crosscrosscrosscross The school operates every Friday at 7.00 pm at the Maltese Cultural Centre, 6 Jeanes Street BEVERELEY SA NOW
Federation of Maltese Language Schools Incorporated
Ma kontx naqbad il-pinna biex nikteb fuq dan is-suggett kieku ma rajtx li sal-lum ghad hawn hafna fehmiet imghawga dwar il-htiega tat-taghlim tal-Malti. U qatt ma ktibt fuq hekk ghaliex jidhirli li mhux ta' min ifakkar f'dak iz-zmien ta' ghajb kbir ghalina l-Maltin li kellna naraw f'Malta glieda kbira ta' fehmiet bejn il-Maltin stess fuq il-jedd ta' l-ilsien Malti.
M'iniex nghid ghan-nuqqas ta' ftehim fuq xi rqaqat fl-ortografija, imma qieghed nghid li jmissna nhammru wiccna meta niftakru li, sa flit tas-snin ilu, il-Malti kien ghadu mitkellem biss fit-toroq u mwarrab ghal kollox mill-qrati u mill-iskejjel. U la kien maghruf il-Malti safi u lanqas dak li mhux safi.
Lil dawk li donnhom ma fehmux il-jedd u l-htiega ta' l-ilsien Malti lil dawk li, kieku kien min ghalihom, il-Malti ghadu kif kien, imwarrab minn daru; lil dawk kollha nghidilhom iharsu tejn il-hajja tal-poplu taghna. U nistaqsihom:
Min jahti ta' dan in-nuqqas kbir ta' edukazzjoni fost il-poplu Malti?
Min jahti ta' dan il-liven baxx fil-kultura u f'kull taghlim mehtieg mill-poplu taghna?
Ikunu tassew boloh u bla ghaqal jekk huma jwiegbu li dawn in-nuqqasijiet hekk kbar u li ilhom zmien twil fil-poplu taghna, huma l-htija tal-qawmien u ta' l-indhil ta' l-ilsien Malti li ghadu kemm beda jiehu r-ruh fi zmienna.
U ma tridx gherf wisq biex tifhem x'kienet il-htija li l-poplu taghna baqa minn dejjem mizmum hekk. ll-kwistjoni ta' l-ilsien Malt hi marbuta ma' l-istorja ta' Malta. II-gzejjer taghna kienu minn dejjem taht il-hakma tal-barranin li ma kienx jaqblilhom li jghinu l-izvilupp ta' l-ilsien Malti ghax kienu jafu tajjeb li l-ilsien tal-pajjiz mahkum jgib mieghu qawmien nazzjonali u jnissel fil-qlub mahkuma u mjassra sentiment kbir ta' patrijottizmu.
F'din il-qaghda l-poplu taghna kien jahseb u jitkellem kif riduh il-barranin. L-ilsien taghna qatt ma kien maghruf bhala kien ufficcjali, la mill-Gvern Civili u lanqas mill-awtoritajiet tal-knisja.
The Maltese Language
Online Maltese Course
Summary of Maltese Course
Assessment Stage 1 (Yr 11)
Assessment Stage 2 (Yr 12)
Maltese Resources
School Program
Assessment Plan Year 11


Maltese Schools in OZ
cross Maltese School - NSW
cross Skola Maltija-Wollongong
crossSkola Maltija - Sydney
cross Maltese School of Adelaide
cross Maltese Classes - Victoria
cross Skola Maltija - Mackay QLD
cross Maltese School in A.C.T.

Sites Associated with the Project

Maltese Cuisine
cross Maltese Recipes
cross More Recipes
cross Maltese Recipes - Sweets
cross The Lampuki
cross Eating Octopus
crossRabbit for Dinner?
cross Maltese Pie
cross QAQOCC - Artichokes
crossFigs - Figs - Figs
crossPrickly Pears -BAJTAR
crossFish Market 100 years ago
cross Imqaret - Sweets
cross Gozo Cheese - Gbejniet
cross List of Maltese Food
cross Maltese Bread

Past Exam papers
2007 Exam (PDF - 194KB)
2006 Exam (PDF - 127KB)
2005 Exam (PDF - 401KB)
2004 Exam (PDF - 799KB)
2003 Exam (PDF - 793KB)


crossThe Aborignes
cross Aboriginal Links
crossAustralian White Policy
cross Yes Australia
crossWho are the Aborigines?
Curriculum Matters

Maltese Index ~ Studies - VCE - VCAA
Maltese ~ Exams and Exams Reports
Maltese Curriculum Support
General Research and Advice for Students
Curriculum Standards Framework
Stage2 (Year 12) Curriculum Statement

The world's 6004 languages are dying off quickly and up to half of them will probably become extinct during the next century, experts predict. "I call this a catastrophe - the rate of loss of mankind's linguistic diversity," said Michael Krauss of the University of Alaska.
The forces conspiring against native tongues now seem to be largely electronic. Satellite television, cellular telephones and the Internet all let people speak to each other instantly all over the world.
However, linguists urge the preservation of small languages as second, or even third, languages, rather than allowing them to be swallowed up by English, Arabic, Spanish and other major languages.
We should care. The world will be less interesting, less beautiful.
It is said that in prehistoric times, humans probably spoke between 10,000 and 15,000 languages. This is now down to about 6000 and dropping fast.


I extend my congratulations to the Maltese Community Council and the Consulate for Malta for their efforts in compiling this excellent publication. The Maltese Resource Directory, now in its third edition, will once again provide an invaluable aid, as well as an important historical record that documents the contributions and achievements of our State�s Maltese community. That community has shown a long-standing dedication and commitment to fostering and encouraging multiculturalism, and a willingness to work harmoniously and productively for the benefit of South Australia.
A close bond has existed between South Australia and Malta for around 100 years, when Maltese immigrants began coming here and settled in regional centres such as Port Pirie, Murray Bridge and Whyalla, as well as in Adelaide.
That relationship was strengthened even further in 2007, when the Prime Minister of Malta, Dr Lawrence Gonzi and his wife, Catherine, made their first official visit to our State. I was delighted to welcome them.
Today, almost 5,000 South Australians claim Maltese ancestry, and the Maltese community remains characterised by its remarkable work ethic, its resourcefulness, and its strong dedication to the values of family and freedom. It also carries a well-deserved reputation for its willingness to generously share its culture and traditions with the wider South Australian community.
I commend everyone involved in the preparation and production of the third edition of the Maltese Resource Directory, which offers all of us the opportunity to learn more about Malta, and Maltese South Australians. I also thank members of the Maltese community, and especially Honorary Consul of Malta in South Australia, Frank Scicluna, for their ongoing friendship, support and contribution to our State of South Australia.
I wish you all every success for now, and for the future.

ORDER YOUR COPY NOW ~ $10(Australian) +Postage- CONTACT US

More than 40 young people from 15 culturally diverse backgrounds took part in the annual ANZAC Day Eve Youth Vigils at four Adelaide locations this year.
Young people from backgrounds including American, Canadian, Cook Islander, Eastern Turkistani, Greek, Irish, Italian, Maltese, Polish, Scottish, Serbian, Somali, Tongan, Ukrainian and Vietnamese placed commemorative tokens at the State National War Memorial in North Terrace and on memorials at Blackwood, Marion and Morphett Vale.
Young people from the Army, Navy, Air Force, Girl Guides, Scouts, Emergency Services, St John Ambulance and other service groups mounted a guard at the war memorials, changing every few minutes, until the dawn service the following morning.
The Youth Vigils, the brainchild of the Returned and Services League’s Bill Denny, began in Adelaide four years ago.
The Vigils provide an opportunity for young people to acknowledge all those who gave their lives in the service of their country.

Some of the culturally diverse background youth who attended the State National War Memorial Youth Vigil included Angela Caruana, Olivia Aquilina, Tessa Marie Agius, Brianna Cassar, Joanna Eleftheriou, Kerry Darzanos, Georgina Watson, Kelsey Tonkin, Tamara Stanisavljevic, Monika Markovic, Peter Roush, Alison Roush, Itinga Maurangi, Khalif Mohamed, Abdirahman Ibrahim, Ella Cousins, Aliona King, Rachael Fangaloka, Teisa Ikahihifo, Uyghur Abdulla and Munawar Abdulla.

President - Frank L Scicluna (South Australia) Secretary: Lawrence Dimech Vice-President Edwidge Borg (Victoria) Treasurer: Alfred Flask (Australian Capital Territory)

(Photo) From left - Margaret McDermott (Schembri), Camille Morris (Refalo) and Carmel Baretta - Hon Consul.
Hi Frank, I did send you a report on my return from Malta but other than that I have just been catching up on everything including HC work! The School is doing fine. Next term we will be amalgamating our two existing classes so that we can introduce another Beginners class. This seems to be working fine. Had a Maltese Dinner recently for students and their families. 36 attended - we had all home cooked Maltese food with everything named in Maltese and students were encouraged to speak in Maltese during the evening. This proved to be very successful and they want to have another one before the end of the year. It's our way of incorporating culture into our lessons. Recipes are to be given out at one of the lessons for those interested.. We are involving the students in the coming Our Lady of Victories Mass and Procession - Sept 4. Another way of keeping them involved in the Maltese culture. Classes seem to be going Ok though numbers do fluctuate. The interest is still there and I am sure we will gain more new students in the next term.
Regards, Carmel.

On behalf of the President, Committee and our Schoolteacher Maria Formosa I wish to sincerely thankyou for your generous donation of books for our school and library. The school is a bonus to our Community and with the dedication of Maria I'm sure the school will grow in the years to come. At the present we don't have classroom facilities but plans are afoot in the future to accommodate the students attending these language classes. Of course this will depend on funding to build a dedicated room to conduct these lessons. .
In closing once again sincere thanks for your contribution. Yours sincerely Judy Pavia Secretary/Manager.

The Maltese school of Adelaide was established in 1982; therefore we are in the 27th anniversary since it opened its doors to teach the Maltese language and culture to our younger generations. Presently we have three classes and four qualified teachers: Anna Agius, Anna Farrugia and Josie and Frank Scicluna. The school coordinator is Katie Cassar who runs the school efficiently. .
During the feast of St. Peter and St Paul (l-Imnarja) our school participated in the festivities organised by the Maltese Chaplaincy Festivities Committee and the Maltese Queen of Victories Band by holding an exhibition of Maltese traditional food. Among the exhibits there were Bigilla, Ross il-form, Timpana, Hobz Biz-zejt, Pastizzi, Qaghaq tal-Ghasel and Pudina. This activity was very well attended and we also had in attendance His Excellency Hieu Van Le, the Lieutenant Governor of South Australia, the Hon Mike Atkinson, the SA Attorney General and Vini Cicarello, Member of Parliament for Norwood. .
The school holds the lessons at the Maltese Cultural Centre, 6 Jeanes Street, Beverley every Friday from 7.00 pm onwards and the attendance is quite steady. Our students would like to communicate with students of other interstate Maltese schools. If interested contact
The Board of the Akkademja Maltija of NSW is holding a Mixed Heritage of Malta 1530-1780 with special guest Ms Annamaria Bonnici - Consul General of Malta (NSW) at the Campion College Old Toongabbie on Saturday 11 July 2009 .
The program will consist of The Maltese HSC: past, present and future by Jane Borg (Principal) The Baroque Heritage of Malta 1530-1780 by Charles Galea (Teacher of Maltese) Honouring the HSC Graduates and Presentation of the 2008 HSC Graduates Philosophy of Akkademja Maltija ta� NSW by Rhonda Balzan Bastow. We wish them every success in this remarkable venture. .

Information regarding the next National Conference will be forwarded to you after the Executive meeting.
Date of acceptance of the Convention:
Tuesday, November 14, 1978 Properties submitted on the Tentative List
crossCoastal Cliffs (1998)crossQawra/Dwejra (1998)crossCittadella (Victoria - Gozo) (1998)crossKnights' Fortifications around the Harbours of Malta (1998)crossMdina (Citta' Vecchia) (1998)crossMaltese Catacomb Complexes (1998) crossVictoria Lines Fortifications (1998)

The Consulate is open from Mondays to Fridays from 9.00am to 5.00pm, or after hours by appointment only. No business is conducted from the Consulate on public holidays. These include the five national holidays in Malta: Freedom Day (March 31), Victory Day (September 8), Malta's National Day (Independence Day; September 21), and Republic Day (December 13).
Hon Consul - Frank L Scicluna OAM JP may be contacted on 8269 2948 (SA residents only)
South Australian Consular Website
Consulates' Offices in Australia


cross Malta's National Emblems
crossChild Migrants - Untold Story
crossFabri mill-Birgu
crossOpera Houses in Malta
cross Maltese In Egypt
cross Il-Girna - Traditions
cross Kultura Awstraljana
cross Safety in the House
crossSt Peter and St Paul - Mnarja
cross George Cross
cross List of Volunteers
cross Articles
cross Nadur Association
cross SS Skaubryn 1958-2008
cross Our Community in 1942
cross Poems
cross Year of Volunteers
cross Chev Caruana Dingli
cross Malta Virtual Museum
cross Mother in Malta
cross Armed Forces of Malta
cross Maltese in SA -1942
cross Maltese Own Band
cross Maltese Surnames
cross Leaders of Malta
cross Multilingualism
cross Franciscans in Australia

A website that includes a lot of information about all aspects of Maltese life.
cross Akkademja tal-Malti
This site offers information about the Akkademja tal-Malti, its history and aims. It features important information about the history of the Maltese Language, and biographies of loads of maltese authors.
A site hosted by Maltese emigrants, mainly about Maltese Ghana. One can also find news from Australia. The website contains articles in Maltese and English.
cross Dun Karm Psaila
Il-hajja fil-qosor tal-poeta nazzjonali Dun Karm Psaila flimkien ma' diversi ritratti u xi poeziji.
cross Europa Portal
This portal is full of links to other groups in Europe (eu commission, court of justice, eu parliament...) and it is full of downloadable files of speeches and documents launched by EU.
cross Fondazzjoni Wirt Artna
Fondazzjoni Wirt Artna - the Malta Heritage Trust is a voluntary non-governmental organisation active in the field of heritage preservation. It looks after several historic buildings and sites in Malta, all of which are open to the public.
cross Forza 9
A religious website full of interesting powerpoints, articles, features, posters for youths and youth workers
cross Ghaqda tal-Malti - Universita
Is-sit ufficjali ta' l-Ghaqda tal-Malti - Universita`
cross il-Bibbja
Il-Bibbja bil-Malti
cross Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb
Il-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb, li twaqqaf fAwissu ta l-2001, ghandu bosta ghanijiet imma dak ewlieni hu li jiftah id-dinja tal-ktieb ghal kulhadd minghajr eccezzjonijiet. Il-Kunsill jahdem biex ikattar l-imhabba lejn il-ktieb.
cross Malta Festivals
There is always something happening on the Maltese Islands. Theatre performances, festivals, art exhibitions fairs and many other activities.
cross Malta Web Biz
Website in Maltese about the plants and gardens in Malta
cross Maltese @ Maria Regina
Maltese Department section in the school website where various original resources done by our teachers and students have been uploaded.
cross Spell Checker - Malti
An easy to use and handy Maltese Language spell-checker.
cross The Drama Homepage
This site is a tribute to the work of several dedicated teachers and many talented students at Carlo Diacono Girls' Junior Lyceum in Malta.
cross Trevor Zahra's Website
Trevor Zahra - A Children's Writer from Malta
cross WWW-VL History: Malta
A website providing information about many aspects of Maltese life and culture.


Designed and maintained by Frank L Scicluna- Adelaide - Australia
Launched on the 7 April, 1999
Updated Periodically - Please, visit this site often.

Copyright 2009-10
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