Shippo's battle royale

Shippo gets a letter from Souten (The only surviving relative of the thunder brothers)saying that says she wants to challenge Shippo to a one on one battle. He gets scared thinking that Souten is a hard to beat as the thunder brothers. The rest of the gang looms over Shippo reading the letter discussing what they should do. Shippo (being as proud as he is) says he doesn't need help. So they slowly make their way to the castle.

Meanwhile you see Souten tells her plans of getting the gang out of her way to capture Shippo. She tells the plan to her pet dragon (he hits himself on the head three times turns into a cloud)and he floats off. Shippo is in ballon form floating and gets caught in a net. The gang sees this and goes to look for him (i don't know why if they see it). Next you see him he's in a cage in Souten's caslte. He sees Souten and finds shes just a kid Souten claims shes not. Shippo starts playing with some of his toys and Souten askes if she could play too. Shippo yells she is a kid and they get into a drawing battle. Souten likes Shippos crayons and demands he gives them to her he says no and Souten challenges him to a battle for the crayons.

Meanwhile Sango, Miroku, and Kirara getting caught in the traps and Inuyasha and Kagome meet up with a Kagome wannabe(the dragon)with a badly drawn face yelling "Oswari!". Inuyasha runs up to it and grabs the dragon by the tail and tries to make it talk.He starts insulting Inuyasha and refusing to talk. Inuyasha beats it over the head two times. The dragon (trying to get Inuyasha to hit him a third time) starts insulting him more Inuyasha almost hit it but Kagome stopped him. But Inuyasha (being very irritable)hits him again the dragon yells at Inuyasha and tells him if you hit me 3 times I turn into a cloud. He starts shooting a barage of arrows at Inuyasha (protecting Kagome)gets shot ( again fo kagome... that stupid idiot) Kagome thinks he's hurt but he gets up and asks her to touch it. When they realise it's a fake Inuyasha jumps up and hits it on the head and makes him take them to the castle.

The fight between Souten and Shippo continues they seem to be evenly matched (Throwing mushrooms and Acorns at each other)When inuyasha and Kagome come in. Kagome runs over to Souten, then Souten complains that she's a girl. Shippo seems verry dissapointed and throws the crayons at her and says " be a good girl." Souten stares at him and smiles. Sango, Miroku, and Kirara are getting out of the traps and the screen blanks.

Souten is drawing a picture of an older Shippo (with the crayons) and smiles when shes done. Later Shippo is sitting on a hill and Inuyasha tells him to stop moping and hits him on the head. Shippo starts crying and he tells Kagome and she tells Inuyasha "Oswari."