Hurting may teach us things we ought to know. But we don't need to hurt too much. Too much of anything is bad.


If you feel like your life is becoming a routine., change your routine. Do your Wednesday chores on Friday. And while you're busy at your work, try listening to music. It will make you feel relax.


Learn that most of the other fellows in work as ambitious as you are, that they have brains that are as good or better and it take more than cleverness to be successful. Hardwork is the secret of success.


Before you accept or even apply for a job, State your commitment to excellence on the job and to maintaining balance in your personal life. Ask about the employer’s commitment to work-life initiatives. Seek a description of a day in the life of a person in the position your seeking, including work hours.


As much as you want to work hard and do good in your work. Do not forget to also tend to your sleep, exercise, food, and water needs.


It is wise to send a thank-you card, note or e-mail to those contacts who have referred you to others. You can take this a step further and update your contacts with a note or e-mail when you obtain a position. With this process you are developing a professional network that may serve you now and in the future.


When asked who gets the offer when the candidates' resumes, experiences and demeanor are similar? Most HR heads answered it's the candidate who projects the best attitude during the interview. Do not forget that.


In creating resumes, always use job titles and skill headings that relate to and match the jobs you want. Remember that employers make snap judgments when glancing at your resume. If they see unrelated job titles or skills the likelihood is very high that they will make an immediate assumption that you are not qualified for the job you want.


To make your job interviews run smoothly, memorize some facts about the company and be prepared to cite them during the interview, Talk to people who work or have worked at the company and remember your interviewer's name and title.


If the company asked you to attend a seminar or a convention, grab the opportunity and make the most out of it. Secure a certificate and keep it. This will add to your credentials to your next job or will help you get the raise you richly deserved.


It's time to use the Internet to leverage your career: research occupations, industries, and companies; network with colleagues around the world; identify job openings, and post your resume.


Conflicts at work can be stressful and counter-productive for everyone involved. Learn to confront the person with whom you are struggling and resolve the situation.


If possible, avoid regularly going out for long lunches with colleagues or clients. Large meals make for unproductive afternoons.


If you're planning to resign from your job. Keep in mind that you may have to get a recommendation from your supervisor, so don't burn bridges. Regardless of your reasons for leaving a job, you can do so in a professional manner.


Prioritize what you need to accomplish. "Pareto's principle" states that 80 percent of your accomplishments come from 20 percent of your efforts, so think strategically: Locate and isolate this valuable 20 percent, then focus your efforts on the tasks that promise the greatest rewards.


Often we hear some criticisms from collegues. Remember that you can't always please everyone. Ask yourself whether there is truth in your critic's complaints, or whether this may be someone you just can't make happy. Calmly reply with your perspective. Thank your critic for his or her insight. Demonstrate your desire to find a compromise. Do not be sarcastic but be sincere.


During job interviews, Focus on what you can contribute to the organization rather than what the employer can do for you. Don't ask about salary or benefits until the employer brings up this topic.


The key to a successful job search include patience, and a positive and enthusiastic attitude toward your new adventure.


In the greater scheme of things, when you add more value to a company, you will earn more money. Doing a good job is no longer enough. Adding values the key. And do not forget to develop relationships with others in the company who can authorize such a raise or promotion.


Learn to love your job and your career. People who love their careers are able to live more fully in the present rather than waiting for the day they get to retire.


If you're new to the job market or if you are considering a career change, get out and talk to people who are actually doing it. Take a job in the field or industry and see for yourself if it's really all you thought it would be. And don't rely on a single authority or work experience. Try to get as much and as varied experience as you can.


To find the right career and move ahead, we must start from the inside, learning what it is that we value, need, want and do well. Then, we must increase our personal bandwidth through constant learning, growing and a take charge attitude about our careers. It's a journey so value each step of the way.


The difference between successful man/woman and a failure is not one's abilities or ideas, but the courage one has to take a risk and to act on those abilities and ideas. Think about it.


These days, just doing good work is not enough, you must take charge of your own career. Adaptiveness rather than certainty is the key to your success.


Develop a to-do list everyday. Set goals for the week. Review how you are doing against them. It will be a struggle at first but it is one of the key elements of success.


Balance your time between your work and your family. Your work is as important as your family.


To earn more means that you'll probably need to change something about yourself, your situation, your career, your life. Most workers don't make these kinds of changes unless they have to.


The difference between the successful man/woman and a failure is not one's abilities or ideas, but the courage one has to take a risk and to act on those abilities and ideas.


If you want to have some career movement for yourself, whether salary increase or promotion, Become known in the company as the person who really gets things done. No matter what position you have in the company, you can become one of these people. When you've developed this reputation, getting a raise is a lot easier.


Prioritize the content of your resume. As you write your resume, prioritize them by importance, impressiveness and relevance to the job you want. Position your strength on top and weaknesses at the bottom. Keep in mind that employers make snap judgments when glancing at your resume.


During a job interview, you must be clear with your strength. You're almost certain to be hit with questions pertaining to your strengths and weaknesses. Know your strengths and emphasize those that relate specifically to the position for which you're being considered.


You are the only one responsible for managing your success and security. Do not rely on your boss, company, your spouse, nor the government. In today's competitive world there's not much room for excuses and slow responders. Take the responsibility and and watch your value rise.


Learn as much as you can about what interests you and about the jobs and careers your're considering not just those that you are involved or currently doing, but about where your industry or profession is heading.


Our professional lives evolve around many experiences...through losses and gains. Every success and every failure, no matter how small, comes complete with lessons to be learned. Make sure you learn from them.


Romance in your workplace seems to be unavoidable. A recent survey shows 55 percent mixed work and pleasure. An additional 22 percent reveal office workers like to indulge in an office fling, even if they haven't done so yet.


Liking your work is essential for your success. If you don't enjoy your work, you will ultimately fail.


Select a job that is totally appropriate for you. Your work will say something about who you are ; it is more than just what you do. Consider it with respect, and do it with care.


Associate wisely with friends or officemates. Select the enthusiastic type, and succesful. Dont associate yourself with failures, unless you want to become one.


People who are successful in their careers make things happen. They don't allow setbacks to keep them down very long.

Do a better job than is expected of you. Give more and you'll get more.


Build excellent work habits. Discipline is crucial and it involves maintaining a certain level of quality in your work output.


If you're planning to change job, compare your options to your values. Even though some options may fulfill your primary objectives, they may not be in sync with your other values, making them an inappropriate choice for you.


( Men ) Wear ties if you’re applying for a managerial position. It will send a subliminal message that you are a management material.


Often, we pick a fight with our boss because we haven't done OUR job to the level of integrity or performance that we know we are capable of.


The most important thing to remember about your career today is that you need to be responsible for your own future.


Take the entrepreneurial approach and go for the position offering the biggest challenges.
