Points to an entry in the 
;		mine buffer; used during
;		screen re-seeding.
; C8BB-C8BC	Not used.
; C8BD		Flags that the command ship 
;		has been disabled.
; C8BE		Set when the active player 
;		has no more command ships to
;		play with.
; C8BF		During a screen re-seed 
;		operation (when the user has
;		cleared all but small mines),
;		this keeps track of the 
;		number of mines which still
;		need to be re-seeded by the 
;		mother ship.
; C8C0		This flags that a new mine 
;		has been made visible, during
;		screen re-seeding.
; C8C1		Used as a loop counter during
;		mine re-seeding.
; C8C2-C8C3	This contains a pointer into
;		the structure describing 
;		which mines are visible at 
;		the level the active player
;		is at.
; C8C4-C8C5	This contains a pointer into
;		the structure describing
;		which mines are visible at 
;		the level that player 1 is
;		at.
; C8C6-C8C7	This contains a pointer into
;		the structure describing
;		which mines are visible at 
;		the level that player 2 is 
;		at.
; C8C8-C8C9	This contains the y 
;		coordinate of the command 
;		ship.  When drawing the 
;		command ship, only the upper
;		byte (C8C8) is used.  The 
;		lower byte is there only to
;		make motion graceful; i.e. 
;		when the ship is moving, the
;		motion delta is added into 
;		the lower byte (C8C9), and 
;		the ship will only end up 
;		moving, when the lower byte 
;		overflows into the upper 
;		byte.
; C8CA-C8CB	This contains the x 
;		coordinate of the command 
;		ship.  When drawing the 
;		command ship, only the upper
;		byte (C8CA) is used.  The 
;		lower byte is there only to
;		make motion graceful; i.e. 
;		when the ship is moving, the
;		motion delta is added into 
;		the lower byte (C8CB), and 
;		the ship will only end up 
;		moving, when the lower byte
;		overflows into the upper
;		byte.
; C8D0-C8D1
; C8D2-C8D3	Used when calculating ship 
;		movement.
; C8D4		This contains the rotation 
;		value for the command ship.
; C8D5		This contains the velocity of
;		the command ship.
; C8D6
; C8D7
; C8D8		These are used when 
;		calculating the x and y 
;		position for the command 
;		ship, while it is moving.
; C8D9		This contains the extra ship
;		count for the active player.
; C8DA		This contains the extra ship
;		count for player 1.
; C8DB		This contains the extra ship
;		count for player 2.
; C8DC-C8DD	Contains the position (y,x)
;		at which the enemy mother
;		ship is to be drawn.
; C8DE-C8DF	Used to calculate the y 
;		coordinate of the enemy 
;		mother ship, during screen 
;		re-seeding.
; C8E0-C8E1	Used to calculate the x 
;		coordinate of the enemy 
;		mother ship, during screen 
;		re-seeding.
; C8E2-C8E3	Used to calculate the y 
;		coordinate of the enemy 
;		mother ship, during screen 
;		re-seeding.
; C8E4-C8E5	Used to calculate the x 
;		coordinate of the enemy 
;		mother ship, during screen 
;		re-seeding.
; C8E6		This contains the value which
;		indicates at what angle a 
;		re-seeded mine will drift.
; C8E7		Flags that the enemy mother 
;		ship is out re-seeding the
;		screen, because the user has
;		cleared all but some small
;		mines.
; C8E8-C8E9	Use as temporary storage for
;		a pointer.
; C8EA		This contains the number of 
;		active bullets.
; C8EB		This is used to keep track of
;		the number of active (those 
;		which are floating around) 
;		mines.
; C8EC		This is set after the command
;		ship has started exploding,
;		and is cleared when the 
;		command ship explosion has
;		completed.
; C8ED		This contains the number of 
;		unused mines; i.e. those
;		which are still dots.
; C8EE		Flags that a hyperspace is 
;		active.
; C8EF		This contains the scale 
;		factor to be used the next 
;		time the hyperspace dots are
;		drawn.  This value is 
;		decremented by 4 each time 
;		through the loop, until the
;		lower limit is reached; at 
;		that point, the hyperspace is
;		complete.
; C8F0-C8F1	This serves as the end of 
;		game loop counter;  after a
;		game is over, the system 
;		waits awhile (unless you 
;		press a button) before it 
;		starts a new game 
;		automatically.  When this 
;		value decrements to 0, the 
;		new game starts.
; C8F2		Flags that the command ship 
;		movement sound should be 
;		made.
; C8F3		Flags that an explosion sound
;		should be made.
; C8F4		Flags that a sound for a new
;		mine 'popping' up should be 
;		made.
; C8F5		Not used.
; C8F6		Flags that the hyperspace 
;		sound should be made.
; C8F7		Used as a counter, while the
;		command ship is being
;		destroyed.
; C8F8		Contains the scale factor 
;		which is used to draw the
;		command ship, as it is being
;		destroyed.  This is 
;		incremented, to give the 
;		effect of the ship being
;		destroyed, and the parts 
;		separating.
; C8F9-C8FF	This is a 7 byte buffer, used
;		to contain player 1's level 
;		string.  The string has the 
;		following format:
;			"     0",0x80
; C900-C906	This is a 7 byte buffer, used
;		to contain player 2's level 
;		string.  The string has the 
;		following format:
;			"     0",0x80
; C907-C908
; C909-C90A	These are used to contain 
;		some calculated values, which
;		are used to transform the 
;		command ships coordinates.
;		These values pertain to 
;		rotation, and could possibly
;		be sin & cos values.  
;		Actually, I think they are 
;		rise & run values.
; C90B-C932	This is a 40 byte buffer, 
;		used to keep track of active
;		bullets.  The buffer is 
;		composed of 4 entries, each 
;		of 10 bytes.  Upto 4 bullets
;		may be active at any moment.
;		See the section on Data 
;		Structures, for an 
;		explanation of how this 
;		buffer is organized.
; C933-CB2A	This is a 504 byte buffer, 
;		used to keep track of all of
;		the mines (both active, 
;		inactive & dead).  The buffer
;		is composed of 28 entries, 
;		each of 18 bytes.  See the 
;		section on Data Structures, 
;		for an explanation of how 
;		this buffer is organized.
; CB2B-CB70	This is a 70 byte buffer, 
;		used to keep track of 
;		explosions which are 
;		currently being displayed.
;		The buffer is composed of 14
;		entries, each of 5 bytes.  
;		Obviously, only upto 14 
;		explosions can be displayed 
;		at any one time.  See the 
;		section on Data Structures,
;		for an explanation of how 
;		this buffer is organized.
; CB71-CB80	This is an array of 8 
;		pointers.  Each of these 
;		pointers point to a set of 
;		motion dots, which are drawn
;		as the ship (and user) move 
;		to the next mine level.  They
;		are meant to simulate ship 
;		motion.
; CB81-CB88	This is an array of 8 scale 
;		factors.  The scale factors
;		are used when the 
;		corresponding set of motion 
;		dots (see above entry) are 
;		drawn.
; CB89-CBA2	This is a 26 byte buffer, 
;		used to hold the 
;		transformated points which 
;		make up the command ship.  
;		The values here are produced
;		by taking the command ship 
;		points, and running them 
;		through a rotation 
;		transformation.
; CBA3-CBA6	Not used.
; CBA7-CBB3	This is a 13 byte buffer, 
;		used to hold the 
;		transformated points which 
;		make up a fire ball.  These 
;		are re-transformed every so 
;		often, to give the fireball
;		the effect of rotating.
; ---------------
; Bullet Structure
;	Each entry in the bullet structure is
;	composed of 10 bytes.  The format for
;	an entry is as follows:
;	  -------------------  0 = not in use
;	0 | in-use flag     |  1 = in use
;	  -------------------
;	1 |     Rise        |
;	  -                 -
;	2 |    Value        |
;	  -------------------
;	3 |     Run         |
;	  -                 -
;	4 |    Value        |
;	  -------------------
;	5 |   Bullet  y     |
;	  -                 -
;	6 |   Coordinate    |
;	  -------------------
;	7 |   Bullet  x     |
;	  -                 -
;	8 |   Coordinate    |
;	  -------------------  Time until
;	9 |   Life span     |  bullet dies
;	  -------------------  (disappears)
; Mine Structure
;	Each entry in the mine structure is
;	18 bytes, and has the following 
;	format:
;	   -------------------
;	0  |   State flag    |   (see note 1)
;	   -------------------
;	1  |   Mine type     |   (see note 2)
;	   -------------------
;	2  |  Scale  Factor  |
;	   -------------------
;	3  |  Generation #   |   (see note 3)
;	   -------------------
;	4  |    Mine  y      |
;	   -                 -
;	5  |    Coordinate   |
;	   -------------------
;	6  |    Mine  x      |
;	   -                 -
;	7  |    Coordinate   |
;	   -------------------
;	8  |     Rise        |
;	   -                 -
;	9  |     Value       |
;	   -------------------
;	10 |      Run        |
;	   -                 -
;	11 |     Value       |
;	   -------------------
;	12 | Width of mine/2 |
;	   -------------------
;	13 | Height of mine/2|
;	   -------------------
;	14 |    Value of     |
;	   -                 -
;	15 |   Mine (BCD)    |
;	   -------------------
;	16 |  (see note 4)   |
;	   -------------------
;	17 | final x postion |
;	   -------------------
;	note1 : The state flag is used to 
;		indicate what the state of
;		this mine is.  It can take on
;		one of the following values:
;		0x00	No mine defined.
;		0x01	Being destroyed.
;		0x08	Visible, and moving.
;		0x10	Visible, not moving.
;		0x20	Becoming visible.
;		0x40	Mine is still a dot.
;		0x80	Dot is still moving 
;			to its final x 
;			position.
;      	The life of a mine follows the story
;	presented below.  Before a mine is 
;	defined, the state is 0x00.  When a 
;	mine is first being seeded, a final x
;	position is calculated, and the mine
;	is 'dropped' from the mother ship; 
;	the state is now 0x80.  It will drift
;	off in the x direction, until it 
;	reaches its final x position; the 
;	state is now 0x40.  As the mine is 
;	first made visble, the state will 
;	become 0x20.  Once a mine is visible,
;	it does not immediately start moving;
;	the state is now 0x10.  Once the mine
;	starts moving, the state becomes 
;	0x08.  When (if) the mine is ever 
;	destroyed, the state will be 0x01
;	while the explosion pattern is 
;	displayed.  When the explosion 
;	pattern is complete, the state will 
;	revert back to 0x00.
;	note2 : The mine type can take on any
;		of the following 5 values:
;		0	dumb mine
;		1	magnetic mine
;		2	fireball mine
;		3	magnetic fireball
;		4	fireball
;	note3 : The generation number 
;		indicates whether the mine is
;		a large (3), medium (2) or 
;		small (1) mine.
;	note4 : Depending upon the state of 
;		the mine, this field can mean
;		1 of 3 things:
;		1) When the mine is a dot, 
;		   moving towards its final
;		   resting place, this 
;		   contains the delta x 
;		   value; i.e. how much it 
;		   should move each time, 
;		   until it reaches its final
;		   resting place.
;		2) If this is a large mine, 
;		   then when the mine first
;		   'pops' up, it doesn't go 
;		   right from a dot to a 
;		   large mine; rather, it 
;		   goes from a dot to a small
;		   mine, to a medium mine, 
;		   and then to a large mine.
;		   It this case, this field 
;		   contains the scale factor 
;		   which is used to draw the
;		   large mine as it 'pops' 
;		   up.
;		3) Once a mine becomes 
;		   visible, it does not 
;		   immediately begin to move;
;		   it stays stationary for a
;		   short amount of time.  In
;		   this case, this field 
;		   contains a counter value,
;		   which says how long the 
;		   mine should remain
;		   stationary.
; Explosion Buffer
;	Each entry in the explosion buffer is
;	5 bytes long, and has the following 
;	format:
;	  -----------------------
;	0 |  Type of explosion  |(see note 5)
;	  -----------------------
;	1 |  Max scale factor   |
;	  -----------------------
;	2 |    Y coordinate     |
;	  -----------------------
;	3 |    X coordinate     |
;	  -----------------------
;	4 |Current scale factor |
;	  -----------------------
;	note5:	The type field can assume any
;		of the following values:
;	      0   = Not an active explosion
;	   0x81   = Command ship explosion.
;	all other = Mine/enemy ship explosion

     org 0x0000;

      db "g GCE 1988",0x80
      dw MS_music  	; Music block ptr 
      db  -8    	; height
      db  80    	; width
      db  48    	; rel y
      db -24    	; rel x
      db "MINE",0x80
      db  -8    	; height
      db  80    	; width
      db  0   		; rel y
      db  -34    	; rel x
      db "STORM",0x80
      db  -8    	; height
      db  80    	; width
      db  -48  		; rel y
      db  -20    	; rel x
      db "III",0x80
      db 0x00

; Start of the Mine Storm game 
      ldx   #ETMP1        ; Clear C883 - CBC5
PE019: clr   ,x+
      cmpx  #ENDRAM
      bne   PE019

      jsr   init_motion_dots
      inc   ZSKIP
      lda   #0xBB        ; Set console enable
      sta   SATUS        ; flags
      ldx   #0x0101
      stx   SJOY         ; Set jstick mask

      ldx   #ETMP1       ; Clear C883 - CB70
PE034: clr   ,x+
      cmpx  #MS_END
      bne   PE034
      bra   PE03D

	direct	$C8
PE03D: jsr   DPRAM
      ldd   #0x0200      ; Get # of players
      jsr   SELOPT
      dec   PLAYRS       ; # players selected
      clr   TSTAT
      clr   ACTPLY       ; Active player

      ldx   #SCOR1       ; Init player 1 
      jsr   SCLR         ; score
      ldx   #SCOR2       ; Init player 2
      jsr   SCLR         ; score
      ldx   #P1LVL       ; Init mine field #
      jsr   SCLR         ; for player 1  
      ldd   #0x0001
      jsr   SCRADD
      ldx   #P2LVL       ; Init mine field #
      jsr   SCLR         ; for player 2 
      ldd   #0x0001
      jsr   SCRADD

      ldx   #mines_at_level_x  ; Init ptrs
      stx   P1MINES      ; describing mines 
      stx   P2MINES      ; at current level.  

      lda   #0x05        ; # ships for active
      sta   CPXSHP       ; player 
      sta   P1XSHP       ; Player 1 ships
      sta   P2XSHP       ; Player 2 ships
      bra   restart_same_level

      jsr   bring_ship_to_center
      ldy   #P1MINES     ; Point to mine info
      lda   ACTPLY       ; for the next level
      ldx   a,y
      leax  4,x
      stx   a,y

      ldx   #mine_field_level_pointers
      lda   ACTPLY       ; Award bonus ship
      ldx   a,x          ; if level is a
      lda   5,x          ; multiple of 4
      anda  #0x03
      bne   goto_next_mine_level
      inc   CPXSHP

      ldd   #0x0001      ; Incr mine field 
      jsr   SCRADD       ; level indicator. 
      jsr   init_RAM_for_new_level
      ldx   #P1MINES     ; Use active players
      lda   ACTPLY       ; info to determine
      ldx   a,x          ; mines at this
      lda   ,x           ; level.
      bmi   check_4_end_of_game ; After level 
      jsr   seed_the_screen  ; 13, skip any
      bra   main_loop    ; level whose 1st
                         ; byte is negative.

      ldd   ENDCNTR      ; If ENDCNTR counts
      subd  #0x0001      ; down to 0, start a
      std   ENDCNTR      ; a new game.
      beq   start_a_new_game

      ; Display 'game over' string, & both 
      ; scores 
      pshs  dp
      jsr   DPIO
	direct $D0
      jsr   display_both_scores
      ldu   #game_over
      jsr   MS_print_1_string7F
      puls  dp
	direct $C8

      lda   TRIGGR       ; If no buttons 
      beq   main_loop    ; pressed, then see
                         ; if we should goto
                         ; advanced levels.

      ; Find out if a new hi score is 
      ; available, and then start up a new 
      ; game.
      ldx   #SCOR1       ; Check player 1 
      ldu   #HISCOR      ; score.
      jsr   HISCR
      ldx   #SCOR2       ; Check player 2 
      ldu   #HISCOR      ; score.
      jsr   HISCR
      ldd   ENDCNTR
      lbne  restart_game ; Start new game      
      jsr   INTALL
      clr   LEG          ; Flag that hi score
      lds   #STKSTRT     ; should be shown.
      jmp   PWRUP        ; Go thru complete 
                         ; reset sequence .

; This is the main loop during a players 
; turn.  Control will remain in this loop, 
; until either a player clears a level,
; or has his ship destroyed.

      pshs  dp
      jsr   process_indirect_jumps
      jsr   draw_non_dead_mines
      jsr   process_jstick_and_buttons
      jsr   process_bullets
      jsr   reseed_screen
      puls  dp
      jsr   check_bullets_for_hits
      jsr   check_ship_4_mine_collision
      jsr   check_ship_4_enemy_collision
      jsr   display_explosion_pattern
      blo   main_loop
      lda   CS_DIS       ; See if cmd ship is
      lbeq  start_next_mine_level ; disabled.
      lda   GAMEOVR      ; See if the game is
      lbne  check_4_end_of_game   ; over.
      jmp   restart_same_level

; This block of code is responsible for 
; seeding the screen at the beginning of 
; play.  It will draw the enemy ship as it 
; moves from the top of the screen to the 
; bottom.  After the field has been 
; completely seeded, the mine field number 
; will be displayed.  I think that the x 
; register, at entry, points to a structure 
; describing the types of mines for this 
; level.

      stx   CPMINES      ; Save mine info ptr  
      ldd   #0x7F00
      std   MSHP_YX      ; Enemy ship coords .
      sta   SEEDCTR      ; Loop cntr (0x7F) .
      lda   #0x20
      sta   TMR1         ; Set indirect jump 
      ldx   #generate_mine_coords ; ptr to
      stx   T1FUNC       ; set mine coords.        
      ldx   #MINEBUF     ; Load mine buf addr
      stx   MINEPTR
      lda   #0x1D        ; Load # of mines
      sta   MINECNT
      clr   TSTAT
      ldu   #MS_music
      jsr   SPLAY
      pshs  dp           ; Draw active player
      jsr   PE711        ; ship count.
      jsr   REPLAY
      lda   FRAMLO       ; Decr loop counter
      bita  #0x01        ; every other pass.                
      bne   PE15C
      dec   SEEDCTR
PE15C: jsr   process_indirect_jumps

      ; This block draws the enemy ship
	direct -1
      jsr   display_both_scores
      jsr   REQOUT
      jsr   draw_non_dead_mines
      jsr   INT3Q        ; Wait til screen is
      ldb   SEEDCTR      ; seeded, then start
      beq   activate_4_mines ; 1st 4 mines.   
      ldx   #enemy_ship_pt1
      ldy   MSHP_YX
      jsr   move_y_draw_x ; Draw enemy ship.
      ldx   #enemy_ship_pt2
      jsr   move_y_draw_x
      ldx   #enemy_ship_pt3
      jsr   move_y_draw_x
      puls  dp
	direct $C8       ; Move enemy ship
      dec   MSHP_Y       ; from top to bottom
      bra   continue_seeding_screen

; This routine is called at the beginning of 
; a turn for the active player.  It will 
; activate the first 4 mines for the level.  
; The type of mines activated are controlled
; by the array whose pointer is contained in 

      puls  dp
      clr   TMR1
      lda   #0x04        ; Set loop counter. 
      sta   SEEDCTR      ; Set delay counter;
      lda   #0x7F        ; when = 0, stop
      sta   MINECNT      ; displaying mine
                         ; field # and start
                         ; 1st 4 mines.

PE198: lda   SEEDCTR     ; Exit when loop
      beq   PE1E6        ; counter = 0 .
      ldb   MINECNT
      beq   PE1A4        ; Don't activate the
      dec   MINECNT      ; mines til MINECNT
      bra   PE1B6        ; =0 to allow the
                         ; mine field # to
                         ; show a while.
PE1A4: ldb   FRAMLO      ; After every 31
      andb  #0x1F        ; loops, activate
      bne   PE1B6        ; another mine. 
      sta   SEEDCTR      ; Decr loop counter.
      ldx   CPMINES
      lda   a,x          ; Get mine type.
      ldb   #0x03        ; Set generation #
      jsr   activate_a_mine ; to 'largest'.
	direct -1
PE1B6: pshs  dp
      jsr   process_indirect_jumps

      ; Tell user what mine field # this is 
      jsr   INTMAX
      ldu   #mine_field
      jsr   MS_print_1_string7F
      ldy   #0xE0F8
      ldu   #mine_field_level_pointers
      lda   ACTPLY
      ldu   a,u
      jsr   move_y_print_string

      jsr   draw_non_dead_mines
      jsr   process_jstick_and_buttons
      jsr   process_bullets
      puls  dp
      jsr   check_bullets_for_hits
      jsr   display_explosion_pattern
      bra   PE198
PE1E6: rts

; This block of code generates random 
; coordinates for a single mine.  MINEPTR 
; contains a pointer to the appropriate entry
; in the mine structure.  Before exiting, 
; this routine will update the pointer in 
; MINEPTR to point to the next entry.

	direct $C8
      dec   MINECNT      ; Decr mine cntr.
      beq   PE239        ; Exit when = 0.  
      inc   DOTMINE      ; Incr mine dot cntr       
      jsr   RANDOM
      anda  #0x07        ; Reset jump cntr to 
      adda  #0x04        ; generate next set
      sta   TMR1         ; of mine coords.                   
      ldu   MINEPTR      ; Flag a mine is in
      lda   #0x80        ; this slot .
      sta   ,u           ; Get the coords of
      ldd   MSHP_YX      ; the enemy ship.
      adda  #0x08
      sta   4,u          ; Save y coord.
      clr   5,u
      stb   6,u          ; Save x coord.
      clr   7,u
      jsr   RANDOM       ; Generate final x
      tsta               ; pos for the mine.                        
      bmi   PE21A
      cmpa  #0x10
      bge   PE214
      adda  #0x0C
PE214: cmpa  #0x60
      ble   PE226
      bra   generate_final_x_for_mine
PE21A: cmpa  #0xF0
      ble   PE220
      suba  #0x0C
PE220: cmpa  #0xA0
      bge   PE226
      bra   generate_final_x_for_mine

PE226: sta   0x11,u
      tfr   a,b          ; Determine delta
      sex                ; movement value for
      ora   #0x01        ; the mine (1 or -1)
      sta   0x10,u
      clr   2,u          ; Set scale factor.
      leay  0x12,u       ; Point to next slot 
      sty   MINEPTR
PE239: rts

      db 0x00
      db 0x02            ; Small 
      db 0x07            ; Medium 
      db 0x10            ; Large 

      db 0x00
      db 0x20            ; Small 
      db 0x18            ; Medium 
      db 0x10            ; Large 

      db 0x01            ; dumb mine =
      db 0x00            ; BCD 100.
      db 0x05            ; magnetic mine =
      db 0x00            ; BCD 500.
      db 0x03            ; fireball mine =
      db 0x25            ; BCD 325.
      db 0x07            ; magnetic fireball
      db 0x50            ; mine = BCD 750.

      db 0x00
      db 0x00
      db 0x01            ; Small (100) 
      db 0x00
      db 0x00            ; Medium (35) 
      db 0x35
      db 0x00            ; Large (0) 
      db 0x00

      db 0x00
      db 0x00
      db 0x04            ; Small 
      db 0x04
      db 0x08            ; Medium 
      db 0x08
      db 0x0D            ; Large 
      db 0x0D

; Table of pointers to mine vectors 
      dw dumb_mine
      dw magnetic_mine
      dw fireball_mine
      dw magnetic_fireball_mine

; This block of code processes the hyperspace
; and move buttons.  It also checks the state
; of the joystick, and updates the command 
; ship rotation value, kept in SHPANGL, if 
; the joystick is not centered.  If the 
; joystick is left, then the rotation value
; is incremented; if it is to the right, then
; the rotation value is decremented.  After 
; updating the rotation value, the command 
; ship will be redrawn at its current 
; position (specified in SHIP_Y - SHIPY+1).

      pshs  dp
      lda   #0xC8
      tfr   a,dp
      lda   CS_DIS       ; Skip if cmd ship
      lbne  PE30A        ; is disabled.
      lda   HYPERON     ; Continue hyperspace
      lbne  continue_hyperspace ; if active.
      lda   KEY1         ; Check hyperspace
      lbne  hyperspace   ; button (btn 2).
      lda   KEY2         ; Check move button
      beq   no_ship_movement ; (btn 3).

      ; The following block of code takes 
      ; care of generating the new command 
      ; coordinates, because it is moving.  
      ; It attempts to make all turns into 
      ; smooth motion.
      lda   SHPANGL
      cmpa  SHPANG2
      beq   PE2A0
      cmpa  SHPANG3
      beq   PE290
      lda   SHPVEL
      beq   PE2A0
      lda   SHPANG4
      bne   no_ship_movement
PE290: lda   SHPANG4
      adda  #0x0C
      cmpa  #0x7F
      bhi   no_ship_movement
      sta   SHPANG4
      lda   SHPANGL
      sta   SHPANG3
      bra   PE2AE
PE2A0: lda   SHPVEL
      adda  #0x0C
      cmpa  #0x7F
      bhi   no_ship_movement
      sta   SHPVEL
      lda   SHPANGL
      sta   SHPANG2
PE2AE: inc   MKMVSND     ; Flag that a sound
                         ; should be made .

      lda   SHPVEL
      beq   PE2C2
      suba  #0x02
      sta   SHPVEL
      ldb   SHPANG2
      jsr   calc_rise_run1
      sty   SHIP_RISE_MOVING
      stx   SHIP_RUN_MOVING
PE2C2: lda   SHPANG4
      beq   PE2D4
      suba  #0x02
      sta   SHPANG4
      ldb   SHPANG3      ; Calc new rise/run.
      jsr   calc_rise_run1
      sty   SHPRIS2
      stx   SHPRUN2
PE2D4: ldd   SHIP_Y      ; Update cmd ships y
      addd  SHIP_RISE_MOVING ; coord.
      addd  SHPRIS2
      std   SHIP_Y
      ldd   SHIP_X       ; Update cmd ships x
      addd  SHIP_RUN_MOVING  ; coord.
      addd  SHPRUN2
      std   SHIP_X

      ; Check joystick state (in POT0) 
      lda   POT0
      beq   draw_cmd_ship1; ; Centered.
      bmi   PE2EE
      dec   SHPANGL      ; Joystick to right.
      bra   draw_cmd_ship2
PE2EE: inc   SHPANGL     ; Joystick to left.
      bra   draw_cmd_ship2
PE2F2: pshs  dp

; draw_cmd_ship2() runs the command ships 
; coordinates thru a rotation transformation, 
; and then draws the command ship using the 
; transformed coordinates.  draw_cmd_ship1() 
; draws the command ship using the current 
; transformed ship coordinates.

      jsr   rotate_cmd_ship ; Rotate the cmd
draw_cmd_ship1:             ; ship.
      lda   #0xD0
      tfr   a,dp
	direct $D0
      jsr   INT3Q
      ldb   #0x0C
      ldy   #SHIP_YX     ; Draw xformed cmd
      ldx   #XFRMSHP     ; ship.
      jsr   move_y_draw_x2
PE30A: puls  dp,pc

; This routine handles the hyperspace request 
	direct $C8
      lda   #0x80
      sta   HYPERON
      jsr   RANDOM
      anda  #0x03
      adda  #0x03
      sta   HYPSCAL
      inc   MKHYSND
      lda   HYPERON
      bpl   process_hyperspace_dots
      dec   HYPSCAL
      beq   PE330
      jsr   MS_get_2_random_nums
      sta   SHIP_Y
      clr   SHIP_YL      ; Generate new cmd   
      stb   SHIP_X       ; ship coords.      
      clr   SHIP_XL
      puls  dp,pc
PE330: lsr   HYPERON
      lda   #0x1F
      sta   HYPSCAL
      puls  dp,pc

; This code draws the ever decreasing 
; hyperspace dots during an active 
; hyperspace.  The scale factor for the 
; hyperspace dots, stored in HYPSCAL, is 
; decremented, and when it finally reaches a 
; minimum value, the hyperspace is complete.

      ldb   HYPSCAL      ; See if scale 
      cmpb  #0xE0        ; factor has reached
      ble   hyperspace_complete ; the limit.
      lda   HYPSCAL
      suba  #0x04        ; Decr scale factor.
      sta   HYPSCAL
      jsr   draw_hyperspace_motion_dots
      puls  dp,pc

      clr   HYPSCAL
      clr   HYPERON
      jsr   clear_cmd_ship_xformation
      puls  dp,pc

; After the player has cleared all but the 
; small mines from a layer, the enemy ship 
; will again appear, and attempt to reseed 
; the screen.  This code checks to see if 
; the enemy ship is visible (RESEED), and if
; it is, then it generates new coordinates 
; for it, and then moves it.

	direct -1
      lda   RESEED       ; do only if ship
      beq   PE383        ; is visible .
      pshs  dp
      lda   #0xC8
      tfr   a,dp
	direct $C8
      lda   RESEED
      beq   PE383
      ldd   NXMINEY
      addd  MINERIS
      std   NXMINEY
      sta   MSHP_Y       ; New y coord.
      ldd   NXMINEX
      addd  MINERUN
      std   NXMINEX
      sta   MSHP_X       ; New x coord.
      puls  dp
	direct -1
      jsr   INT3Q
      ldb   #0x08
      ldy   MSHP_YX
      ldx   #simple_enemy_ship
      jsr   move_y_draw_x ; Draw enemy ship.
PE383: rts

; This procedure is invoked only through the
; indirect jump pointers.  After only small
; mines are left, this routine will
; eventually be called.  It will determine
; which way the enemy ship will move, and
; will also set up another indirect jump to
; the routine which does the actual reseeding
; of the screen.

	direct $C8
      ldx   #ind_reseed_screen
      stx   T3FUNC       ; Set up jump ptr.
      jsr   RANDOM
      ldx   #SE448       ; Determine where
      anda  #0x06        ; enemy ship will
      ldx   a,x          ; move.
      ldd   ,x++
      std   MSHP_YX      ; Save enemy ships
      sta   NXMINEY      ; new coords.
      clr   NXMINEY+1
      stb   NXMINEX
      clr   NXMINEX+1
      bra   PE3F9

; This routine is invoked only through the 
; indirect jump mechanism.  It will continue
; to be called, until either the enemy ship
; is destroyed, or until the screen has been
; reseeded.  It will reseed upto 7 new mines.

      lda   RESEDCT      ; See if all mines
      bne   PE3BE        ; have been seeded.
PE3A5: jsr   RANDOM                                  
      anda  #0x7F
      adda  #0x30        ; Set jump cntr for 
      sta   TMR3         ; the next pass.                     
      jsr   RANDOM
      anda  #0x3F
      sta   RESDANG
      jsr   RANDOM
      adda  #0x10
      sta   RESEED
      bra   PE407
PE3BE: lda   CS_DIS
      bne   PE3A5

      ; Load the b register with the number
      ; of mines (28), and load the u
      ; register with the pointer to the mine
      ; structure.  Then look through the
      ; mine structure for an available slot,
      ; and fill it with the newly seeded 
      ; mine.
      ldb   #0x1C
      ldu   #MINEBUF
PE3C7: lda   ,u          ; Find unused slot.    
      beq   found_avail_mine
      leau  0x12,u
      bne   PE3C7
      bra   PE407

found_avail_mine:        ; Incr # of mines
      inc   DOTMINE      ; which are dots.
      dec   RESEDCT      ; Decr reseed cntr. 
      ldx   NXMINEY
      stx   4,u          ; Set mines y coord.
      ldx   NXMINEX
      stx   6,u          ; Set mines x coord.
      lda   #0x40        ; Mine is a
      sta   ,u           ; stationary dot. 
      lda   NWMNVIS      ; Check if 1st mine
      bne   PE3F7        ; activated.
      ldx   #ind_start_large_mine
      stx   T1FUNC      ; Set things up to
      jsr   RANDOM      ; eventually activate
      anda  #0x7F       ; 1 large mine.
      adda  #0x40
      sta   TMR1
      inc   NWMNVIS     ; Flag that 1st mine
                        ; has been activated.
PE3F7: ldx   TMPPTR
PE3F9: lda   ,x+
      sta   TMR3
      lda   ,x+
      sta   RESDANG
      lda   ,x+
      sta   RESEED
      stx   TMPPTR
PE407: ldb   RESDANG
      jsr   calc_rise_run1 ; Generate rise &
      sty   MINERIS     ; run for mine.
      stx   MINERUN

; This routine is called only thru the 
; indirect jump handler.  It is responsible
; for activating a single large mine.  The
; type of mine is indicated by the first
; entry in the table of mines for this level.

      ldu   #P1MINES
      lda   ACTPLY
      ldu   a,u
      lda   ,u          ; Determine mine type
      ldb   #0x03       ; Set generation to
      jsr   activate_a_mine ; 'largest'.
      ldx   #ind_activate_rangen_mine
      stx   T1FUNC

; This routine decrements the counter in
; LOOPCTR, and if it equal 0, then it
; activates a mine with a random generation
; number; else, it sets the indirect counter
; in C89C to -1, and returns.  This routine
; is called only thru the indirect jump
; handler.

      dec   LOOPCTR
      beq   PE430
      lda   #0xFF
      sta   TMR1
      bra   PE447
PE430: jsr   RANDOM
      tfr   a,b
      andb  #0x03
      bne   PE43B
      addb  #0x01
PE43B: ldu   #P1MINES
      lda   ACTPLY
      ldu   a,u
      lda   ,u
      jsr   activate_a_mine
PE447: rts

; Some sort of pointer table 
SE448: dw SE450
       dw SE46A
       dw SE484
       dw SE49E

SE450: db 0x7F
      db 0x00
      db 0x28
      db 0x20
      db 0x30
      db 0x40
      db 0x28
      db 0x30
      db 0x28
      db 0x00
      db 0x10
      db 0x30
      db 0x10
      db 0x40
      db 0x18
      db 0x20
      db 0x50
      db 0x40
      db 0x30
      db 0x28
      db 0x30
      db 0x08
      db 0x60
      db 0x7F
      db 0x38
      db 0x70

SE46A: db 0x80
      db 0x00
      db 0x40
      db 0x00
      db 0x30
      db 0x20
      db 0x10
      db 0x50
      db 0x20
      db 0x28
      db 0x40
      db 0x30
      db 0x3E
      db 0x70
      db 0x18
      db 0x30
      db 0x60
      db 0x20
      db 0x18
      db 0x40
      db 0x30
      db 0x24
      db 0x50
      db 0x7F
      db 0x06
      db 0x70

SE484: db 0x00
      db 0x7F
      db 0x40
      db 0x10
      db 0x60
      db 0x28
      db 0x38
      db 0x30
      db 0x28
      db 0x08
      db 0x40
      db 0x30
      db 0x28
      db 0x7F
      db 0x20
      db 0x18
      db 0x30
      db 0x30
      db 0x08
      db 0x68
      db 0x40
      db 0x20
      db 0x50
      db 0x7F
      db 0x38
      db 0x70

SE49E: db 0x00
      db 0x80
      db 0x40
      db 0x30
      db 0x60
      db 0x38
      db 0x18
      db 0x30
      db 0x30
      db 0x20
      db 0x18
      db 0x20
      db 0x38
      db 0x40
      db 0x28
      db 0x10
      db 0x60
      db 0x20
      db 0x00
      db 0x30
      db 0x40
      db 0x38
      db 0x50
      db 0x7F
      db 0x1C
      db 0x70

; This routine is responsible for displaying
; any active bullets, and also for firing new
; bullets, when an available spot in the
; bullet structure becomes available.  The
; maximum number of active bullets is 4.  The
; 40 byte bullet structure starts at
; ACTIVE_BULLETS.  A bullet will remain
; 'active' for at most 0x18 passes thru this
; routine.

	direct -1
      lda   #0x04       ; Loop counter = 4.
      ldu   #ACTIVE_BULLETS ; Bullet buffer.
      ldx   #KEY3       ; State of fire btn.
      sta   TEMP1
      jsr   INTMAX
next_bullet:            ; If current slot is
      lda   ,u          ; empty, see if new
      beq   check_fire_button; bullet should
                        ; be fired.
      dec   9,u         ; Decr cycle cntr and
      beq   erase_bullet; erase bullet if = 0
      ldd   5,u
      addd  1,u         ; y                                  
      std   5,u         ; Incr bullet coords. 
      ldd   7,u
      addd  3,u         ; x                                  
      std   7,u
      leay  5,u
      jsr   draw_dot7F_ptr_in_y; Draw bullet.
      leau  10,u
      dec   TEMP1       ; Point to next entry 
      bne   next_bullet

      clr   ,u
      dec   NMACTBL     ; Decr active bullet
                        ; counter.
      lda   CS_DIS
      bne   update_bufr_ptr
      lda   HYPERON
      bne   update_bufr_ptr
      lda   ,x          ; Check 'fire' btn.
      beq   update_bufr_ptr

      ; This code 'fires' a new bullet, and
      ; fills the available spot in the
      ; bullet structure.
      clr   ,x
      inc   MKBLSND     ; Flag that a bullet
                        ; sound should be
                        ; made.
      inc   ,u
      ldd   SHIP_Y      ; Get ships coords.      
      std   5,u
      ldd   SHIP_X
      std   7,u
      ldd   TRUE_SHIP_RISE ; Get ship rise.
      std   1,u
      ldd   TRUE_SHIP_RUN  ; Get ship run.
      std   3,u
      lda   #0x18       ; # of passes before
      sta   9,u         ; bullet expires.
      inc   NMACTBL     ; Incr active bullet
      bra   update_bufr_ptr; counter.

; This procedure processes each mine which
; has not been destroyed.  If the mine is a
; moving dot, then its position is updated;
; if the mine is a dot, then it is draw in
; its appropriate place; if the mine is
; active, then the appropriate mine is drawn;
; if it is a fireball, then the fireball is
; drawn.  The state of the mine is determined
; by the first byte in the mine structure. 
; The following values are valid:
;   0x00 - Mine is dead.
;   0x01 - Mine is being destroyed.
;   0x08 - Mine is visible and moving.
;   0x10 - Mine is visible, but not moving.
;   0x20 - Mine is just becoming visible.
;   0x40 - Mine is a stationary dot.
;   0x80 - Mine still moving to final resting
;          place.

      lda   #0x1C
      sta   TEMP1       ; Set loop cntr. 
      ldu   #MINEBUF    ; Get mine ptr.
PE526: lda   ,u
      bne   non_dead_mine
      leau  0x12,u
      dec   TEMP1
      bne   PE526

      lbmi  move_mine_dot
      bita  #0x40
      lbne  draw_mine_as_dot
      bita  #0x20
      lbne  mine_becoming_visible
      bita  #0x10
      lbne  delay_B4_moving_mine
      bita  #0x01
      lbne  process_destroyed_mine
      lda   1,u
      cmpa  #0x04       ; Check for fireball.  
      beq   process_fireball
      bita  #0x01       ; Move visible mines.
      beq   non_magnetic_mine
      lda   HYPERON     ; Skip if hyperspace
                        ; active.
      bne   non_magnetic_mine
      lda   CS_DIS      ; Skip if cmd ship 
                        ; disabled.
      bne   non_magnetic_mine
      pshs  dp
      jsr   DPRAM
	direct $C8
      lda   SHIP_Y      ; Draw the mine
      suba  4,u         ; towards the cmd
      ldb   SHIP_X      ; ship.
      subb  6,u
      jsr   CMPASS
      suba  #0x10
      sta   ETMP1
      ldx   #mine_velocity
      ldb   3,u
      lda   b,x
      ldb   ETMP1
      jsr   calc_rise_run1; Calc new rise and
      sty   8,u           ; run values.
      stx   10,u
      puls  dp
	direct -1
      ldd   4,u         ; Update mine coords. 
      addd  8,u
      std   4,u
      ldd   6,u
      addd  10,u
      std   6,u

; This block of code draws a mine, using
; information in the mine structure element
; pointed to by the u register.

      jsr   INT3Q
      ldx   #mine_vector_ptrs
      lda   1,u         ; Mine type         
      ldx   a,x         ; Mine vector list.
      leay  4,u         ; Mine coordinates.  
      ldb   2,u         ; Scale factor.      
      jsr   move_y_draw_x2
      jmp   update_mine_ptr

; This routine appears to be processing a
; fireball.  It checks to see if the fireball
; has reached the edge of the display, and if
; it has, then the fireball is removed; else,
; the fireball is drawn on the display.

      ldd   4,u         ; Fireball reached
      addd  8,u         ; the edge of the
      bvs   remove_fireball  ; display?
      std   4,u
      ldd   6,u
      addd  10,u
      bvs   remove_fireball
      std   6,u
      jsr   INTMAX
      leay  4,u         ; Draw the fireball.
      ldx   #XFRM_FIRE_BALL
      ldb   #0x04
      jsr   move_y_draw_x2
      jmp   update_mine_ptr

      clr   ,u          ; Flag that fireball
      dec   NUM_ACTIVE_MINES ; has been
      jmp   update_mine_ptr  ; removed.

; move_mine_dot () does some sort of
; processing on the mine's coordinates, and
; then draws the mine as a dot.  I believe
; that the processing being done is the
; movement of the dot in the x direction,
; after the mine field has been seeded, but
; before the mine dot has reached it's final
; place.  draw_mine_as_dot() draws a mine as
; a dot.
; For both these routines, the u register
; must point to a structure element
; describing the mine.

      lda   6,u         ; Update mines x
      adda  16,u        ; coord & check if it
      sta   6,u         ; has reached final
      cmpa  17,u        ; resting place.
      bne   draw_mine_as_dot; Flag that mine
      lsr   ,u          ; dot is at its final
                        ; resting place.
      jsr   INT3Q
      leay  4,u
      jsr   draw_dot7F_ptr_in_y
      jmp   update_mine_ptr

; This procedure is called when a mine first
; becomes visible.  If the mine is not a
; large mine, then the mine is drawn at full
; scale factor; otherwise, if the mine is a
; large mine, then it will be drawn with a
; steadily increasing scale factor.  This
; gives the effect of the mine 'popping' up.

      lda   3,u         ; Check if this is a
      cmpa  #0x03       ; large mine.
      bne   use_max_scale_factor
      lda   2,u
      cmpa  16,u
      bge   use_max_scale_factor
      adda  #0x08
      sta   2,u         ; Incr scale factor.
      bra   PE61A
      lsr   ,u          ; Flag that mine is
      lda   16,u        ; full size & visible
      sta   2,u         ; Set final scale
      lda   #0x18       ; factor.
      sta   16,u        ; Set up a delay.
      lda   DOTMINE
      bne   PE61A       ; More mine dots?
      lda   NWMNVIS     ; Reseeding already
      bne   PE61A       ; in progress?
      lda   #0x7F       ; Set cntr for
      sta   TMR3        ; reseeding since
                        ; only small mines
                        ; are left. 
PE61A: jmp   draw_a_visible_mine

; This procedure is used to delay the
; movement of a mine right after it become
; visible.  After the delay is over, the mine
; will start moving.

      dec   16,u        ; Decr delay cntr.
      bne   PE624
      lsr   ,u
PE624: jmp   draw_a_visible_mine

; This procedure processes the activation of
; 2 new mines after a mine has been
; destroyed.  If the destroyed mine was a
; small mine, or a fireball, then 2 new mines
; will not be activated.  At entry time, the
; 'a' register must contain the type of mine
; to be started up.

      clr   ,u          ; Flag mine as gone.
      lda   1,u
      cmpa  #0x04       ; If fireball, don't 
      beq   PE644       ; start up new mines.      
      ldb   3,u
      decb              ; If small mine, do
      beq   PE644       ; not start up new
      pshs  a,dp        ; mines.
      lda   #0xC8
      tfr   a,dp
      lda   ,s          ; Get type of mine.
      jsr   activate_a_mine
      jsr   activate_a_mine
      puls  a,dp
PE644: jmp   update_mine_ptr

; This routine is responsible for displaying
; the explosion pattern for all active
; explosions.  If the command ship is
; exploding, then it will also switch over to
; the next player (eventually).

      pshs  dp
      jsr   DPIO
      jsr   INTMAX
      ldu   #ACTIVE_EXPLOSIONS; Get ptr to
      lda   #0x0E       ; explosion struct.
      sta   TEMP1       ; Set loop counter.
      lda   ,u
      lbeq  inc_expl_ptr
      ldb   4,u         ; If explosion scale
      cmpb  1,u         ; factor below max
      bhs   chk_4_cmd_ship_explosion; value,
      addb  #0x03       ; then incr it.
      stb   4,u
      ldy   2,u
      ldx   #explosion  ; Draw explosion.
      jsr   move_y_draw_x

      tsta              ; Cmd ship explosion
      lbpl  check_4_expired_explosion; if bit
                        ; 0x80 is set.
      dec   SHIP_EXPLODING_CNTR; Stop  when
      lbeq  dead_ship   ; cntr reaches zero.              
      lda   FRAMLO
      anda  #0x01       ; Every other pass
      bne   draw_expl_cmd_ship; incr scale
      inc   SHIP_EXP_SCALE; factor used to
                        ; draw cmd ship.

      lda   SHIP_EXP_SCALE; Draw the cmd ship
      ldy   #0x7F00     ; in pieces.
      ldx   #cmd_ship_pt1
      jsr   draw_cmd_ship_fragment
      ldy   #0x6080
      ldx   #cmd_ship_pt2
      jsr   draw_cmd_ship_fragment
      ldy   #0x8050
      ldx   #cmd_ship_pt3
      jsr   draw_cmd_ship_fragment
      ldy   #0xA080
      ldx   #cmd_ship_pt4
      jsr   draw_cmd_ship_fragment
      bra   inc_expl_ptr

; This routine is called after a ship has
; been destroyed.  The number of ships for
; the active player, kept in CPXSHP, will be
; decremented.  If more than one player is
; playing, then save the active players ship
; count in a memory location (P1XSHP for
; player 1, and P2XSHP for player 2), and
; then determine who's turn it now is.

      dec   CPXSHP      ; Decr ship count.
      clr   NUM_ACTIVE_MINES
      clr   DOTMINE

      lda   PLAYRS      ; If > 1 player, then
      beq   check_ship_count; ; save active
      lda   ACTPLY      ; players ship count.
      ldx   #P1XSHP
      ldb   CPXSHP
      stb   a,x

      lda   P1XSHP      ; See who's turn it
      bne   next_player ; is; skip player if
      lda   P2XSHP      ; no more ships.
      beq   flag_no_ships_left

      lda   ACTPLY      ; Incr active player
      adda  #0x02       ; indicator.
      anda  #0x02
      sta   ACTPLY

      lsra              ; Load ship count for
      ldx   #P1XSHP     ; new player.
      ldb   a,x
      stb   CPXSHP
      beq   next_player

; This routine checks to see if the active
; player has any ships left, after the
; command ship has exploded.

      lda   CPXSHP
      bne   explosion_expired
      lda   #0x01       ; Flag 'game over'
      sta   GAMEOVR     ; if no ships left.
      bra   explosion_expired

; This routine checks to see if the explosion
; has expired.  An explosion expires when its
; scale factor surpasses a preset maximum
; value.

      ldb   4,u         ; See if scale factor
      cmpb  1,u         ; has reached the
      blo   inc_expl_ptr; max value.
      clr   ,u
      dec   CMD_SHIP_EXPLODING; Flag 
                        ; completion of cmd
                        ; ship explosion.

      leau  5,u
      dec   TEMP1
      lbne  check_next_explosion
      jsr   make_misc_sounds
      bra   draw_tiny_ships

; Draw the tiny ships in lower righthand
; corner .
PE711: pshs  dp
      jsr   DPIO
      jsr   INT3Q
      ldx   #0x8038     ; Position for first
      stx   TEMP2       ; ship; don't bother
      lda   CPXSHP      ; if active player 
      beq   rotate_fireball_vectors; ; has no
      sta   TEMP1       ;ships left.
PE727: dec   TEMP1
      beq   rotate_fireball_vectors; ; Exit
      lda   TEMP3     ; when all ships drawn.
      adda  #0x06       ; Incr x coord.     
      sta   TEMP3
      ldb   #0x04
      ldy   TEMP2
      ldx   #command_ship
      jsr   move_y_draw_x; Draw tiny md ship.
      bra   PE727

; This routine rotates the fireball vector
; list.  Also, it checks to see whether this
; level has been cleared.

      puls  dp
	direct $C8
      lda   FRAMLO
      anda  #0x01
      ldx   #fireball
      ldu   #XFRM_FIRE_BALL
      jsr   PROT

      ; This block of code determines whether
      ; or not the main loop should be
      ; exited.  If the cmd ship is disabled,
      ; or if the player has cleared the
      ; level, then the main loop will be
      ; exited (this is flagged by clearing
      ; the carry bit.
      ldb   CMD_SHIP_EXPLODING; Cmd ship
      bne   PE767       ; exploding?
      lda   CS_DIS      ; Cmd ship disabled?
      bne   PE764
      ldb   NUM_ACTIVE_MINES; Check # of
      bne   PE767       ; active mines.
      ldb   DOTMINE     ; Check # of dot
      bne   PE767       ; mines.
PE764: andcc #0xFE      ; Flag to force
      rts               ; 'exit main loop'.
PE767: orcc  #0x01      ; Resume main loop.

; This routine is responsible for drawing a
; single fragment of the exploding command
; ship.  At entry, 'a' = scale factor, 
; 'y' = pen position, and 'x' = ptr to
; vector list.

	direct $D0
      pshs  a,x,y
      ldx   #SHIP_YX    ; Move pen to cmd
      jsr   POSWID      ; ship location.
      lda   ,s
      sta   T1LOLC      ; Set scale factor.
      tfr   y,d
      jsr   POSITN      ; Move pen to pos in
      ldb   #0x0C       ; y register.
      ldx   1,s
      jsr   TPACK       ; Draw vector list
      puls  a,x,y,pc    ; pointed to by x
                        ; register.

; This routine is called after a bullet has
; hit something, or the command ship collides
; with something.  It will search through the
; explosion structure, looking for an empty
; slot.  When it finds one, it will fill it
; with the information passed in.  At entry
; time, 'a' = type of explosion and the scale
; factor to use, 'b' = the max scale factor
; to be used, and 'x' contains the position
; for the explosion.  If the hi bit of 'a' is
; set, then that flags that it is the command
; ship exploding; the lower 7 bits are used to
; specify the initial scale factor.

	direct $C8
      pshs  a,b,x
      lda   #0x0E
PE78B: ldb   ,x         ; Find empty slot.
      beq   found_empty_exp_slot
      leax  5,x
      bne   PE78B
      bra   PE7B3

      lda   ,s          ; Set explosion type.
      anda  #0x80
      sta   ,x          ; Cmd ship explosion?
      bpl   PE7A1
      inc   CS_DIS      ; Flag that cmd ship
                        ; is disabled.
PE7A1: lda   ,s
      anda  #0x7F       ; Save starting scale
      sta   4,x         ; factor.
      lda   1,s
      sta   1,x
      ldd   2,s         ; Save maximum scale
      std   2,x         ; factor.
      inc   CMD_SHIP_EXPLODING; Flag cmd ship
                        ; exploding.
      inc   MAKE_EXPL_SOUND; Flag that 
                        ; explosion sound
                        ; should be made.
PE7B3: puls  a,b,x,pc

; This routine is responsible for calculating
; a rise and run for an object whose angle of
; travel is in the 'b' register, and whose
; velocity is in the 'a' register.  The rise
; is returned in the 'y' register, and the
; run is returned in the 'x' register.

      pshs  a,b,x,y
      jsr   LNROT
      sta   4,s
      std   2,s
      ldb   4,s
      std   4,s
      puls  a,b,x,y,pc

; This routine also calculates some sort of
; rise & run pair.  The same parameters are
; expected at entry time, and the values are
; returned in the same registers.

      pshs  a,b,x,y
      bsr   calc_rise_run1
      ldd   -4,s
      std   4,s
      ldd   -6,s
      std   2,s
      puls  a,b,x,y,pc

; This routine is called each time a new mine
; level is started.  It initializes
; everything necessary.

      lda   #0xD0
      tfr   a,dp
	direct $D0
      jsr   INTPSG
      lda   #0xC8
      tfr   a,dp
	direct $C8
      clr   TMR1        ; Clear all 4 jump
      clr   TMR2        ; counters.
      clr   TMR3
      clr   TMR4
      ldx   #ACTIVE_BULLETS; Clear level
PE7FA: clr   ,x+           ; specific RAM.
      cmpx  #MOTION_DOT_PTRS
      bne   PE7FA
      ldd   #0x0000
      std   NXMINEY
      std   NXMINEX
      std   MINERIS
      std   MINERUN
      sta   RESEED
      sta   CS_DIS      ; Clear cmd ship
                        ; disabled flag.
      sta   GAMEOVR     ; Clear 'no ships'
                        ; flag.
      sta   NMACTBL     ; Clear active bullet
                        ; counter.
      sta   NUM_ACTIVE_MINES
      sta   CMD_SHIP_EXPLODING; Clear cmd 
                        ; ship exploding flag 
      sta   SHIP_EXP_SCALE; Clear destroyed
                        ; cmd ship scale
                        ; factor.
      ldb   #0x40
      stb   SHIP_EXPLODING_CNTR; Init cmd 
                        ; ship exploding loop
                        ; counter .
      sta   DOTMINE     ; Clear # of dot 
                        ; mines.
      sta   NWMNVIS     ; Clear mine 
                        ; activated during
                        ; reseeding flag.
      ldx   #0x0800
      stx   ENDCNTR     ; Set end of game 
                        ; loop counter.
      lda   #0x07
      sta   RESEDCT     ; Init # of mines to
                        ; be reseeded.
      ldx   #ind_init_screen_reseeding
      stx   T3FUNC      ; Init jump location
                        ; for reseeding.
      ldd   #0x0000
      std   SHIP_Y      ; Clear cmd ship's   
      std   SHIP_X      ; position.

      ldd   #0x0000
      sta   SHPANGL     ; Clear rotation cntr     
      std   SHIP_RISE_MOVING
      std   SHIP_RUN_MOVING
      sta   SHPVEL      ; Clear cmd ships 
                        ; velocity.
      sta   SHPANG2
      std   SHPRIS2
      std   SHPRUN2
      sta   SHPANG4
      sta   SHPANG3

; This block of code takes the vector list
; describing the command ship, and applies a
; rotation transformation to them.  The
; current rotation value is in SHPANGL, and
; the transformed vector list is stored in
; the buffer starting at XFRMSHP.

      lda   SHPANGL
      ldx   #command_ship
      ldu   #XFRMSHP
      jsr   PROT

      lda   #0x7F
      ldb   SHPANGL
      jsr   calc_rise_run2
      sty   TRUE_SHIP_RISE
      stx   TRUE_SHIP_RUN

; This routine is called after the active
; player clears a mine field level.  This
; routine will slowly bring the command ship
; back to the center of the screen.  As this
; is being done, a series of dots will be
; drawn to simulate motion.

      pshs  x,y
      pshs  dp
      jsr   DPIO
	direct $D0
      jsr   INTPSG
      puls  dp
	direct $C8
      lda   #0xA0
      sta   TEMP1       ; Set loop counter.

PE876: lda   SHIP_Y
      beq   PE884       ; Modify y coord for
      bmi   PE87F       ; command ship, to 
      deca              ; force it back to 0.
      bra   PE880 
PE87F: inca
PE880: sta   SHIP_Y
      clr   SHIP_YL

PE884: lda   SHIP_X     ; Modify x coord for
      beq   PE892       ; command ship, to
      bmi   PE88D       ; force it back to 0.
      bra   PE88E
PE88D: inca
PE88E: sta   SHIP_X
      clr   SHIP_XL

PE892: lda   SHPANGL    ; Modify rotation
      beq   PE8A2       ; value for cmd ship,
      cmpa  #0x1F       ; to force it back
      bgt   PE89D       ; to 0.
      bra   PE89E
PE89D: inca
PE89E: anda  #0x3F
      sta   SHPANGL

; This loop, repeated 8 times (once for each
; scale factor in the array) increaments each
; of the scale factors for the motions dots 
; by 3.
PE8A2: jsr   PE2F2
      ldx   #MOTION_DOT_SCALES
      ldb   #0x08
PE8AA: lda   ,x
      adda  #0x03
      sta   ,x+
      bne   PE8AA

      pshs  dp
      jsr   DPIO
	direct $D0
      jsr   display_both_scores
      lda   #0x20
      jsr   simulate_motion1
      jsr   modify_motion_scales
      puls  dp
	direct $C8

      ; Repeat the above until the ship is 
      ; centered.
      lda   SHIP_Y
      lbne  PE876
      lda   SHIP_X
      lbne  PE876
      lda   SHPANGL
      lbne  PE876
      dec   TEMP1
      lbne  PE876
      jsr   init_RAM_for_new_level
      puls  x,y,pc

; This routine initializes the two arrays
; which contain the data needed to produce
; the motion dots (the dots displayed as the
; ship moves from one level to the next). 
; The 8 entries in MOTION_DOT_PTRS are
; pointers to the 8 sets of required dots. 
; The 8 entries in MOTION_DOT_SCALES are the
; corresponding scale factors.

      ldx   #motion_dots
      ldy   #MOTION_DOT_PTRS
      ldu   #MOTION_DOT_SCALES
      ldb   #0x08
      lda   #0x16
PE8F1: stx   ,y++
      leax  8,x
      sta   ,u+
      adda  #0x0F
      bne   PE8F1

; modify_motion_scales() increments each of
; the 8 motion scale factors, and then draws
; the new motion dots.  simulate_motion1()
; and simulate_motion2() both draw the
; current motion dots.  The motion dots will
; only be drawn if the scale factor is > the
; value specified in the 'a' register, and
; if (scale - 'b') > 0.

      pshs  a,b,dp,x
      ldx   #MOTION_DOT_SCALES
      lda   #0x08
PE904: inc   ,x+        ; Incr each of the
      deca              ; scale factors.
      bne   PE904
      bra   simulate_motion2

      pshs  a,b,dp,x
      lda   #0xD0
      tfr   a,dp
	direct $D0
      lda   #0x09       ; Set loop counter.  
      pshs  a
PE915: dec   ,s
      bne   PE920
      jsr   ZERGND
      puls  a
      puls  a,b,dp,x,pc
PE920: jsr   ZERGND
      lda   #0x03       ; LIST holds # of
      sta   LIST        ; dots to draw (4).           
      lda   ,s
      ldx   #MOTION_DOT_SCALES
      ldb   a,x
      andb  #0x7F       ; Make sure scale
      cmpb  1,s         ; factor is within  
      bls   PE915       ; specified range.
      subb  2,s
      ble   PE915
      stb   T1LOLC      ; Set hardware scale
                        ; factor.

      ldx   #MOTION_DOT_PTRS; Draw dot list.          
      asla              ; Convert loop cntr
      ldx   a,x         ; to a word offset.
      jsr   INTMAX
      jsr   DIFDOT
      bra   PE915

; This routine is responsible for drawing the
; hyperspace dot during a hyperspace.  It
; draws the 8 sets of motion dots, using a
; decreasing scale factor.  At entry, the 'b'
; register contains the minimum scale factor
; to be used.

      pshs  a,b,dp,x
      lda   #0xD0
      tfr   a,dp
	direct $D0
      lda   #0x09       ; Push loop cntr on
      pshs  a           ; the stack.
      dec   ,s
      bne   draw_the_dots
      jsr   ZERGND
      puls  a
      puls  a,b,dp,x,pc

      jsr   ZERGND
      lda   #0x03     
      sta   LIST        ; # of dots to draw.
      ldx   #SHIP_YX
      jsr   POSWID
      ldb   ,s
      addb  2,s         ; Calc scale factor.
      ble   next_set_of_dots
      andb  #0x7F
      stb   T1LOLC      ; Set scale factor.
      ldx   #MOTION_DOT_PTRS
      lda   ,s          ; Draw appropriate
      deca              ; set of dots.
      ldx   a,x
      jsr   INTMAX
      jsr   DIFDOT
      bra   next_set_of_dots

; Generate 2 random numbers (1 byte each),
; and return them in a and b.  The range for
; the two numbers is:
;   0x80 <= first #  <= 0x7F     (a register)
;   0xA0 <= second # <= 0x60     (b register)

	direct -1
      pshs  a,b
      jsr   RANDOM
      sta   ,s
PE991: jsr   RANDOM
      cmpa  #0x60
      bgt   PE991
      cmpa  #0xA0
      blt   PE991
      sta   1,s
      puls  a,b

; This routine randomly activates a single
; mine.  At entry, the 'a' register must
; contain the type of mine to be activated,
; while the 'b' register must contain the
; generation number for the mine (i.e. large,
; medium, or small).

	direct $C8
      pshs  a,b,x,y,u
      lda   DOTMINE     ; Check if there are
      lbeq  PEA3C       ; any dot mines; if
      dec   DOTMINE     ; not, then return.

      jsr   RANDOM      ; Generate random idx
      anda  #0x1F       ; into mine array.                
PE9B0: sta   ETMP9
      cmpa  #0x1B
      bls   PE9BA
      suba  #0x04
      bra   PE9B0

PE9BA: ldb   #0x12      ; Multiple offset by
      mul               ; element size.
      addd  #MINEBUF
      tfr   d,u
      lda   ,u          ; See if this slot is
      anda  #0xC0       ; already being used.
      bne   init_a_visible_mine; If so, check
      inc   ETMP9       ; next slot; else use
      lda   ETMP9       ; this slot.
      cmpa  #0x1B
      ble   PE9BA
      clr   ETMP9
      bra   PE9BA

      lda   ,s          ; Save mine type.
      sta   1,u
      ldx   #mine_values
      ldy   a,x
      sty   ETMP7       ; Save mine value.
      ldb   #0x20
      stb   ,u
      ldx   #mine_velocity
      lda   1,s         ; Save mine velocity.
      ldb   a,x
      stb   ETMP9
      ldx   #final_mine_scale_factor
      ldb   a,x
      stb   16,u        ; Save scale factor.
      sta   3,u         ; Save generation #. 
      ldx   #mine_sizes
      ldy   a,x
      sty   12,u        ; Save mine's size.
      ldx   #extra_mine_value
      ldy   a,x
      sty   ETMP5       ; Get any extra value
      cmpa  #0x06       ; for mine's size.
      bne   PEA13
      inc   MAKE_NEW_MINE_SND; Flag that a
                        ; sound should be
                        ; made.
PEA13: lda   ETMP6
      adda  ETMP8
      daa               ; Generate lo byte
      sta   15,u        ; of score.
      lda   ETMP5
      adca  ETMP7
      daa               ; Generate hi byte
      sta   14,u        ; of score.
      lda   ETMP9
      jsr   MS_random_num_4_to_3C
      jsr   calc_rise_run1
      sty   8,u         ; Save the rise.
      stx   10,u        ; Save the run.
      inc   NUM_ACTIVE_MINES; Incr 'active
                        ; mine' cntr.
      lda   NWMNVIS
      beq   PEA3C
      lda   #0xFF
      sta   TMR1
      lda   #0x03
      sta   LOOPCTR
PEA3C: puls  a,b,x,y,u,pc

; Generate a random number between 4 and
; 0x3C.  The result is returned in the b
; register.

	direct -1
      pshs  a,b
      jsr   RANDOM
      tfr   a,b
      anda  #0x30
      sta   1,s
      andb  #0x0F
      cmpb  #0x04
      bhs   PEA51
      addb  #0x04
PEA51: cmpb  #0x0C
      bls   PEA57
      subb  #0x04
PEA57: addb  1,s
      stb   1,s
      puls  a,b,pc

; Force the scale factor to 0x7F, then
; draw a dot at the position contained
; in the y register.

	direct $D0
      pshs  a,b
      lda   #0x7F
      sta   T1LOLC
      tfr   y,d
      jsr   DOTAB
      jsr   ZERGND
      puls  a,b,pc

; Force the scale factor to 0x7F, then draw a
; dot at the position pointed to by the y
; register (y coord = (0,y), x coord = (2,y))

	direct $D0
      pshs  a,b
      lda   #0x7F
      sta   T1LOLC
      lda   ,y
      ldb   2,y
      jsr   DOTAB
      jsr   ZERGND
      puls  a,b,pc

; Move the pen to the position specified
; in the y register, then draw the vector
; list pointed to by the x register; the
; scale factor is in the b register. 

	direct -1
      pshs  a,b,x
      tfr   y,d
      jsr   POSITD
      ldb   1,s
      jsr   TPACK
      puls  a,b,x,pc

; Move the pen to the position pointed to by
; the y register, and draw the list of
; vectors pointed to by the x register; the
; scale factor to be used is in the b reg.
; (y coord = (0,y), x coord = (x,y))

	direct -1
      pshs  a,b,x
      tfr   y,x
      jsr   POSWID
      ldb   1,s
      ldx   2,s
      jsr   TPACK
      puls  a,b,x,pc

; Force the scale factor to 0x7F, then print
; a single string (upto a 0x80).  The pointer
; to the string block is contained in the 
; u register.

	direct -1
      pshs  a,b,x,u
      lda   #0x7F
      sta   T1LOLC
      jsr   RSTSIZ
      puls  a,b,x,u,pc

; Move the pen to the position specified in
; the y register, then print a string.  The
; pointer to the string (not a string block)
; is in the u register.

	direct -1
      pshs  a,b,x,u
      tfr   y,d
      jsr   POSITD
      jsr   RASTER
      puls  a,b,x,y,pc

; Use the value in ACTPLY (the active player)
; to determine which players score to display
; and then display the score string.

	direct -1
      jsr   INTMAX
      ldd   #0xFC38
      std   SIZRAS      ; Specify ht & width.
      lda   ACTPLY
      ldy   #score_string_positions
      ldy   a,y         ; Load string pos.
      ldu   #score_string_pointers
      ldu   a,u         ; Load score string.
      bsr   move_y_print_string

; Display the score for both players 

	direct -1
      jsr   INTMAX
      ldd   #0xFC38
      std   SIZRAS      ; Set ht & width.
      ldy   #0x7FA0     ; Load y&x pos.  
      ldu   #SCOR1      ; Player 1 score.
      bsr   move_y_print_string                            
      lda   PLAYRS      ; Display player 2
      beq   PEAEF       ; score?
      ldy   #0x7F10     ; Load y&x pos.  
      ldu   #SCOR2      ; Player 2 score.
      bsr   move_y_print_string
PEAEF: rts

; This routine is responsible for reading the
; current states of the joystick and buttons.
; Next, it will check each of the four
; indirect jump counters, and if any of them
; equal 0 after being decremented, then the
; appropriate indirect handling routine will
; be called.  The four indirect counters, and
; their corresponding handler routines are
; shown below:
;         counter          handler
;         -------          -------
;           C89C           C89D-C89E
;           C89F           C8A0-C8A1
;           C8A2           C8A3-C8A4
;           C8A5           C8A6-C8A7

	direct -1
      jsr   FRWAIT
      pshs  dp
      jsr   DEFLOK
      jsr   display_active_players_score

      ; Set mask and read the switches.
      lda   SATUS
      jsr   DBNCE

      ; Set enable flags and read joystick. 
      ldd   SJOY
      std   EPOT0
      std   EPOT2
      jsr   JOYBIT

      lda   #0xC8
      tfr   a,dp
	direct $C8
      lda   TMR1
      beq   PEB1D
      dec   TMR1
      bne   PEB1D
      jsr   [T1FUNC]
PEB1D: lda   TMR2
      beq   PEB29
      dec   TMR2
      bne   PEB29
      jsr   [T2FUNC]
PEB29: lda   TMR3
      beq   PEB35
      dec   TMR3
      bne   PEB35
      jsr   [T3FUNC]
PEB35: lda   TMR4
      beq   PEB41
      dec   TMR4
      bne   PEB41
      jsr   [T4FUNC]
PEB41: puls  dp,pc

; This routine check to see if any of the
; bullets have hit a mine or a fireball or
; the enemy ship.  If something is hit, then
; the active player's score will be modified.

	direct $C8
      lda   NMACTBL     ; Don't check if no
      beq   PEB59       ; active bullets.
      ldy   #ACTIVE_BULLETS
      lda   #0x04
      sta   TEMP1       ; Set loop counter.
      tst   ,y          ; Is bullet active?
      bne   check_enemy_ship_4_hit
      leay  10,y        ; Pt to next bullet.
      dec   TEMP1
      bne   check_for_active_bullet
PEB59: rts

	direct $C8
      lda   RESEED      ; Only check if enemy 
      beq   check_mines_for_hit; ship showing
      pshs  y
      lda   5,y
      ldb   7,y
      tfr   d,x         ; Bullet position.
      ldd   #0x0616     ; Ht/2 and Wid/2 of
                        ; enemy ship.
      ldy   MSHP_YX     ; Pos of enemy ship.
      jsr   BXTEST      ; Check for hit.
      puls  y
      bhs   check_mines_for_hit
      clr   ,y          ; HIT - flag bullet
                        ; as dead.
      clr   RESEED      ; Flag enemy ship as
                        ; dead.
      clr   TMR3        ; Clear jump cntr. 
      ldx   #score_string_pointers
      lda   ACTPLY
      ldx   a,x
      ldd   #0x1000     ; Add 1000 to score.  
      jsr   SCRADD
      lda   #0x30
      ldb   #0x70
      ldx   MSHP_YX
      jsr   add_an_explosion
      dec   NMACTBL     ; Decr # of active
      bra   PEB59       ; bullets.

; This routine checks to see if a bullet hit 
; any of the active mines or fireballs.

	direct $C8
      ldu   #MINEBUF    ; Load mine info.
      lda   #0x1C
      sta   TEMP2       ; Set loop counter.      
      lda   ,u
      anda  #0x3F       ; Is mine active?
      bne   check_this_mine
      leau  0x12,u      ; Point to next mine.
      dec   TEMP2
      bne   check_for_active_mine
      bra   inc_bullet_ptr2

      pshs  y
      lda   5,y
      ldb   7,y
      tfr   d,x         ; Bullet coords.         
      lda   4,u
      ldb   6,u         ; Mine coords.           
      tfr   d,y
      ldd   12,u        ; Ht & width of mine.
      jsr   BXTEST      ; Carry set = hit,
      puls  y           ; else miss.
      bhs   inc_mine_ptr2
      lda   1,u         ; fireball mine?
      anda  #0x02
      beq   not_a_fireball_mine
      ldx   #score_string_pointers
      lda   ACTPLY
      ldx   a,x
      ldd   14,u        ; Add mines value to
      jsr   SCRADD      ; players score.
      inc   UNKNOWN1
      lda   4,u
      ldb   6,u
      tfr   d,x
      lda   2,u
      ldb   #0x20
      jsr   add_an_explosion
      ldd   #0x0110     ; Init fireball score
      std   14,u
      lda   SHIP_Y
      suba  4,u
      ldb   SHIP_X
      subb  6,u
      jsr   CMPASS
      suba  #0x10
      tfr   a,b
      pshs  y
      lda   #0x3F
      jsr   calc_rise_run1
      sty   8,u         ; Calculate rise/run
      stx   10,u        ; for fireball.
      puls  y
      clr   ,y          ; Flag bullet dead.
      ldd   #0x0404     ; Set Ht/2 & Wid/2
      std   12,u        ; for fireball.
      lda   1,u
      ldb   3,u         ; Decr generation #
      decb              ; for this mine and
                        ; don't start another
                        ; if it = 0.
      beq   start_a_fireball
      jsr   activate_a_mine
      jsr   activate_a_mine
      lda   #0x04       ; Flag that this is a
      sta   1,u         ; fireball.
      dec   NMACTBL     ; Decr active bullet
      jmp   inc_bullet_ptr2; counter.

; This processes a hit on a non-fireball type
; mine.

      lda   #0x01
      sta   ,u
      clr   ,y          ; Flag bullet dead.
      ldx   #score_string_pointers
      lda   ACTPLY
      ldx   a,x         ; Add mines value to
      ldd   14,u        ; players score.
      jsr   SCRADD
      lda   4,u
      ldb   6,u
      tfr   d,x
      lda   2,u
      ldb   #0x40
      jsr   add_an_explosion
      dec   NUM_ACTIVE_MINES; Decr active mine
                            ; counter.
      dec   NMACTBL     ; Decr active bullet
                        ; counter.
      jmp   inc_bullet_ptr2

; This routine check each active mine to see
; if it has collided with the command ship.

	direct $C8
      lda   CS_DIS      ; Do only if cmd ship
      bne   PEC63       ; not already dead.
      lda   HYPERON     ; Do only if
      bne   PEC63       ; hyperspace inactive 
      ldy   #MINEBUF
      lda   #0x1C
      sta   TEMP1       ; Set up loop cntr.
PEC56: lda   ,y
      anda  #0x3F
      bne   check_this_active_mine
      leay  0x12,y
      dec   TEMP1
      bne   PEC56
PEC63: rts

      pshs  y
      lda   SHIP_Y
      ldb   SHIP_X      ; Load cmd ship's
      tfr   d,x         ; position.
      lda   4,y
      ldb   6,y
      ldy   12,y        ; Load mine position.
      exg   y,d
      jsr   BXTEST
      puls  y
      bhs   inc_mine_ptr3
      clr   ,y          ; Flag mine is dead.
      clr   DOTMINE
      lda   SHIP_Y
      ldb   SHIP_X
      tfr   d,x
      lda   2,y
      ora   #0x80
      ldb   #0x30
      jsr   add_an_explosion
      inc   MAKE_EXPL_SOUND ; Flag for an
                            ; explosion snd.
      dec   NUM_ACTIVE_MINES; Decr active
                        ; mine counter.
      bra   PEC63

; This routine checks to see if the command
; ship has collided with the enemy ship
; during reseeding.

	direct $C8
      lda   CS_DIS      ; Do only if cmd ship
      bne   PECB2       ; not disabled.
      lda   HYPERON     ; Don't do if
      bne   PECB2       ; hyperspace active.
      lda   RESEED      ; Check only if enemy
      beq   PECB2       ; ship visible.
      lda   SHIP_Y
      ldb   SHIP_X
      tfr   d,x         ; Cmd ship location.
      ldd   #0x0616     ; Size of enemy ship.
      ldy   MSHP_YX     ; Enemy ship location      
      jsr   BXTEST
      blo   cmd_and_enemy_ship_collision
PECB2: rts

      clr   RESEED      ; Flag enemy ship no
                        ; longer visible.
      clr   TMR3
      lda   SHIP_Y
      ldb   SHIP_X
      tfr   d,x
      lda   #0x08
      ora   #0x80
      ldb   #0x30
      jsr   add_an_explosion
      inc   MAKE_EXPL_SOUND; Enable explosion
                           ; sound.

; This routine is responsible for making
; miscellaneous sound, such as when an
; explosion occurs, or a bullet is fired.

	direct -1
      lda   MKMVSND
      beq   PECD6
      clr   MKMVSND     ; Make cmd ship
                        ; movement snd.
      ldu   #cmd_ship_movement_sound
      bra   make_the_misc_sound
      beq   PECE3
      clr   MAKE_EXPL_SOUND  ; Make explosion
      ldu   #explosion_sound ; sound.
      bra   make_the_misc_sound
      beq   PECF0
      clr   MKBLSND        ; Make bullet
      ldu   #bullet_sound  ; firing sound.
      bra   make_the_misc_sound
      beq   PED00
      clr   MKHYSND         ; Make sound of 
      ldu   #mine_pop_sound ; mine 'popping'
      bra   make_the_misc_sound; up.
PED00: lda   MKHYSND
      bne   PECF5       ; Make hyperspace snd      
      bra   PED0A

      jsr   PSGLST
PED0A: ldb   REG0
      addb  #0x10
      cmpb  #0xA0
      bhs   PED1A
      lda   #0x00
      jsr   WRREG
      bra   PED20
PED1A: ldd   #0x0800
      jsr   WRREG
PED20: ldb   REG2
      addb  #0x20
      cmpb  #0xF0
      bhs   PED30
      lda   #0x02
      jsr   WRREG
      bra   PED36
PED30: ldd   #0x0900
      jsr   WRREG
PED36: rts

      db 0x00
      db 0x10
      db 0x01
      db 0x00
      db 0x06
      db 0x1F
      db 0x07
      db 0x06
      db 0x08
      db 0x0F
      db 0xFF

      db 0x02
      db 0x39
      db 0x03
      db 0x00
      db 0x06
      db 0x1F
      db 0x07
      db 0x05
      db 0x09
      db 0x0F
      db 0xFF

      db 0x06
      db 0x1F
      db 0x07
      db 0x07
      db 0x0A
      db 0x10
      db 0x0B
      db 0x00
      db 0x0C
      db 0x38
      db 0x0D
      db 0x00
      db 0xFF

      db 0x00
      db 0x00
      db 0x01
      db 0x00
      db 0x02
      db 0x30
      db 0x03
      db 0x00
      db 0x04
      db 0x00
      db 0x05
      db 0x00
      db 0x06
      db 0x1F
      db 0x07
      db 0x3D
      db 0x08
      db 0x00
      db 0x09
      db 0x0F
      db 0x0A
      db 0x00
      db 0x0B
      db 0x00
      db 0x0C
      db 0x00
      db 0x0D
      db 0x00
      db 0xFF

; Start of Mine Storm music block 
      dw MS_music_header1
      dw MSCHDR7
      db 0x00
      db 0x19
      db 0x01
      db 0x19
      db 0x00
      db 0x19
      db 0x01
      db 0x32
      db 0x00
      db 0x19
      db 0x01
      db 0x19
      db 0x00
      db 0x19
      db 0x06
      db 0x19
      db 0x05
      db 0x19
      db 0x00
      db 0x80

      dw 0xFFEE
      db 0xDD
      db 0xCC
      db 0xBB
      db 0xAA
      db 0x99
      db 0x88
      db 0x77
      db 0x77
      db 0x77
      db 0x77
      db 0x77
      db 0x77
      db 0x77
      db 0x77

; Pointers to player's score string
      dw SCOR1     ; Player 1
      dw SCOR2     ; Player 2

; Y,X positions for drawing player's
; score string.
      db 0x7F      ; Player 1 rel y score pos
      db 0xA0      ; Player 1 rel x score pos
      db 0x7F      ; Player 2 rel y score pos
      db 0x10      ; Player 2 rel x score pos

; Pointers to player's mine field # string
      dw P1LVL     ; Player 1
      dw P2LVL     ; Player 2

; This contains the information describing
; which mines are to appear at the first 13
; mine field levels.  The values map a
; follows:
;  0 = dumb mine
;  1 = magnetic mine
;  2 = fireball mine
;  3 = magnetic fireball mine

      db 0x00           ; level 1 
      db 0x00
      db 0x00
      db 0x00
      db 0x02           ; level 2 
      db 0x00
      db 0x00
      db 0x00
      db 0x01           ; level 3 
      db 0x00
      db 0x00
      db 0x00
      db 0x03           ; level 4 
      db 0x00
      db 0x00
      db 0x00
      db 0x02           ; level 5 
      db 0x01
      db 0x00
      db 0x00
      db 0x02           ; level 6 
      db 0x03
      db 0x00
      db 0x00
      db 0x01           ; level 7 
      db 0x03
      db 0x00
      db 0x00
      db 0x02           ; level 8 
      db 0x02
      db 0x00
      db 0x00
      db 0x01           ; level 9 
      db 0x01
      db 0x00
      db 0x00
      db 0x03           ; level 10 
      db 0x03
      db 0x00
      db 0x00
      db 0x02           ; level 11 
      db 0x02
      db 0x02
      db 0x00
      db 0x01           ; level 12 
      db 0x01
      db 0x01
      db 0x00
      db 0x03           ; level 13 
      db 0x03
      db 0x03
      db 0x00
      db 0x80

      db 0xC8
      db 0x40 
      db 0x3F 
      db 0x00 
      db 0x20 
      db 0x80 
      db 0x10 
      db 0x1F 
      db 0x3F 
      db 0x3F 
      db 0x00 
      db 0xBF 
      db 0xBF 
      db 0xBF 
      db 0xC0 
      db 0x20 
      db 0x48 
      db 0x08 
      db 0xF8 
      db 0x30 
      db 0xA8 
      db 0x10 
      db 0xD0 
      db 0xA0 
      db 0xBF 
      db 0xBF 
      db 0x00 
      db 0x3F 
      db 0x3F 
      db 0x48 
      db 0x20 
      db 0x80 
      db 0x00 
      db 0xB0 
      db 0x48 
      db 0x38 
      db 0xFB 
      db 0x38 
      db 0x80 
      db 0x28 
      db 0x30 
      db 0x48 
      db 0x80 
      db 0x80 
      db 0x45 
      db 0xF0 
      db 0x28 
      db 0x7F 
      db 0x3F 
      db 0xBF 
      db 0xA5 
      db 0x00 
      db 0xD0 
      db 0x60 
      db 0x20 
      db 0x28 
      db 0xB8 
      db 0x40 
      db 0x15 
      db 0x80 
      db 0x40 
      db 0xF8 
      db 0x40 
      db 0x18 

      db  -6    ; height
      db  56    ; width
      db -32    ; rel y
      db -56    ; rel x
      db "MINE FIELD", 0x80;

      db  -6    ; height
      db  56    ; width
      db -32    ; rel y
      db -40    ; rel x
      db "GAME OVER",0x80;

      db 0x00
      db 0x10 
      db 0x00 
      db 0xFF 
      db 0x20 
      db 0xA0 
      db 0xFF 
      db 0xC0 
      db 0x40 
      db 0xFF 
      db 0x90 
      db 0x20 
      db 0xFF 
      db 0x70 
      db 0x20 
      db 0xFF 
      db 0x50 
      db 0x50 
      db 0xFF 
      db 0xD0 
      db 0x90 
      db 0x01 

      db 0x00 
      db 0x20 
      db 0x00 
      db 0xFF 
      db 0x30
      db 0xB0
      db 0xFF
      db 0xB0
      db 0x30
      db 0xFF
      db 0xB0
      db 0xD0
      db 0xFF
      db 0x30
      db 0x50
      db 0xFF
      db 0xD0
      db 0x50
      db 0xFF
      db 0x50
      db 0xD0
      db 0xFF
      db 0x50
      db 0x30
      db 0xFF
      db 0xD0
      db 0xB0
      db 0x01

      db 0xFF
      db 0x00
      db 0x00
      db 0x00
      db 0x30
      db 0x00
      db 0xFF
      db 0x10
      db 0xC0
      db 0xFF
      db 0xC0
      db 0x10
      db 0xFF
      db 0xC0
      db 0xF0
      db 0xFF
      db 0x10
      db 0x40
      db 0xFF
      db 0xF0
      db 0x40
      db 0xFF
      db 0x40
      db 0xF0
      db 0xFF
      db 0x40
      db 0x10
      db 0xFF
      db 0xF0
      db 0xC0
      db 0x01

      db 0xFF
      db 0x00
      db 0x00
      db 0x00
      db 0xF0
      db 0xD0
      db 0xFF
      db 0xC0
      db 0x40
      db 0xFF
      db 0x20
      db 0x00
      db 0xFF
      db 0x40
      db 0x40
      db 0xFF
      db 0x00
      db 0xE0
      db 0xFF
      db 0x40
      db 0xC0
      db 0xFF
      db 0xE0
      db 0x00
      db 0xFF
      db 0xC0
      db 0xC0
      db 0xFF
      db 0x00
      db 0x20
      db 0x01

      db 0x00
      db 0x3F
      db 0x00
      db 0xFF
      db 0x80
      db 0x00
      db 0x00
      db 0x3F
      db 0x3F
      db 0xFF
      db 0x00
      db 0x80
      db 0x01

      db 0xFF
      db 0x7F
      db 0x20
      db 0x00
      db 0xC0
      db 0x10
      db 0xFF
      db 0xC0
      db 0xD0
      db 0xFF
      db 0x20
      db 0x7F
      db 0x00
      db 0xE0
      db 0xC0
      db 0xFF
      db 0x00
      db 0xC0
      db 0xFF
      db 0xE0
      db 0x30
      db 0x00
      db 0xC0
      db 0x00
      db 0xFF
      db 0x60
      db 0xCD
      db 0xFF
      db 0xA0
      db 0x00
      db 0x00
      db 0x20
      db 0xD0
      db 0xFF
      db 0x3C
      db 0x30
      db 0xFF
      db 0x00
      db 0x82
      db 0x00
      db 0x30
      db 0x30
      db 0xFF
      db 0xD0
      db 0x50
      db 0xFF
      db 0x20
      db 0xF0
      db 0x01

      db 0x00
      db 0x3F
      db 0x00
      db 0xFF
      db 0xC4
      db 0x08
      db 0xFF
      db 0xD8
      db 0xD8
      db 0xFF
      db 0x20
      db 0x00
      db 0x00
      db 0x00
      db 0x40
      db 0xFF
      db 0xE0
      db 0x00
      db 0xFF
      db 0x28
      db 0xD8
      db 0xFF
      db 0x3C
      db 0x08
      db 0x01

      db 0x00
      db 0x3F
      db 0x00
      db 0xFF
      db 0xC4
      db 0x08
      db 0x01

      db 0x00
      db 0x04
      db 0x08
      db 0xFF
      db 0xD8
      db 0xD8
      db 0xFF
      db 0x20
      db 0x00
      db 0x01

      db 0x00
      db 0x3F
      db 0x00
      db 0xFF
      db 0xC4
      db 0xF8
      db 0x01

      db 0x00
      db 0x04
      db 0xF8
      db 0xFF
      db 0xD8
      db 0x28
      db 0xFF
      db 0x20
      db 0x00
      db 0x01

      db 0x00
      db 0x20
      db 0x00
      db 0xFF
      db 0x00
      db 0xD8
      db 0xFF
      db 0xD0
      db 0xA8
      db 0xFF
      db 0xF0
      db 0x40
      db 0xFF
      db 0x08
      db 0x18
      db 0xFF
      db 0x18
      db 0xF0
      db 0xFF
      db 0xF0
      db 0xB8
      db 0x00
      db 0x10
      db 0x48
      db 0xFF
      db 0x08
      db 0x00
      db 0xFF
      db 0xE8
      db 0x10
      db 0xFF
      db 0xF8
      db 0x00
      db 0x00
      db 0x08
      db 0x00
      db 0xFF
      db 0x00
      db 0x06
      db 0x00
      db 0x10
      db 0xFA
      db 0xFF
      db 0x08
      db 0x00
      db 0xFF
      db 0x00
      db 0xF0
      db 0x00
      db 0x10
      db 0x18
      db 0xFF
      db 0xF0
      db 0x08
      db 0x01

      db 0x00
      db 0x20
      db 0x00
      db 0xFF
      db 0x00
      db 0x28
      db 0xFF
      db 0xD0
      db 0x58
      db 0xFF
      db 0xF0
      db 0xC0
      db 0xFF
      db 0x08
      db 0xE8
      db 0xFF
      db 0x18
      db 0x10
      db 0xFF
      db 0xF0
      db 0x48
      db 0x00
      db 0x10
      db 0xB8
      db 0xFF
      db 0x08
      db 0x00
      db 0xFF
      db 0xE8
      db 0xF0
      db 0xFF
      db 0xF8
      db 0x00
      db 0xFF
      db 0x08
      db 0x00
      db 0xFF
      db 0x00
      db 0xFA
      db 0x00
      db 0x10
      db 0x06
      db 0xFF
      db 0x08
      db 0x00
      db 0xFF
      db 0x00
      db 0x10
      db 0x00
      db 0x10
      db 0xE8
      db 0xFF
      db 0xF0
      db 0xF8
      db 0x01

      db 0xFF
      db 0x00
      db 0xD8
      db 0xFF
      db 0xE8
      db 0x08
      db 0xFF
      db 0x00
      db 0x40
      db 0xFF
      db 0x18
      db 0x08
      db 0xFF
      db 0x00
      db 0xD8
      db 0x00
      db 0x08
      db 0xE0
      db 0xFF
      db 0x10
      db 0x00
      db 0xFF
      db 0x00
      db 0x40
      db 0xFF
      db 0xF0
      db 0x00
      db 0xFF
      db 0x00
      db 0xC0
      db 0x01

      db 0x00
      db 0x18
      db 0x00
      db 0xFF
      db 0x00
      db 0x20
      db 0xFF
      db 0xC8
      db 0x70
      db 0xFF
      db 0x10
      db 0xA0
      db 0xFF
      db 0x00
      db 0xA0
      db 0xFF
      db 0xEC
      db 0xA4
      db 0xFF
      db 0x39
      db 0x6D
      db 0xFF
      db 0x00
      db 0x20
      db 0x01

